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What do I say? How do I tell my bestfriend of three years I like him? You don't. That's why I have been putting off telling him for four months. I can't bring my self to ruin our friendship. I know for a fact he doesn't like me back. But my feelings have been so obvious lately. I mean can you blame me? Everything about him is perfect.

His smile. His laugh. The way his perfect lips move when he talks. The way the walks. The way whenever he lies his nose scrunches up a bit. The way he holds my hand. The way he holds me. The way he hugs. His everything is so perfect. He is perfect.

I have never loves someone like I love him. Never. And I can't hold it anymore. I just...don't know how to tell him. Do I tell him face to face? Or do I tell him over the phone? Text or call?

I can't stop over thinking about it. He's straight..

"Tell him!" Vurbs voice rang through my head. "He will most likely like you back!" Spifeys voice sang through my head. I rolled over from side to side on my bed. I think about him to much. How can I get my mind off him? Maybe I can play Minecraft. I slowly get out of my warm bed and walk to my gaming set up. My screen lights up my dark room. I groaned from the light.

I start up Minecraft and get on the Dreamsmp. I push tap to see who is on. Me and him were on. Of course he had to be on right now.

"Hey Skeppy!" I see the chat icon pop up. He's trying to talk to me. I don't answer and just close Minecraft. I can't talk to him right now. I close down my computer. He can wait. I tried taking my mind off of him but he just got in my head more. I groaned out loud. This is so dumb! I can't even talk to my best friend because of these dumb feelings!

I need to tell him.

I walk back over to my bed. I sit down and slouch down into my self. I need to tell him. I am going to tell him. Soon. Maybe. Now? Not now. Tonight? Yeah. I'll ask him to meet me at our spot. And I'll tell him there. Tonight. I should get some sleep. I lay down in my warm bed and slowly drift of to sleep.

I woke up and checked my phone. It was 8:43 P.M. I opened my phone and went on to messages with Bad.

"Come to our spot. Right now." I typed. I sent it after reading it over and over again maybe 14 times. He responded not even 30 seconds after. "What why? Are you okay? Do you need help? Ill be there soon." I giggled. He's so caring.

I threw my bed sheets off myself and hopped out of bed. I ran my fingers through my hair. My stomach hurt. My head was pounding. I felt warm. And fuzzy. I honestly felt like I couldn't breathe. I was about to tell my bestfriend of three years I like him.

I walked out my room and out my front door. I started walking outside in the cold, wet air. I only had a hoodie on. So I was really cold. But my sweat was enough to keep my warm.

I was walking up the hill to our spot. I saw him. At the top of the hill. By the tree. He was there. His perfect face. His perfect body. I hurried and got my phone out. I called Vurb. I know all he dose is ship us, and make fun of us but in a serious situation he would give my good advice.

He answered after a coupe rings. "Hello?" His voice rang through my phone. "I-" I couldn't talk. My throat was closed up by stress. "Zak?" He asked, worried. "I-I am telling bad. Right now I can see him. I told him to meet me at our spot. I am watching him. He might see me. I don't know what to say. Help me please." I blurted out. "Oh um okay?"

I heard a loud ding come from my phone. I took my phone away from my ear. I see a text from Vurb. Its a song. "What the hell!" I yelled into my phone. "A song isn't going to help!" I yelled again. "Hey! Calm down! Look at the song!" He yelled back at me.

I rolled my eyes, even though he couldn't see me and clicked on the video. It was the song 'Jenny' "Hey I know this song!" I told him. "Say that to him." Vurb said. "Oh-okay.." I answered back. I knew this song like the back of my hand. I love listening to that song because it reminds me of Bad.

"Okay thank you Vurb." I whispered into my phone. "Of cour-" Before he could answer I hung up. I shoved my phone back into my pocket. I took a deep breathe in and a deep breathe out. I lazily started to move my legs. One leg in front of the other. Slowly walking...

"Skeppy!" I heard before I felt warm arms around my waist. It was Bad. I started to overthink everything. He doesn't like me back. He is my best friend. I shouldn't like him. But I can't help myself. Then I remembered the song. I pulled away from the hug. I felt hot under his gaze.

I moved my head to look up at him. "You okay..?" He asked lowly. "Darryl darling." I said. "Yes?" His eye brows knotting together. "But there's a few things, that you know of." "What?" He came closer to me. I felt so scared. "Why I borrow your lipstick so often." "I don't have lipstick?" He questioned.

"I am using your shirt as a pillow case." I blurted out. "Hey give me back my shirt!" He yelled. I slightly giggled. I pulled away from him. "I wanna ruin our friendship." "What? Thats what you pulled me here for?! Geppy no!" He yelled. I smiled. I was glad he didn't know this song.

"We should be lovers instead..." He paused. I swear I stopped breathing for a second. My stomach flipped. His eyes suddenly light up. "What..?'" "And I don't know how to say this...because your really my dearest friend."

He looked almost star struck. He looked shocked. "Wh-what?" His face got red. And I mean really really red. I smiled. "I am in love with you Darryl. I have been for so long. Your so perfect. Even if you don't like me back, I will forever be in love with you. I am so-" "Shut up." He said. My heart dropped to the bottom of my stomach.

"Wha-" He cut me off again. But not with words. I felt warm lips on mine. "Mhhhhhh!" I said into the kiss. He pulled away. "I-" He started. But this time I cut him off. I smashed my lips back onto his. I could feel the blush creeping up my cheeks. My ears felt like they were on fire. And my legs felt like jelly. He leaned into the kiss and pulled me closer, by wrapping his arms around my waist.

My whole body was on fire. Under his touch I felt sick. But in a good way. I felt as if I was going to throw up from excitement. Of course I didn't, but I sure felt like I was going to.

My heart was beating so fast. My head was pounding. My arms felt weak. No, not just my arms, my whole body welt weak. I would have kissed him forever, but my phone started to ring. I sadly pulled away from him and smiled. He smiled back. I pulled my phone out of my pocket, and look at the screen.

It was Vurb calling. I hurried to push the answer button. "WHAT DID HE SAY??" Vurb's voice was loud and clear through the little phone. I turned to look at Bad. "He didn't say anything." I stopped. "WHAT?!" He yelled. "HE SAID HE LIKED YOU! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH HIM!" He yelled again. "He kissed me." I continued. "OH!"

Bad got really red again. He giggled. I smiled and hung up on Vurb. I pulled him closer again.

"I love you Bad.." I whispered into his warm shoulder.

"I love you too Geppy.." He whispered back at me.



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