Demons and humans, what's the difference?

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I ran forever. That's what it felt like, it felt like I was running on forever. No matter how much I wanted to stop and take a breath, I kept going. They would catch up to me if I even paused for two seconds. 

I knew I was faster than all of them by far, but I still wanted to be safe. I was running from my home. I shouldn't even call it my home, it's nothing like home. I don't know where my real home is, but I hope I can find it. I don't even know what the other side of the portal looks like, but I really don't care right now.

I have almost my whole family chasing after me, trying to stop me from going into the portal. My parents told me that no one has been through it in 100 years or something, but I just want to leave. I might go insane if I spend any more time here, with them.

My name is Badboyhalo and I am a demon. My family hates me, and I hate them. To be loved by any of them, you have to be the best or at least second place. Everyone below that gets to rot alone with no friends or family.

I hate it here. 

I have tried to leave many times, but I was always stopped. For some reason, I'm not pushed aside like the other 'disappointments' but instead, they torment me. They make fun of me and make it hard for me to be here.

I could see the purple light floating in front of me, and I knew I was here, I had made it this time. I stopped in front of the purple and black portal, scared but sure. "Don't you dare!" I heard my mother scream behind me, so I knew it was time.

My foot went in first, disappearing to who knows where. Next was my hips, then my shoulders and my head. I didn't feel or see anything for about three seconds before I could hear, feel, and see everything.

It was bright, a little too bright and I shielded my eyes. There were creatures walking around, dressed in clothing I have never seen before. Some were talking to each other and others were alone. It was weird, I had never seen humans before.

In the Nether we would talk about humans, but I had never seen one. I had always been told they were mean, but none of these calm humans looked mean. 

I walked fully out of the portal that only I could see, and it closed behind me. Humans can't see me right now, nor could they see the portal. I can only be seen by other demons when I look like one. 

I had been taught about changing my appearance, but I had never done it because once again I would just disappoint my family and friends. Demons that did change how they looked got punished in the Nether. I still don't fully understand it.

I looked around, there were words and cars all around me. It was busy.

I walked forward, trying not to bump into the humans even though they wouldn't feel it either way. Most of them were looking down at little hand size things that light up, not even paying attention. 

I wonder what those are, maybe I can learn about them.

There was a boy that stood out to me, he had black fluffy hair and a light blue hoodie on. He was also looking down at the hand-size light thing, and I wanted to follow him. So I did. I followed behind him knowing he couldn't see me. 

Until he turned around. 

I watched as his face turned from shocked to terrified. He let out a shriek, almost falling backward. I looked behind me as well, what would have made him react like that?

The humans around him were sending him dirty looks, walking around him as no one stopped to see what was wrong. I tilted my head in confusion, there was nothing behind me so what was he scared about?

The blue hoodie human started slowly walking backward staring right into my eyes. Could he see me?

I followed him still, if he could see me and he went and told people, I could get in trouble. Or worse, sent back.

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