Sk-skeppy? Part two

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(Here is part two of red skeppy👹👹)
Skeppys P.O.V
"Okay why not?" I asked, confused. "Just dont, okay?" Bad said. "I don't trust it at all!" I yelled. I turned around to look and Bad and Puffy. "Why not?" Puffy asked. "Becuase it's just a random egg we found!" I yelled. "So what?!" Bad yelled back at me. "So what??" I asked.

"Puffy come with me for a second please." Bad said and started to walk off. "Okay coming." Puffy said soon following behind him. "Okay just leave me back here then!" I yelled furious.
Bads P.O.V
"What can we do to get skeppy to be fond of the egg?" I asked Puffy. She turned back to skeppy and rolled her eyes. "I don't know." She said. "Maybe we can leave them alone for bonding time?" I suggested. "He's just going to break the egg.." she whispered. "We can put....." I stopped. "We can put obsidian around the egg!" I said happy.

"Oh yeah!" She said. "Do you have any?" She asked. "Yeah let's go!" I said walking over to skeppy. He was sitting down by the egg. "Hello?" Skeppy said. "Hey move please." I asked nicely "why what are you going to do?" He asked not moving. "Move please" I looked at him with puppy eyes.

He stared at me for a minute. "Ugh fine." He gave in and moved. "Thank you." I said. Puffy came up behind me and helped me put obsidian all over the egg. "What the heck are you guys doing?!" Skeppy yelled at us. "Protecting the egg." I said.

Skeppy suddenly got in front of me. "Please stop bad.." he pleaded. "Move." I said pushing him out of the way. I could see out of the corner of my eye, him holding back tears. I backed away after my job was done.

The egg look great. Even though you can't actually see it, it still looks great. "Good job." Puffy said. "Can me and the egg have some bonding time?" Skeppy asked. I turned around to look at him. "Yeah sure!" I yelled happy.

"K move and leave somewhere else." He said. Me and Puffy moved out of the way for Skeppy. "We will be by the spider spawner. "Okay." He said. Me and puffy walked out of the room.

"What do you think he is going to do in there?" I asked puffy. "I don't know bond?" She said. "He can't really break it..." she said. "Well he can's still protected enough right?" I asked. "Yeah I think so." She said.
As soon as they left I started to break the obsidian. Why? You may ask, well becuase I really did want to try and bond with the egg. If it means something to bad, it should mean something to me.

I broke the obsidian and got into the hole I created. I covered the top with obsidian.

"So egg how are you?" I asked as a joke. The last thing I saw was a red me?
Me and puffy heard a loud bang coming from where Skeppy and the egg was. "What was that..?" I asked in a low concerned voice. "I don't know..should we go check?" Puffy asked me. "Yeah I think we should that was loud.." I said.

Me and her started walking down the stairs to where the egg was. As soon as the egg was in my vision, I didn't see skeppy anywhere. "Skeppy?" I called out. No answer. "Hello?" Puffy called out after me. I started worrying. 'Did he go away?' I asked myself.

'Did the egg eat him??!!' My head sang. 'No no way the egg ate him' i fought with myself.

"Arrgg" I heard a groan from inside the egg. "OH MY GOODNESS DID THE EGG EAT YOU SKEPPY?" I yelled. "Bad..." I heard a soft voice, once again, coming from the egg.  I ran over to egg and started to mine the obsidian. "Are you in there skeppy?" I asked.

"Yeah get me out of here bad!" He yelled. "Coming skeppy!" I yelled back still breaking the obsidian. "You okay?" I asked after the obsidian broke. But I didn't see skeppy in the hole.

"Yeah I am... help me out my head hurts.." he groaned. I didn't move. Skeppy was red? "Skeppy- why are you r-red?" I mumbled under my breath. "What..?" He asked. "Say it again I didn't hear you." He said calmly. "Your red!!" I yelled. I baked up from him slowly.

"What!! No I am not! What are you talking about? I am blue!?" He yelled back. He climbed up the hole and got out.

"Ahhhhh!" Puffy scream once she saw him. "He is red!" She yelled. "Why is he red??" She asked. "How am I supposed to know?!" I yelled back. She shrugged her shoulders. Skeppy ran off. "Hey wait!" I yelled. He ran up to a mirror. "Oh my god.." he mumbled under his breath as he saw him self.

"Why am I red?" He mumbled again. "I don't know..." I said. "Come here Skeppy." I said pulling my arms out for him to come into. I was gesturing for a hug. But instead of running into my arms he ran out of the room. "GEPPY!" I screamed.

Puffy came into the room. "What happened?" She looked around the room. "Where did skeppy go?" She asked concerned. "He ran off.." I whispered lowly. "Come let's follow him!" She yelled. She starting running after skeppy. "Coming!" I yelled. I started running right behind her.

We ran after skeppy for a long time. We tried to do all of the little things that would make him come back to blue skeppy....but nothing worked. "Bad kiss him!" She yelled. "What no!" I yelled back. My cheeks heating up into a dark pink. "Yes!" She yelled. "Fine I will!" I said.

"Skeppy I am going to kiss you if I you don't stop!" I yelled. We ran for a couple more minutes. Suddenly skeppy got stuck between two fences. I kissed him. He stood still for a few seconds, before starting run again. "Ugh why didn't that work?!" Puffy yelled.

"Becuase I don't want him to kiss me." Skeppy said. I stopped. Why did that hurt so much?

"Come on bad hurry!" Puffy looked back at me for a second. "Yeah...sorry coming!" I started to run again.

Hi guys sorry this is kinda hard but I love the idea! It's only going to need one more part lmao sorry. But uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh love you all. Thank you so so much for 300 reads! Your all so amazing <33 1124 words. Un-edited :D.

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