Chapter 2:

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"Can I get in on this one?" I asked Thiago, seeing as he was the captain of the team, as I came up on the turf.

"Yeah sure." Thiago smiled. 

"Since you're our guest, why don't you go first? You can even pick who you want to go against." David Luiz spoke up.

"Ok, I want…" I pretended to inspect my choices like I didn't know who I wanted already,"You." I pointed at Neymar.

"Are you sure you want to do that amor?" Neymar warned with a smirk on his face.

"Positive." I fake smiled at him.

Without waiting for him to say anything else I marched onto the field and stood at one end of the coned section. Neymar shrugged and dribbled a ball to the other side. Being the 'gentleman' that he was, Neymar decided to have possession first. Thiago called game and Neymar started to dribble towards me. Rather than immediately attack I used defensive stance to back up a little. When Neymar got close he faked to the left and instead went right. I was insulted. Did he really think that he would win by doing elementary tricks against me? Unfortunately for him, I watched all of his FC Barcelona games, so I knew all of his tricks. I anticipated his move and stole the ball, using my shock advantage to outrun him and make it to the other side before he could challenge me, successfully "scoring".

I trapped the ball and put my foot on it and took a look at the other players. All of them wore a mixture of shocked and impressed looks on their face. Neymar on the other hand was livid.


"What was that? You knew what I was going to do!"

"Don't be a sore loser junior." I teased.

"Don't call me that." Neymar glared.

I smiled. "Come on, you still have two more games to redeem yourself."

Neymar shot me one last glare before going to the other side of the coned playing section.

I started with the ball this time. I dribbled it slowly, taking my time to work on Neymar's nerves. When I got close to him I did a Cryuff turn to throw him off and confuse him and before he could recover I raced to his side. After I scored Neymar let out a slew of Portuguese words that I assumed were curses.

"She is killing you Neymar." Marcelo spoke up.

"We might have to replace you with her by the opening match of the World Cup." Thiago laughed.

"Let's go again." Neymar growled.

This time Neymar started off with the ball. He dribbled quickly towards me. When he had reached me and I went for the ball he twisted to the right, elbowing me in my stomach. I went down swiftly as he finally got a point.

"Really?" David Luiz shook his head before helping me stand up.

"Come on, soccer is a contact sport. If she can't handle a challenge then maybe she shouldn't be practicing with us." Neymar snapped.

"I still won." I reminded him as I walked off of the pitch. The boys gave me congratulatory pats on the back when I passed them.

"You owned him." Alessandra admitted after I sat back down on the bench.

"Damn right I did." I said proudly. "Who knew he would be such a sore loser?"

Alessandra and I decided to sit back and watch the rest of the boy's practice for the next two hours. I noticed that Neymar completely ignored us after I beat him in our one v one game, which I was not complaining about. It felt good to know that I had seriously bruised his ego. All in all, the Brazilian men looked good, but I knew that they would have to fight in this World Cup if they wanted to make it to the finals. Portugal, Argentina, Germany, and even the Netherlands were considered to be top contenders.

When the boys had finished practicing, Thiago came up to Alessandra and me.

"We are all heading over to Hulk's place to cool down. Do you guys want to come?" He asked us.

As I prepared to say no, Alessandra beat me to the punch.

"We would love to."

I shot her a panicked look that she completely ignored. I really didn't want to spend more time with the Brazilian players. I mean, of course it would be cool to hang out with  professional soccer players off of the field, but I wasn't looking forward to seeing Neymar is a more informal setting. And I tended to be slightly awkward in social situations that involved strangers.

"Did you drive here?" Thiago asked.

Alessandra nodded. "I did."

"Okay, then you can follow my car. The boys and I are going to shower first and then we'll head out. It should only take ten minutes. Sit tight and I will be right back." Thiago said the last part over his shoulder as he walked to the men's locker room.

When he had left I punched Alessandra on her arm.

"Ow, what was that for?" She shrieked.

"For selling's us out to Brazil's national team. We don't know these guys, what if they want sexual favors or something?" I chastised.

Alessandra's eyes lit up. "You think?"

I prepared to hit her again, but Alessandra stopped my fist.

"I was kidding." She defended herself. "Honestly, you need to chill out. I'm sure these guys are really cool and probably just want to hang out with us. Besides, when will we ever get the chance to hang out with professional soccer players again?"

"And by 'we' you really mean me. Your dad owns soccer stadiums around the world Alessandra. This is is pretty normal for you."

Alessandra shrugged. "Maybe, but I really want to go today. You aren't going to make me go alone are you?"

"Do I really have a choice." I groaned. "You are my ride back to your place."

Alessandra smiled. "Exactly, so just relax and enjoy yourself with some really hot guys tonight."

I doubt that I will 

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