Our lips, apocalypse.

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I and Bad have not been posting lately, and it's not for the reason you would think. Not because we meet up, not because we aren't friends anymore; quite the opposite. It was a couple of nights ago.

"Bad? Are you about to fall asleep?" I whispered into the dark, only being able to see from my phone light. "Maybe. I feel very tired Skeppy." His voice sounded far away, but I knew it wasn't.

He wasn't that far.

"Goodnight Bad, sleep well." He laughed and whispered out a very quiet goodnight back. Things have been like this lately, late-night calls and hushed voices while we are cuddled up in bed talking about whatever.

It's nice. It could be better with him in the same bed. Seeing his mouth move in front of me could be better than over a heated phone. I can only dream.

Literally, too, I have been having dreams of him. Of my best friend that I have loved and known for years, but I just started having dreams. Dreams that I don't even want to explain nor talk about with anyone.

Dreams of him, but he's close to me. In my bed, on my couch, just anywhere near me. Dreams where he isn't 1000 miles away from me.

Dreams that have me waking up in a pool of sweat and leaving confusing feelings.

I could hear his soft snores over the phone, and I fall asleep to it. Because that's what we do every night, and I don't think it will stop any time soon. I don't want it to stop anytime soon, and I don't think he wants it to either.

I wake up uncomfortably, once again sweaty and confused. Most of the time I remember my dream, but this time I didn't.

"Goodmorning Skeppy!" I hear his voice, so I turn my phone over so I can see the bright screen. I groan as it hurts my eyes, and he laughs. After a minute I get used to it.

"Goodmorning." My throat hurts and I need to pee, but I stay in bed to talk to him. He always wakes up before me and when I asked when he wakes up, he told me a muffin never tells.

I think I almost know what that means. It either means he has a horrible sleep schedule and doesn't want to worry me, or he wakes up before me to walk rat. Either one seems legit.

"How did you sleep?" He asks. He is pouring something into a mug, I think it's coffee. "Good, but I don't remember my dream." I yawn, still tired and not all the way awake yet.

"Maybe it will come back to you!" He smiles, picking up the mug and taking a sip. I smile back at him.

I hit the record button, I was going to troll Badboyhalo. I love trolling him, he's so clueless most of the time. I join the call he's in, and an off-tune voice hits my ears.

"I had a muffin, he had a muffin, they have a muf- Oh hey Skeppy!" He cuts himself off. "Hi Bad!" I smile.

"So why did you need to talk?" He asks and takes a sip of a drink. Or at least that's what it sounds like.

"I just wanted to talk about some things," I trailed off, trying to find the words. I knew what this troll would be about, but it felt more serious than the other pointless trolls.

Because it was. Because talking to him about this isn't a troll, no matter how bad I want it to be.

I paused the recording, clearing my throat while doing so. "Can we have a serious talk please?" I asked, hoping for a serious answer-back. "Yes of course, what's going on?" His voice is filled with sticky sweetness, and it makes me melt.

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