15 | George part two

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Nick got his head bandaged quickly before he ran out to go to the Maze to find the others. He ran until he couldn't go any longer, which luckily was when he managed to spot Newt. The boy was having a gentler jog with Minho, conversing about something that Nick couldn't hear.

"Newt! Minho!" He called out, grabbing their attention instantly.

"You alright there Nick? Your head looks a little damaged." Newt chuckled until he noticed the expression on Nick's face.

"Nick, what's happened?" Minho said, approaching the shaking boy.

"T-t-there was a Griever attack." The boy stammered, tears threatening to fall again.

"Where's Vera?" Newt mumbled. "Where is she?" He raised his voice, shouting at Nick.

"She's with Clint and Jeff. So is George." Nick managed to say.

Instantly, Newt turned around and darted back in the direction that Nick came from. Minho pushed Nick forward so that they could make their way back quicker. They chased down the routes of the Maze, narrowly taking each corner to save time.

When they arrived back at the Glade, Newt immediately ran up to the Homestead where Vera was being treated by Clint and Jeff.

"I was wondering when you were going to show up." Clint mumbled to himself. "She's going to be fine. A week of bedrest but other than that, she'll be okay. It may take a while for her to wake up."

Jeff sent a knowing look to Newt before finishing up the stitch that he was on. The two boys left Newt to be by himself with the girl.

He sat in the room in silence, his hand grasping onto hers. Tears streamed down his face as he looked at Vera in front of him. Her fragile looking body haunted him.

She was his first friend in the Glade. The one person who didn't expect him to be something he wasn't. Instantly, she trusted him and let him be himself around her. He couldn't be any more grateful. She had the ability to make him chuckle whilst her face stayed emotionless, which always set him off laughing even more.  Then he looked back at her, looking at the broken and bruised body of the girl he depended on.

In that moment, he realised something that he could never tell her. He was starting to feel for her in a way he never thought possible.


The next day, Vera awoke to sun hitting her face. A slight pain numbed her side. She tried to sit up, but someone pushed her back down again.

"I don't think you want to do that, V. It may hurt a lot." A very familiar British voice said from beside her.

Vera looked to her right to where her favourite blonde boy was sat beside her, his hand firmly holding onto hers. A soft smile appeared on her face when she noticed the water in his eyes. He quickly wiped them as he saw her looking at him, trying to pretend it wasn't happening. Vera knew better, however.

Tearing her eyes away from him, she peered around the room, trying to search for where George was. She frowned when she realised he wasn't in the room with her and turned to Newt with her eyebrow raised.

"Looking for George?" He questioned and she nodded in response. "He's upstairs in the isolation room. Something weird happened to him."

"What do you mean?" She sat up and this time Newt didn't stop her. Inside, she wished he did as it felt like her side was burning with pain.

"He started to get violent, starting to attack everyone who went near him. We've had to put restraints on him." He explained. "We have an idea though."

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