20 | Finally

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A/N: im so sorry that this took a while for me to have written - college got intense again !

anyways, enjoy this chapter :)

Vera ran back into the Glade with Newt's entire body leaning on her. Alby and Minho were a few steps in front, going ahead to wake up Clint and Jeff, the med-jacks. None of the other boys had woken up so it was much easier to keep Newt's condition a secret.

She quietly navigated past all of the beds, making sure to not disturb anyone, as she headed towards the medical room. Clint, Jeff, Alby and Minho were already there and they were busy prepping bed for the injured blonde boy. It was deadly silent whilst she waited for them to be ready to treat Newt.

"What happened?" Clint asked, wiping down the bed with a towel.

"I don't know really -" Vera began to say but she got cut off.

"Suicide attempt most likely." Minho interjected, not daring to look the girl in the eye.

Her heart started to get louder in her head as she looked at the boy she was holding. She realised that whilst she was trying to fix herself, she hadn't noticed that Newt was breaking apart piece by piece. He had finally given up on life in the Glade.

"We've got to be fast. The gash in his head is causing the majority of problems. There's not much we'll be able to do about his leg though." Jeff told the others before grabbing a hold of Newt and placing him down on the bed.

"I need you guys to go. We can't have any distractions." Clint added on.

Vera went to protest, but Alby stopped her saying: "We can't ruin their chance to save Newt because of you being stubborn."

"I promise, Vera, I'll come and get you when we've finished." Jeff said, a sad look in his eyes.

She paused for a moment, debating whether or not it was worth the argument. It was not. Not when it could cost Newt his life, so she left.

Refusing any company, she went to the hideout, curling up on top of the cushions. She laid there in silence and stillness, not moving out of fear. She was terrified that she had lost Newt forever, that nothing could be done to save him, that he was to be buried next to Stephen and George.

But, true to his word, Jeff came and got her and hour later, blood stained on his shirt, but a relieved expression on his face. He took her back to the room and left her alone with Newt who was now breathing soundly, but sleeping as if it was another normal night.


Newt awoke in the hospital room to the sound of Vera softly snoring beside him. She was deeply asleep, not responding to the twitch of his hand or the chuckle that escaped from his mouth. He turned his head towards her, a smile forming, and watched as she used his arm for a pillow.

"Hey, V." His voice was quiet and weak, but enough to snap her out of her sleep.

Immediately, she opened her eyes to see him awake and smiling at her. The sight of him was enough to make her laugh in relief.

"Bloody hell, you took your time." She chuckled, getting up off of him and sitting back in her chair.

"How long have I been out?"

"A couple of days. Clint didn't think that you would wake up. I betted you would before the week was up." She smirked. "And now, thanks to you, I've won the bet."

"What do you get from it?"

"He has to do the job of a slopper for 5 days." The two of them both laughed at how upset Clint would be now that he had lost the bet.

"Remind me to never bet with you." He said as his head started to pain him.

"Head hurting?" She asked and he nodded in response.

Swiftly, Vera grabbed a towel from the side and dipped it into the ice bucket that sat beside her. She gently placed it on the side of his head where he had the gashed, and after a moment's flinch, he began to look far more comfortable. He took the towel out of her hand and held it himself, smiling at her nurturing side.

"So, did you miss me whilst I was out?" He asked.

"I wanted to kill you every second you stayed asleep, annoyed that you wouldn't wake up because I thought that you had left me for good. Is that the answer you were looking for?" She folded her arms over her chest, grinning.

"So you did miss me?"

"Of course I did, you idiot. How could I not?"

"I'm sorry I did what I did. It was stupid and I was just scared." He said, ashamed of himself.

"It's fine Newt." She smiled, but it quickly faltered. "I have to tell you something."

"Go ahead." He moved over in the bed and she sat down beside him.

"There's a device implanted on my chest. I don't know what it is. The only thing WICKED will tell me about it is that I'd be dead without it. They also said that I don't have long left to live - maybe 2-3 years if I'm lucky."

She watched him as he reached up to wipe a tear off of her face before he hesitated. They exchanged nervous glances at their close proximity.

Then suddenly, his lips were on hers and she didn't fight it.

"I guess we don't have a moment to waste then." He chuckled nervously, pulling back a bit.

"No, we do not." She smiled before kissing him again.

"Finally!" They heard Minho shout from in the doorway.

"Minho, how long have you been there?" Newt asked him.

"Long enough to see what we've all been waiting a year to happen." A smug smile formed on Minho's face causing them all to laugh.

Everything was finally starting to be okay as Vera grasped Newt's hand in her own.

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