maybe a drunken mistake

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Hey guys, I know it's been ridiculously long since I've posted but I'm back for now. I'm not nearly as into writing as I once was, plus writer's block is pure evil. But anyway, I did get this idea from the movie The Perks of Being a Wallflower. I one thousand percent recommend that movie but if you are super sensitive 'I recommend staying away from it. If you are interested; it's on Netflix and Paul Rudd is amazing in it. Also if you are interested, go watch it first and then come back and read this.

You know when something awful happens and you wish that you could have avoided it at all costs; like "what if I didnt eat that stupid chinese food that always make your stoach hurt" or "if only I didn't listen to him," that kind of thing. Yeah, that's me tonight, everything could have been easily avoided if only I didn't go to stupid Harrisons for his stupid party. If only I knew what was going to happen hours into the party. If you're wondering, no, no one died, except for me on the inside. It wasn't like it was even my fault, Tom kissed me, not the other way around.

" Come on y/n, it'll be fun, and it's my birthday," harrison begged across the phone. "Haz, you know I don't like parties, they aren't my scene." You said back to try to get the boy off of your back. "It's just gonna be my closest friends, which put you on the list of people at my party." "I'll go, only if you tell me who is going to be there," you said just to make sure that no one annoying was going to be pestering everyone all night. "Um... obviously you, y/f/n, the twins, Tuwaine, Tom, and uhhh... Katie," "ugh, Katie really, I swear she's only with Tom for his fame and money." "Y/n, I can't invite Tom and not Katie, he'd probably bring her anyway," Harrison snickered on the other side of the phone. "Or she'd invite herself," you quipped back. "Yeah yeah, so are you gonna be there or not?" "Fine, I'm not staying until midnight, you can't make me," "Deal, see you at seven on Friday." "Fine." You hung up going back to watching your crappy Tv shows.

"I honestly don't even wanna go, she's always on top of Tom and it makes me angry. I'll try to talk to him and she will come up and grab his arm and pull him away. Like am I a threat, no, I've known Tom since I was three, if something were to happen, I'm sure it already would have." You complained to your best friend over the phone as you got ready for Harrison's party. "Dude, she's probably jealous because you know everything about Tom and she's still trying to figure him out. And you are definitely wrong about the timing, anything could happen, he is 24 and you're only 21, you don't have to have kids yet so calm down." "Our timing just hasn't been right, and that makes me wonder if he still likes me." "Girl, when we all went and ate at the cheesecake factory for your birthday who did he sit and he was eyeing you all night." "Oh, shut up, Katie was there too and he said she looked gorgeous with me sitting next to him." "But if I remember correctly he told you, and I quote 'Wow, you look absolutely stunning AS PER USUAL!' And you say he doesn't like you." "That was a while ago though, he can't still like me." "You are aware, he could have a girlfriend and still not be over you." "When was he ever under me?" "ugh, you're so annoying, I'm done talking to you about this, go get dressed for Haz's party." "Fine, see you later."

London in the summers were annoying as all hell, it rained constantly which made your hair super frizzy which lead to you looking like a poodle going to Harrison's party. You quickly made your way to the entrance to the boys house, trying to avoid getting your hair more wet.
"Oi, y/n is here!" Harry yelled as he held his camera to you. "Are you seriously filming this party?" You asked the red headed boy. "Of course, why wouldn't I be?" "Just figured we might actually have a night without a camera shoved in our faces." You smiled as you gave Harry hell. He put the camera down and led you into the house. "HEY, it's y/n!" Tom yelled, already having at least two beers in his system. He walked around the island and threw his arm over your shoulder. "How have you been, love?" The words slipping off of his tongue meaning nothing. "I've been okay, working like a dog." You smiled up at Tom, who still had his arm around your shoulder. "That is not good, you need to relax, good thing you're here." He smiled down at you ,kissing your cheek.

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