Chapter 19:

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 “Hey Coach S, what a pleasant surprise.” I lied. I could tell that my nervousness was coming out in my voice. It had risen on octave and had a very plastic tone to it.

“Listen Jourdan, is there any way that you can meet me in my office in about 20 minutes?” Scolari asked, getting right to the point.
“Sure, what do you need me for?” I resisted the urge to bit my nails from the anxiety I was feeling.
“I would rather discuss that in person if you don’t mind.” Scolari said.
I frowned. “Yeah sure. I’ll see you in 20 minutes then.”
Scolari hung up and I lowered the phone from my ears. I walked into the living room and found Alessandra laying down on the couch, watching a Brazilian sit-com.
“Where are you going?” She asked when she saw me grab her car keys and head for the front door.
“Scolari asked to see me in his office.” I told her.
Alessandra grimaced. “I’m guessing from the look on your face that you think he’s going to fire you.”
“What else could he want?” I wondered.
“Do you want me to go with you?” Alessandra offered.
“Somehow I don’t think Scolari would appreciate it if I brought my friend with me to a private meeting. Thanks for offering but I’m fine. Wish me luck though.” I tossed over my shoulder as I opened the front door.
When I walked into Scolari’s office the first thing that I noticed was that it was filled with Brazilian memorabilia. There were pictures of Scolari playing when he was younger, and others where he’s posing with famous soccer players. There was also a bunch of trophies and awards sprinkled throughout the room. Scolari didn’t even have pictures of his family in his office. You could tell that his life literally revolved around soccer.
The second thing that I noticed in Scolari’s office was Scolari himself. He was sitting behind his large oak desk observing me with a neutral expression on his face.
“Hey coach.” I greeted, a weak smile on my face.
“Have a seat Jourdan.”
I scrambled to comply quickly.
“Do you know why I wanted to see you today?” He asked.
“I think so.” I exclaimed.
“Tell me, in your words, why I wanted to talk to you.”
“Because you heard about the fight between Neymar and David Luiz.” I hung my head.
Scolari nodded. “You’re right Jourdan. I did hear about that. And do you know what I thought about it?”
I shook my head no.
“Well at first I was confused as to why would two of my players randomly started a fight with each other after a World Cup win. I mean, I could understand if we lost and it was one of the players fault, but we won, so what was there to be mad about? But then I got to thinking and decided that Neymar probably said something stupid and David lost control and hit him.” Scolari paused and gave me a hard look.
“Imagine my surprise when I learn that the fight was about you Jourdan. Let me tell you, I was shocked. I couldn’t understand why they were fighting over you. I knew that you and David were dating so I figured that Neymar was probably jealous, said something distasteful about you, and David defended your honor by punching him. And then someone fills me in on the whole situation and I’m told that you had a relationship with each of them, at the same time.” Scolari’s eyes blazed.
“Well actually I had a relationship with Neymar and then started dating David after that. So technically, it wasn’t at the same time.” I clarified…and then immediately shut my mouth when I saw the unimpressed looked on Scolari’s face.
“Who sent you here? Argentina? Did they really stoop so low as to hiring a girl to seduce two of my star players and create conflict between them?” Scolari questioned.
“What, no! I’m so sorry that I started any drama on your team but I didn’t do it intentionally. I wasn’t hired.” I addressed.
Scolari snorted. “Either way, you are no longer welcome to interact with any members of my team. In fact, I will even go so far as to offer to pay for your travel back to the States. I appreciate you helping out the team but you’ve done more harm than good at this point. Because of you I have to pay off anyone who knows about the fight between David and Neymar. Fighting is grounds for suspension and I can’t afford to lose David. Oh and now I have two players who refuse to even look at each other much less play together on a field. I’m screwed.” Scolari ran a frustrated hand through his gray, thinning hair.
I took that as my cue to leave. “Again I apologize for my part to play in the fight between David and Neymar. I understand your decision to revoke my access to the players but I won’t take you up on your offer to pay for my flight home. I would like to watch the rest of the World Cup as a fan.” I stood up from my seat and made my way to the door.
“Good bye Jourdan.” I heard Scolari say softly behind me.
“Bye.” I breathed. I closed his office door behind me.
I was walking towards the parking lot when I noticed a familiar head of curly hair walking in the opposite direction. I realized that it would probably be a bad decision to talk to him seeing as he more than likely hated me right now and Scolari just told me that I couldn’t talk to any of his players anymore, but I couldn’t fight the urge to set things right.
I switched directions and followed behind David Luiz. When he opened the door to the weight room I rushed forward and caught the door before it closed and locked. I pushed the door open and found David Luiz setting his bag down on a bench by the workout machines.
“Hi.” I said timidly.
David whipped his head around at the sound of my voice. When he saw me his eyes darkened and his body stiffened.
“You need to get out of here, right now.” He barked.
“I’ll leave, but not before we work things out.” I stood my ground.
David scoffed. “I have no interest in you anymore.”
Well that hurt
I rolled my eyes. “I didn’t mean that I wanted to get back together, I understand that you probably don’t want anything to do with me right now.”
“That’s an understatement.” David said tersely.
“I just wanted to apologize to you again. I realize that what I did was completely messed up and if I could I would take it all back. I should have been honest with you from the beginning, but I didn’t want to risk losing you. You were the best thing to happen to me in a really long time.” I admitted.
David cracked a hesitant smile that lasted only a second before he replaced it with another scowl.
“I don’t believe you. I saw the way Neymar looked at you and I saw the way you acted around him. You have real feelings for him.” David Luiz scowled.
“It’s true that I’m attracted to Neymar but I broke things off with him for good a few weeks ago after the interview with Marta. I wanted to be committed to you and Neymar retaliated by telling you what happened between us in the locker room.” I put in.
“Thank you for telling me that.” David said after an intense moment of silence. “I forgive you for lying at me. But I don’t see us moving forward. Not as a couple and not as friends. I just don’t trust you anymore.” David told me.
“That’s fair.” I muttered.
I felt tears prickle the back of my eyes and blinked rapidly to prevent them from coming down my face. I’m not going to lie and say that his words didn’t hurt, cause they did. It sucked to know that I would never get to spend time with David again. He was a really good man and I could have seen myself being happy with him. But as odd as it sounds, I felt relieved after our conversation. My conscience was completely cleared now. No more lies, no more secrets, and no more love triangle.
“Good bye Jourdan.” David echoed Scolari’s words.
“Bye David.” I smiled sadly and left the gym.
I’m proud to say that I walked back to Alessandra’s car with my head held high. Today might have been a really shitty day, but it was over. And it was finally time to move on.

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