Couch Cuddling

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I sighed out loud, letting a breath of air out of my lungs. I was sitting on my couch, waiting for my best friend to walk threw the front door. I have been waiting for 32 minutes ever since he sent me a short text saying, "Hey muffin I am in the taxi right now, coming to your house >.<" 

I have been pacing, stress eating, and even trying to watch shows to distract me. None of them worked. I mean I didn't even really accept them too, I am meeting my online best friend for almost four years! I can be nervous right?

Nervous because how are we going to hug? Is it going to feel safe and welcoming like I always imagined it to be, or awkward and weird like I really hope it's not? Is he going to take his shoes off as he comes in? Am I supposed to tell him too?

There's not really a book on How To Meet Your Online Best Friend That You Also Have A Huge Crush On, but right now I really wish there was. I would reread every page until the second he knocked on my black door. 

Before I could worry and overthink anymore, I heard a soft sound. It was someone at the door. Someone like Badboyhalo. My heart stopped, and so did my leg which was moving up and down out of anxiety. 

I swung up from the couch not caring about the blue blanket that was wrapped around me. I kicked the blanket off my ankles and ran over to the door. Badboyhalo was behind this door, and I was in front of it. Before I knew what I was doing, my hand was on the gold doorknob and it was opening. 

The second I opened the door, my heart stopped. I don't think it was just my heart either, the whole world stopped. The cars outside stopped driving, the lady across the street walking her dog stopped walking, or maybe it just seemed like that because he is here. He is here. 

"Bad!" I screamed, running into his arms. He pulled his arms away from his suitcase before I leaped into him. He grabbed onto me, holding me steady. I could feel his chest on mine even through the layers of hoodies, and it felt amazing. My heart was beating almost as fast as his, even though I just thought mine stopped. 

"I can't believe you are here," I said, my voice muffled and hard to hear because of his hoodie. He laughed. "I can barely hear you." He let go of me just a little, and I held on tighter. I lifted my head up slowly, scared that if I went too fast he would disappear right out of my arms. 

He was looking down at me when I looked up at him. He had a big beautiful smile on his face, and his cheeks were slightly heated. I think. I bet mine was too, but 100 times worse than his. "What did you say?" He asked. "I said I can't believe you're here." 

His face softened, and my heart melted. I swear if this boy does one more cute thing, I might just die from the cuteness. "Me either muffin. But can you let me in? It's pretty cold out here." He said, laughing and letting go of me completely. I felt instantly cold, but I could still feel the burn from where his hands were on my waist.

"Oh yes, come inside!" I laughed a little nervously walking back into my house, him following along behind me. Once inside the warm house with the door shut, I ran back into his arms. He laughed, once again opening his arms for me to run into. 

"I don't think I want to ever stop hugging you." He said, and all of the sudden those words were burned into my brain, playing over and over again like a broken record. 

"Me either." 


It was almost 11 o'clock at night, and we were both still awake. Bearly awake though, I could see Bad's eyelids closing and opening every couple of minutes. "You know you can go to sleep right?" I said whispering softly, moving closer to him so he could hear me. "What do you mean, I am not tired at all." He smiled, but I could see the tiredness through his eyes and his smile. 

I grabbed the blanket that was on my lap and moved it so I could reach him. I cuddled up to his side, and he wrapped his arm around me. "Go to sleep." I pecked his cheek, my lips resting on his cheek a little longer than they should have.

I turned back to the forgotten movie we were watching and tried to watch it. I tried to pay attention, but how could I when my crush of two years was next to me? I turned back to him, watching his eyes twitch and his smile grow in his sleep when I got even closer to him. We were basically one, our legs tangled and our sides together.

I wanted to be closer. Without thinking, I got up and swung my legs around his lap. What now? I was on my best friend's sleeping lap. I moved closer to his chest, pressing our chests closer with every move. He moved around a bit, his hands on my waist. All I could feel were tingles on my body where his hands were and the heat from the two of us being so close. 

"Skeppy?" He asked, his voice sounding tired and worn out. My face was in his neck, so I pulled it away to look at him. "Yes?" I spoke softly, so soft that I could barely hear myself over the loud, still forgotten show we had played. "Why are you on my lap?" His hands were still on my waist, but they moved a little lower and I squeaked. 

I fucking squeaked. He quickly removed his hands, holding them up in the air while his eyes grew wide. "I'm so sorry!" He rushed out. "It's okay," I said, grabbing his wrists and putting them back to where they were. "What are you doing?" He asked, letting his hands go wherever I wanted them to go. 

"Getting comfortable," I said, squirming in his lap. Our fronts pressed together and I moved. He let out a gasp. I could feel a smirk growing on my face, and I moved again, purposely this time. He gasped even louder, his hands shooting to hold my waist still. I smiled innocently down at him. He had a firm grip on my waist. 

"Why are you holding me still? I just want to get comfortable." I said in a whiney voice, knowing exactly how to make him break. "Sorry." He spoke quietly, letting go of my waist, and took his hands fully off me. I took this as a sign to get comfortable, so I did. 

I moved around, trying to find the best spot that I could be. He gasped and almost grabbed my waist, but I stopped him. His hands were now pinned on the couch, as I was still moving on him. "How long does this take?" His voice was right in my ear, and I felt a shiver run down my spine. "Just be patient." 

I put my head on his neck, not so shyly putting all my weight onto him. He let out a sigh that could only be out of relief, and I smiled. "Thank you Bad." He didn't answer. We stayed there for a couple more minutes, and before I knew it he was falling asleep. And so I was I. 

"Goodnight Badboyhalo," I said smiling and whispering into his neck. My hand was in his hair, softly moving it around and playing with it. 

uhhh hi guys. 

love this type of writing tbh 

sorry I haven't posted on my other story in a while, I promise I will update soon !! i love you all, stay safe, eat food and drink water <3 I love you all thank you 

1362 word , edited 

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