missing you

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His head hurt. In fact, it was pounding in a way it never had before. Screaming at him, him not listening nor caring.

He had been staring at the blank ceiling for the past hour, at least it had felt like it. His eyes hurt, they felt as if they were going to shut in on themselves any second. He didn't want to close his eyes though, no matter how hard his eyes protested.

In front of him, the blank ceiling was turning into memories he had made with his best friend. In real life and over a screen.

They had met up a couple of days ago. It was all smiles and giggles, love and care from both of them. It was so so fun.

It was so much fun, that he was afraid he wouldn't ever be that happy again. The thought alone brought tears to his eyes, threatening to spill out. Trying to blink them away, making his eyes hurt even more.

He was sad. Sad he wouldn't wake up to his best friend in the next room. Sad that his days are going to be almost pointless again, all until he gets to see Skeppy again.

His head swirled and swirled with thoughts and imaginations from the past. All came to a halt the second his phone rang. It buzzed from underneath the covers.

The screen made his eyes water slightly more from the bright light. The screen read, "Skeppy❤️" of course he was calling, he always knew when Bad needed him.

It was a little weird at times, Skeppy had said Bad called him when he always needed him most, and Bad could say the same of Skeppy. They both loved it though.

"Hello?" a deep voice rang out from the speakers on his phone. "Hello?" he called back, scratching the sides of his throat as the words made their way off of his tongue.

He heard a sniffle At first, he thought it was from the other. Until he felt a soft, cold tear run down his cheek. When had he started crying?

"Bad? Are you okay?" Skeppy's voice sang in confusion. Of course, he would be worried. And of course, he knew Bad wasn't okay as he had known him for more than 4 years, but he asked anyways.

"I'm okay... I don't know why I'm crying honestly." he let out a little laugh before his lips quivered into a frown. His cheeks became salty with tears.

After years of being each other's friends, they knew how to comfort each other. They come to each other about everything. So why did Skeppy feel choked up now, like his head was blank, with nothing to comfort Bad with?

"I'm so sorry Bad... I miss you so much." was all his mind came up with. He knew it wasn't good enough, and it only made Bad cry harder.

Bad let out a low sob from the back of his throat. He never let himself cry in front of anyone like this. Well of course the only time that had happened was yesterday. When he was hugging Skeppy goodbye, it all came rushing to him.

Hearing Bad cry made Skeppy's heartbreak, and tear up as well. Bad cried into the other shoulder until he was out of tears. Skeppy let him, softly patting his back and whispering comforting words into his ear.

He was just sad then. Like he was now. But this is different in so many ways. For one, Skeppy wasn't holding him like he was last time. Which changed a lot.

Changed how his mind spun and how he just wished, ached to be in the other's arms.

"I miss you so much Skeppy.  would do anything for you to just be here, anywhere closer. This hurts so much." he let the words spill out of his mouth, barely even recognizing what he was saying.

"I miss you too Bad... I can't believe you are really gone. I had so much fun meeting up with you and being with you in real life... I hope you know I would do anything to have you here as well."

The words were spoken so soft the phone barely picked them up. They gripped onto Bad's heartstrings and pulled. He crushed his eyes so right the tears rolled down his checks faster than they were before.

"I will buy a plane ticket right now, I swear I will Skeppy. I can't handle being this far from you now that I know. I know that we fit so well together in real life."

And he meant it. He really meant it from the bottom of his heart. He had never found a connection with anyone else like the one he had with Skeppy. They just worked, they fit.

No matter what it was. When they went out to eat, there was no arguing. They agreed on the first place that either of them listed. When they were planning things out, it just worked. It worked so well and they both missed it.

They both longed for the way they fit in each other's arms. Warm and safe like they never have been before. It felt like home. They wanted, needed it again.

"I'm not stopping you from buying a ticket, I miss you so much Bad. I got so used to you being here that when I woke up this morning, I went into the guest bedroom looking for you, coming to wake you up, and you weren't there. I almost started crying."

That hurt. It stung. He just wanted to be there for Skeppy. He just wanted to be within one hundred feet of his best friend again. His other half.

"I'm so sorry Skeppy... I should have never left. Next time when I come, I won't leave. I'll never leave again, okay?"

While the words had no hidden meaning behind them, he also meant them. He felt as if they did meet up again and he left Skeppy, his heart could not take it. He did not know what he would do if he could not see Skeppy again. If he had to leave Skeppy again.

"Okay. You won't ever leave again. We can hug every day as we did." he sniffled again, trying to stop all the emotions from coming out, like how he wanted to do more than hug every day.

"Yeah we will hug every day again I promise" he didn't know what else to say. Emotions were thrown out at each other as they spoke in hushed voices. They both felt the mutual fear of the feelings they have hidden away, coming out.

"I love you so much Badboyhalo. You are my best friend in the whole world."

"I love you Skeppy, you are my best friend."

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