Black Bird

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HI so its been a while and I have tons to finish writing I just haven't posted anything in a while. Also I just gave the baby in this story a random name so if you feel like changing it go ahead lol. 

You smiled as you watched Tom put your two month old in her crib. The past few weeks had been rough, baby Eleanor did not like to go to sleep at a reasonable time. Right as you and Tom were about to go to bed she insisted on being awake and crying at the top of her lungs. Don't get me wrong, having a baby with the love of your life is amazing but sleeping was not guaranteed.

"Good night my little darling," Tom whispered down at the somewhat newborn. You walked over behind Tom who was watching the baby and ran your nails gently across his back.

"She's gorgeous," He whispered, still peering down at the baby, "She's got your eyes, and your nose," he smiled, looking up at you. You lightly pecked his lips before turning back to the little girl. "Well hello there little Ellie, me and your mum love you soooooo much, it is quite honestly unbelievable. I think I love you more than your mum loves you though," Tom said, making you smack his bicep. You flashed him a smile and continued watching the baby.

"She's amazing, but she needs to sleep and so do we Mister Holland," You say grabbing his hands, dragging him toward the door of the nursery. He hesitated at first, just wanting to watch her, but agreed seeing the bags under your eyes. You walked to the door and watched Tom give Eleanor one last kiss on the head before sauntering toward you. But right as you were about to walk away Ellie started to cry. You sighed just wanting to have one night of peaceful sleep.

You walked back into the nursery and picked her up, cradling her against your chest. "I think she might be hungry, it's weird though she just ate," You said sitting down in the green velvet chair in the corner.

"She's a growing baby, my mum said she wouldn't have any real eating schedule for a couple of months," Tom replied, as he leant up against the door post. He looked exhausted but couldn't imagine how tired you were. "If you want, while she eats I can run you a bath, you look exhausted. I can't even imagine it." He pouted, attempting to look sympathetic.

"That would be amazing, I'm so tired and so gross, I can't even remember the last time I showered," You chuckled, scrunching up your face.

"Yeah, I think it's time for a shower, no offense love, but you are starting to smell," Tom said, teasing you a bit. You shook your head and continued feeding the baby.

"I think she might actually be getting full, so skedaddle I want to bathe." You said, winking at your husband.

He pushed off the door post and went straight across the hall, to your bedroom and into the ensuite bathroom, it had the largest tub. He turned the faucet to the perfect temperature and let the large tub begin to fill. He went back into the nursery, seeing you trying to get Eleanor to burp.

"I think she's almost done," you kept on patting the baby's back, "you should go check on the tub, it fills up fast." You told Tom, as he quickly jogged to the bathroom.

He turned off the faucet, checking the temperature, making sure it wouldn't burn you or be too cold. "It's ready!" He smiled and walked out of the room.

The baby had finally burped, you placed her in her crib and made sure she fell asleep. You walked out of the nursery, checking one last time to make sure she was asleep and went to the bathroom.

"Here you are my fair lady, a bath for the smelly maiden," You rolled your eyes and put your hair in a bun. You smiled at the kind gesture and kissed his cheek. You kept looking at the bath and then back at Tom.

"Aren't you going to get in? If it's about your body don't worry, I've seen everything. I mean we're married, how else did Eleanor get here," He joked, smiling at you with his big brown puppy eyes.

"It's different now, I understand that Eleanor had to come from that but I don't know.... I just feel weird, I have a mom's body now. I don't look the same." You said, looking up at Tom.

"It's okay, I'll just be right outside that bathroom door if you need me." He said, wrapping you in a warm hug and kissing the top of your head. He quietly shut the door making sure not to wake Eleanor.

You quickly undressed and got in the bath, figuring it was going to be ruined somehow between your husband or your baby or both. You put your head back and closed your eyes trying to get some much needed rest. Not even five minutes in the baby started crying, or in better words wailing. You heard Tom sigh and get up from the bed to check on the baby. You heard him gently sway the baby but nothing worked, she kept crying. A few more minutes went by and the baby wouldn't stop. You were about to get up when Tom walked into the bathroom.

"I know you don't want me to look and I won't, I promise. But Eleanor won't stop crying and she puked all over her pajamas. I think she might be sick." He said, looking upset that he ruined your bath.

"It's okay Tommy, she probably just has an upset stomach. Bring her here, I can smell the puke on her." You said opening your arms to the baby.

He gently unclothed her, making sure not to get any more puke anywhere. He handed you the brown haired baby. You laid her on your chest and rubbed her back, attempting to comfort her. She just kept crying, making you upset. You hushed her and held her close to your heart but nothing worked. You lathered her in her soap making sure to get the stench of the throw up off of her chest. She just kept crying.

"I think I have an idea on how to hush her," Tom left the bathroom and went to his side of the bed. He came back with his guitar. He sat at the edge of the bathtub and tuned his guitar making sure his girls got nothing but the best. "She loves it when I play for her, maybe it will help her fall asleep." He said quietly. Soon enough he was playing black bird by the beatles. "Black bird singing in the dead of night, take these broken wing and learn to fly, all your life." Tom quietly sang. Finally Eleanor quieted down, she yawned and closed her little brown eyes. "Black bird bird fly" (I know how the song goes, I just figured time skip for like a second.)Tom continued softly singing. Eleanor was finally asleep with a small smile on her face.

You smiled as Tom finished singing, he put his guitar down and watched you look at the little girl in your arms. He smiled knowing he couldn't have a better little family.

"When did you learn to play like that, T?" you whispered, fearing you might wake the baby.

"Years ago, I just never really played around you because anytime I see you I still get butterflies," He said smiling at you.

"Well it's amazing, and thank you being such an amazing father and husband," You said reaching for his hand.

"No thank you, I can't imagine having a different wife or mother to my child," He smiled, "I think its time for you to relax and little Eleanor to get a diaper on and go to bed." He said, lifting the baby off your chest. He headed back into the nursery, this time not a peep from the baby just Tom shuffling around. You smiled, you couldn't be happier.

I hope you enjoyed, I might post more later but I hope you liked this. :) 

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