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holy wtf thank you for 6k reads?? I don't even update why am I getting reads🤨


It was pouring. Bad has always hated the rain. He hated everything about it. The way it got everything wet, the way it was cold, the way it brought snow and hail. 

 Skeppy always loved rain. He loves everything about it. He loves the way it dances in the night sky, he loves the way it sounds, he loves the way he can run through it and feel amazing. 

So here they were standing out in the rain. Well more like just Skeppy. 

"Come on dance!" He yelled over the loud sound of water hitting the ground. "Why would I go in the rain? I am just going to get all wet!" Bad yelled back. 

Skeppy smirked. He slowly walked over to his boyfriend and grabbed his hand. Bad struck him with a questionable look. The shorter pulled himself close to the other man. With one swift move he brought him into the rain. 

"Hey Skeppy! I don't want to get wet!" Bad squealed out, stepping out of the rain back under the shelter. "Come on bad dance with me in the rain!" He whined. The older rolled his eyes. "And why would we do that? We will just get all wet Skeppy." 

"Yes that's the point!" He lifted up his arm up and pulled him back out into the rain. Bad's eyes widened. "Now dance with me badboy." Skeppy grinned.

Skeppy took Bad's hands and intertwined their fingers together. He put his other hand on Bad's waist. He tilted his head and through the dim light of the lamppost he could see Bad's red face. 

Bad was looking straight forward, avoiding any eye contact with the man bellow him. "Bad look at me" Skeppy pouted.

Bad hesitantly brought is face down to meet Skeppys chocolate brown eyes. 

(wait for the beat to drop on the song above)

"Yes skepp-" He suddenly felt warm lips against his own. He hummed into the other mans lips. 

Bad let go of his hands and cupped his soft face. Bad pulled back with a love struck face. Skeppy smiled at him. 

"I love you." 

"I love you too Skeppy." On second thought, maybe the rain isn't that bad. 

417 words, edited<3 

drink water and stay safe loves. Sorry this is so short love you all! 

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