all the things i never said

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As your finger slowly danced over my skin, goosebumps formed in the shape of hearts. Your beating heart was in sync with mine, right behind me. Your breath gazed over my neck and I couldn't think of anything but the warmth of you.

You have me wrapped around your fingers.

You build up feelings in me, feelings I didn't even know I had until you showed me. You showed me something I never thought was possible.

I wanted to say so much, but the words never left my throat. They couldn't, as it would waste the air that you were using for your breath. Your breath over my neck, something that I wanted to last forever.

And for some reason, forever doesn't scare me anyone. I used to be scared of the meaning, being stuck in something forever sounds like a nightmare you can't quite get away from, ever.

But forever with you sounds comforting and warm. Forever with you sounds more then okay, I could spend forever with your soft lips and light brown freckles.

And just maybe I hated the color brown before you, just before I meet your eyes and the meaning they held. Maybe I hated the way brown always seemed so dull and lonely, until I spotted your brown. The brown that seems to have so many words in just one color.

Your brown has so many feelings attached.

But thank you, thank you for showing me things I have never seen before. Thank you for making me the best version of myself, something I had never seen in the miror.

Thank you for making me so happy that tears spill out of my eyes because of the overwhelming happiness you bring me. Thank you for making me feel so safe that my cheeks flush with a light pink because the warmth you bring to me.

Your sweetness can't be replaced with anything else, as nothing else will do. Nothing and nobody but you can fill my heart.

Because even through a screen, you still manage to do all of it. You still manage to bring smiles to my lips, warmth to my cheeks, and butterflies to my stoamch.

Even though you were never next to me in bed, I imagined it because that's all I needed to feel safe. Was you.

And suddenly, I couldn't fall asleep without imagining you next to me, holding my hand or your arm wrapped around my stoamch, the warmth of the blankets draped over us never bringing the same amount of warmth we bring each other.

Then every love song that played softly over the radio reminded me of you. And every love tune that my ears picked up made me think of your smile and the way that you make me feel.

I laugh softly, the air leaving my lungs and out my mouth in a quite chuckle. You hum behind me, your chest raising up and down with the low sound of your voice.

For a split second, I feel your hand start to pause. Your heart start to slow, and I need it to keep going. I need you to keep being you.

Because I'm in love with you, and it's all your fault.

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