Chapter 11:

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Neymar slammed his fist into his locker. He keep bludgeoning the locker, ignoring the throbbing pain in his hand. At this point he didn't care if he hurt it, he was too frustrated. Never has a woman given him so many problems. Usually they would go along with whatever he wanted. And for those that played hard to get, Neymar would move on to the next one. No girl was worth chasing after when he could get anyone he wanted.

Except Jourdan Morris.

He didn't know what it was about her that drove him crazy. Was it the fact that she was American and he usually stuck to women of his own  culture? He didn't think so. Was it the fact that she challenged him? Maybe. But from the moment he saw Jourdan standing on the pitch that fateful day, he swore to himself that he would have her. 

She was beautiful. Her almond shaped light brown eyes captivated him and he found himself losing all train of thought when he looked in their depths. Her skin was like liquid honey, smooth and delectable, he should know since he's tasted it. Her body was toned from playing soccer but she wasn't skinny, which he was grateful for. And she had curves like none other he has experienced. Having these thoughts come to his head stirred emotions deep within him. What was happening? 

He told himself that he wouldn't settle down until he was 30, and when he did, it would be with a model that would give him more perfect kids and would look good on his arm. If he had to choose between a woman with a good personalty and a woman who was beautiful, he would choose the one who looked better in a heart beat. But all that went out the window when he saw Jourdan Morris. Suddenly he could have it all; a girl with the looks, the brains, the personality, and he found himself wanting something more from her than just one night of sex. He wasn't sure exactly where he wanted them to go, but he knew that he wanted more. He needed more.

Neymar slammed his fist into the locker again as he thought of David Luiz being with her. What did he have that Neymar himself didn't? What exactly did Jourdan see in him.

"O que você está fazendo?" Thiago Silva asked him as he walked into the locker room. He had heard the noises and came to investigate.
(What are you doing?)

"Nada, eu sou apenas um pouco frustrado." Neymar said.
(Nothing, I am just a little frustrated)

"O que tem frustrado irmãozinho?" Thiago asked as he took a seat on the bench facing Neymar.
(What has you frustrated little brother?)

Neymar sighed. "Eu acho que eu gosto Jourdan, mais do que eu devrai."
(I think that I like Jourdan, more than I should)

Thiago snorted. "Qualquer um pode ver isso. Será que ela sente o mesmo sobre você?"
(Anyone can see that. Does she feel the same about you?)

"Ela diz que não. Fizemos sexo na festa no outro dia e eu pensei que ela iria gostar de mim mais. Ao contrário, ela quer estar com David Luiz." Neymar ran a frustrated hand through his hair.
(She says that she doesn't. We had sex at the party the other day and I thought she would like me more. Instead she wants to be with David Luiz.)

"Garotas americanas são engraçados. Eles não falam o que realmente sentem. Por que você não mostrar a ela o que ela está faltando?" Thiago offered.
(American girls are funny. They don't speak what they really feel. Why don't you show her what she's missing?)

Neymar frowned. "Como?"

Thiago shrugged. "Mostre-lhe que ela não é a única garota que você está interessado polegadas."
(Show her that she's not the only girl that you're interested in)


Thiago stood up from the seat. "Isso é conselho suficiente para uma noite. Me havee alguna parte tengo que estar. Boa sorte Neymar."
(That's enough advice for one night. I have somewhere I need to be. Good luck Neymar."

Thiago saluted him before grabbing his bags and leaving.

Neymar stood there silently while he thought about what Thiago had told him. Maybe he was on to something?

Neymar reached into his pocket and pulled out his cellphone. He dialed the brunette and waited impatiently until she answered.

"Ola." Bruna said.

"Você quer continuar de onde paramos?." Neymar spoke hesitantly.



The date with David Luiz was everything that I hoped it would be. He was funny and easy to talk to and there wan't any of the combative conversation that I usually had with Neymar. It actually felt good to have a normal relationship with someone for a change.

"Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?" David asked me as he walked me to Alessandra's front door.

"I'm not sure. Probably being a high school soccer coach and saving up money for an international vacation?" I shrugged. "I don't like to think about the future, I prefer to live in the now. What about you?"

David smiled. "I see myself with a wife and at least one child. It's one of my dreams to have a family of my own cheering for me at one of my games."

"That sounds beautiful." I whispered.

We came to Alessandra's door then. We were both in no hurry for me to go inside. I leaned against the door and snuggled in David's Brazil sweatshirt that he had given me earlier to keep me warm.

"You're beautiful." David breathed.

He tilted my chin up with his hand and brought our lips together. His kiss wasn't invasive like Neymar's were. It was sweet but also commanding in the way that a man's kiss should be. He swiped my bottom lip with his tongue and I opened my mouth, joining our tongues together. David let go of my chin and buried his fingers into my hair. He tugged my head closer to his, smashing me against him. Finally we ran out of breath and he let me go.

"Wow." I muttered and touched my lips.

"Good night Jourdan." David smiled wickedly before turning around and walking back to his sports car.

I opened Alessandra's door with a smile on my face.

"You are a giant whore." Alessandra joked when she saw me. "First you come home wearing a number 10 jersey and now you're wearing a number 4 sweatshirt? Who's next? Marcelo? Thiago Silva?"

I sighed and plopped down on her couch.

"You are completely out of it." Alessandra observed. "How was the date?" 

"Pretty decent." I played it off.

She raised an eyebrow. "Well judging on that kiss I just saw, it was more than decent."

I glared at her. "You were watching us from your peephole!"

"It's my house." Alessandra tried. "If I want to look through my peephole then I will."

"You're insane." I told her.

"I know." She said and walked towards her bedroom.

I reached for the remote lying next to me on the couch and used it to turn on the TV. The good thing about Brazilian television is that it has both American shows and local Brazilian programming on it. I was searching through the channels when I saw a picture of Neymar come across the screen. I would have kept going but right after, a picture of me flashed on the TV. Out of curiosity I stopped on the channel. Unfortunately it was a Brazilian network so the news lady was speaking Portuguese. The show looked like one of those celebrity gossip program.

I knew that there was an option for putting on english subtitles so I looked for the button on the remote that would turn them on. I finally found it and read the tiny printed script.

*It seems like our prince has left American cinderella Jourdan Morris, in favor of his ex-girlfriend Bruna Marquezine.*

Two pictures of Neymar and Bruna came up on screen (neymar-kissing-bruna-marquezin   neymar-kissing-bruna-marquezin)

One picture showed him kissing her on the neck and the other showed them kissing full on.

My blood boiled as the woman on screen said that these pictures were taken a few minutes earlier.

Looks like Neymar was still with Bruna and I meant as little to him as I thought I did. So much for caring about me.

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