chapter 2 we meet again but this time...alone

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when i woke up the next marring there was a note on my bed. ''went to school i left my number on the bottom see ya hopefully tonight later night'' i smiled when i saw her number on the bottom of the page. ''see ya tonight night'' i said and i got ready for the day.

night's pov

i left leo's room around midnight just so i didn't wake up and be late for school i left a note so he doesn't worry. i was on the rooftops thinking about Leonardo. the stupid thing was that i got a bruise on my stomach because his shell stabbed into my stomach. although im not complaining its cool but it hurt when Leonardo set me down. im glad he didn't ask for my name though because....i don't have one yet. 

i was so busy with school being the night guard of the city i didn't have time to think of a name for myself. I live alone and i know this elderly lady next door to my apartment she's the only one who knows my secret. im not human...

im a mutant just like them but i look normal. but inside and if i get scared angry i show my powers that and my eyes change colors. nice right wrong its dangerous if someone saw they think im a freak. and they might try to kill me. when i got to my apartment it was already sunrise. sure everyone was still asleep but it was dark out.

i climb into my window then i remove my shirt. i removed my gear. then i removed my mask. i had a scar there it was small or kinda big but i don't know i guess it was given to me. ''i can just cover it with foundation i mean Casey picked some up for me yesterday. im glad April and i saw each other. she didn't even reveal my secret.

 im glad. ''well better get ready for school'' i change into black jeans a red T-shirt and some black and white convers. i don't know why but...Leonardo's heart was racing last night when ever my hands were on his chest. i only did it so i can see and i can look at someone. when i grabbed my mask i put it on then i saw my eyes were red again. ''looks like im angry again.'' my red eyes only show if im in love or im mad. yellow is happiness. purple is fear. green is disgust. blue is sadness. gray is nervous. pink is shy. white means im confused. or concern. 

''good marring night i never expected you to come by this week how are you'' the lady next door said to me when i enter her apartment. sense we've been together for awhile she allows me to come in when ever i want or need to. i puffer knocking and calling her. i maybe rude but im not that rude. sometimes i do it but very rarely do i do that.

 ''good marring miss. Veronica im good how about you'' i answer as i grab her hands and i knelt down in front of her. she's like a mother to me. ''im well don't you have school today'' Veronica asked. ''yes indeed i do but i thought i come by to make sure your ok before i leave how has your leg been'' i bow my head. she's actually a duelist combat fighter. 

she taught me boxing ninjuisu kick boxing dance fighting and lots of other types of fighting skills. she owns a dojo. everyday after school i go to her dojo to train from 2:30 to sundown. ''its been well night now what seems to be the cause of your anger midnight'' she asked. i look at her with white eyes and she smiled. ''your eyes were red. 

now tell me what's the cause of it'' she asked. she doesn't know about the kraang. i don't want her in battle and i don't want her in danger. ''remember the people that kidnapped me ten years ago'' i started and she nods. ''yes i remember'' she said as she sat me on the couch. ''well i ran into them last night and they tried to take me away again so they can experiment on me again. but i got away like always'' i said as she hands me a brown bag. she also makes me my lunch breakfast and dinner to. i told her she didn't have to but she insisted for whatever reason. 

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