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His hand in my hand. His legs tangled into my legs. Could it get any better than this? It really couldn't. My best friend had his head on my chest. I think he could hear the extreme beat of my heart, but if he did he didn't say anything about it. 

"Zak?" He asked, his voice muffled from my chest. "Yes?" I smiled. "Zak?" He called out again. "Yes?" I repeated my self. "ZAK!" I shot up, sweaty and heart beating fast. A little too fast. Standing above me, yelling in my ear was my sister. "What do you want?" I groaned, laying back down into my very comfortable bed. 

"Get up now! We have to leave in like ten minutes for school!" She yelled, already making her way out the door. I was so caught up in my amazing dream, I didn't realize my alarm went off. Three times. I threw myself out of bed, making sure not to hurt myself. I rushed into a new pair of clothes, brushed my teeth, and put on my shoes.

I looked around my room. It wasn't as messy as it was before? Did my mom clean it? My eyes landed on my desk. There was school papers all around it. On the desk, bellow the desk, and I could even see some that fell into the trash can. I remembered I was about to be late for school. I  grabbed my backpack, stuffing all of the papers into it messily. I grabbed my phone off my nightstand, and walked out the door.

"Hey mister. Brush your hair before you leave." My mom sweetly reminded me. Ah yes, my hair. I ran into the bathroom. I checked my watch. I had 2 minutes until we had to be going. I brushed my hair and left. My hand was hovering above the door handle, but before I could grab onto it, the door bell rang. I opened the door. "Daryl!" I rushed into his arms, pulling him into my chest.

My best friend. His name was Daryl. He has long, straight brown hair. He was growing it out ever since I gave him money to shave his head. He looked awesome. He has glasses, and green eyes. My heart flipped. 

Oh yes. I am in love with him, did I forget to mention? I have been ever since we meet in middle school, now a Senior in high-school. We are the same age, only a few months apart. 

"Zak?" The teacher called out, looking around the room. I raised my hand high. "You will be with Daryl. Daryl raise you hand." He said, looking back down at the paper in his hand. I looked around the classroom, trying to find this kid. I short kid with brown hair raised his hand. I hadn't seen or noticed him until then. I moved over to the empty seat next to him, and smiled. 

"I am Zak. Looks like we have to be partners!" 

We have been best friends since. He is my everything. Never mind, everything is an understatement. "Hi Zak." His calm voice pulled my out of my thoughts, and I pulled back from him. He was here because we walk to school together every morning.

We started walking down the road to our school. "Did you finish the math homework?" I asked, walking beside him. Every step I took I could feel his shoulder rubbing with mine. My stomach flipped. "Yes, did you?" He turned to look at me with a confused look on his face. He is so cute. His eyebrows were down more, and his lips were puffed up.

"No. Will you let me cheat?" I paused. "Again?" I begged him. "No Zak!" He turned back around, ignoring my pleas. "But Daryl! You are my boyfriend!" I stopped. Boyfriend? Why would I say boyfriend? I know I like him but that does not mean he feels the same! He stopped as well, turning around to look at me again.

It looked like his cheeks were a shade pinker then they usually were. And holy shit. Why was he blueing when I called him my boyfriend. Maybe there is a chance he likes me back? "Boyfriend?" He whispered. We were in the middle of the side walk, with people from school walking around us. 

We moved so someone could get by. This was the perfect opportunity to see if he likes me or not! "Do you like the sound of that or what?" I giggled. His face turned even more pink. He tried to hide it by turning around and walking forward again. "Hey no! Don't ignore me. You like it?" I tried again. He ignored me.

"Daryl!" I called out, trying to get him to answer me. We made it all the way to school without him saying one word to me. I said sorry a couple times. I didn't mean to make him actually uncomfortable. My heart sunk as I lost him in the crowd of teenagers. I called his name out, a few people turning to me. But they weren't him. 

I sighed, making my way to first period. First period I had was math, and I still didn't have the homework. 

Two hours later, I walked out of math. Very tiring for first period. But before I could make my way around the coroner, someone or something grabbed my hand. I was pulled in a empty class room. "Hello?" I yelled, honestly scared for my life. "Shhh!" They put a finger on my lips, trying to make my calm down. It didn't help. 

"If you are trying to kidnap me please don't do it here!" I yelled, moving my arms around as if I was swimming. While moving my arms around like a crazy person, I hit a switch. A light switch. It wasn't someone trying to kidnap me, it was Daryl. "Daryl!" I leaped into his arms. He put his arms around my waist. He was warm. He smelt like home. 

"Why did you think someone was going to kidnap you at school you muffin?" He asked, pulling away from the hug. "You never know. Always got to be safe." I said, moving away from him as well. "Why did you pull me in here?" I asked. 

"We need to talk about what happened this morning. I could barely focus in first period, and you know that never happens!" Once again, his cheeks lit up into pink flames. I swear I could almost see hearts in his eyes. Or maybe it was just the hearts in my eyes imagining things. "What about it did you want to talk about?"

I was going to keep teasing him about it until I got something out of him. Anything out of him. Just something. 

"When you called me your boyfriend. Then I got lost and couldn't find you." 


"I liked it."

"You liked it?"

"I did. Im sorry if that makes you uncomfortable, I just had to tell you."

"And if it does make you uncomfortable, we can forget it! I promise. It will be like nothing changed over and I said nothing!"

He rambled on. He likes me! Daryl likes me. Or at least I think? He said that he liked it, so does that mean he likes me? 

"Daryl." I said. 

"No Zak, it is really okay! I don't want to ruin our friendship-"


"Over something stupid! I can take it back if you want."

"Daryl!" I was grabbing onto his pink cheeks softly. 

"I don't want you to take it back. I liked it too." I smiled at him. He looked adorable. But then again, he always looked adorable.

"Really? You aren't just saying that because you feel bad or anything right?" He questioned. 

"No! I really did like it too." I giggled. 

"Can I kiss you?" I asked, close to his face. I could feel his breath meeting mine. I could feel his hands on mine, and his body close as well.

"Yes please."

Our lips meet, and meet again. This is the happiest I have ever felt in a long time. Ever? He makes me so happy. He makes me want to be myself. He makes me myself. I love him.

"I love you, boyfriend." He pulled away, whispering those words. 

"I love you more boyfriend." We smiled. 

Hi guys so this is the author, lee!! It is summer again so I might start writing more with these :) I love writing short stories like this. I love you all, and happy pride month! Proud of all of you <3 

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