Chapter 15:

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David tucked a stray hair behind my ear as he pulled away from me. There was a content smile on his face and I knew that I reflected the same back at him. There was something about David Luiz that made me weak at the knees. I felt like I was living in a movie. 

Never in my wildest dreams did I even think that I would meet this man, let alone be dating him. I idolized him when I was younger and getting to know him as a person backs up what I always thought he'd be like. 

He was a stark contrast to someone like Neymar. They went about their relationships in different ways. David prefers to take a more subdued approach and woo a girl. He likes to take his time and court someone. Being with Neymar is like riding a roller coaster. He moves quickly and is very passionate. There's nothing wrong with that, but going about things in such a way causes the relationship to fizzle out quickly.

David and Neymar were like night and day.While David was calm and understanding, Neymar was dominating. David was tender and sweet and Neymar was combative. It's no wonder I feel more comfortable expressing myself with David Luiz. With him I know that I won't get my heart broken. In fact, if anyone would end up getting hurt, it would be David. If I gave Neymar a chance I knew that he would break me. I would end up giving my full self in a relationship for someone who's going to just end up taking advantage of me. More then likely he would end up cheating. I felt safe with David. And that made me happy.

David ran his fingers through my hair, cupped the back of my head, and pushed my forehead against his.

"You are something special, you know that Jourdan?" He whispered. "I have never met anyone like you before."

"What do you mean?"David smiled. "I've never met a more confident woman, and at the same time I've never met a more self conscious person. You are so full of passion and become someone else when you're on the football field. You're confident and sexy. But outside of football, you are more timid. It's interesting to see the change." David admitted.

When he saw the look on my face he continued."I don't mean it in a bad way. I like both sides of you. You're a breath of fresh air in a cave full of liars and pretentious people. When I meet someone new, I always have to question whether or not they like me for me, or if they're really using me to meet famous people or they like the spot light being with me can put on them. With you, I know exactly what I'm getting."

A little part of me felt guilty when I heard him speak so highly of me. The truth was that I was just like those liars that he mentioned.

There was absolutely no way that I could let David find out what happened between Neymar and I. I didn't want to risk losing him when I finally found a secure relationship.My past boyfriends weren't  nearly as textbook perfect as David Luiz. The man seriously seemed to have no flaws.

"Thank you." I finally said and forced a smile onto my face.

"I was wondering where you two were." Scolari spoke as he rounded the corner of the stadium building. The whole Brazilian team was behind him.

"We were just talking." I affirmed.

"Among other things." David whispered under his breath. I grinned and elbowed him in the stomach.Scolari looked between us and shook his head.

"I do not need to know anything about what you two were doing out here alone. We have been scheduled for a interview so I need you on the bus to the news station right now."

It was at that point that I noticed that the boys were getting on a coach bus that was parked at the side of the stadium.

"Alright, I'll see you later." I reached up to hug David Luiz.

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