Chapter 13:

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"Is-is that even possible? This is a men's team, that's never been done before. I mean, I'm not complaining I'm just-" I rambled.

"I didn't mean as a player, I meant as a junior assistant coach." Scolari chuckled.

"Oh." I breathed.

Well I felt stupid.

"What's a junior assistant coach, I didn't even know that position existed." I asked Scolari.

"It doesn't exist, I just made it up." Scolari clapped me on my shoulder. "You've been helping us out so much lately that I thought I would formally invite you to be a more permanent part of the team. Nothing would change except that you would have to go to every practice to assist me and you'd have to come to every game."

"That sounds amazing, I would love to accept the position." I nodded my head.

"Good." Scolari smirked. He stepped away from me then.

I knew why when I felt water cascade over my head. I shrieked and turned around to find the boys standing behind me. Thiago had poured the gatorade jug of water all over me. The guys cracked up when they saw the shocked look on my face.

"I hate you all." I narrowed my eyes at them.

"We love you too. Welcome to team Brasilia." David Luiz came forward.

He tugged me into the circle of the Brazilian players and someone handed me my own jersey with my last name on the back. Tears came to my eyes as I got hugs from all of the players. For the first time since my injury, I felt like I was part of a team again.

I soon came down from my high however when I realized that Neymar was missing from my supporters. I noticed him standing off to the side of the field with Bruna. She was sitting on a raised bleacher and Neymar stood between her legs. They were furiously making out. I felt heat creep onto the back of my neck when I saw Bruna tangle her fingers in his hair. The fact that they had the nerve to be broadcasting their relationship so openly had me suddenly really pissed off.

When she got up and went inside the stadium building a short while later, I ambushed Neymar.

"It didn't taken you long at all to go running back to Bruna." I crossed my arms across my chest.

He looked at me, surprised. "What are you talking about?"

I sighed. "You and Bruna. You told me that you guys were over and yet here you are kissing all over the place."

"Why do you care?" Neymar smirked. "Are you jealous?"

I scoffed. "Please, I'm just annoyed that you lied to me several times about your relationship with her. And I also hate seeing ridiculous displays of PDA at my place of work."

"What does that mean?" Neymar frowned.

"Oh, you haven't heard." I smiled and tossed my jersey at his head. Neymar caught it and inspected it. "I'm a junior assistant coach for Brazil now. You know, since I'm so helpful."

"Congratulations Jourdan, I know how much this must mean to you." Neymar surprised me by saying. I was waiting for him to take it back but instead a huge smile broke out on his face and he brought me in for a hug.

"You deserve this." He whispered into my ear and tightened his arms around me.

"Thanks?" I muttered into his shirt. I relaxed into his arms and lost myself in the feeling of being into his embrace again. That moment ended when I realized that he hadn't answered me yet. I pushed him away.

"You still haven't answered my question, why are you with Bruna?" I reminded him.

"Why are you with David?" Neymar countered.

"Stop deflecting my questions." I glared.

"I'm with Bruna because I want to be with Bruna. I'm not going to chase after you forever Jourdan." Neymar retorted. "There's only so much rejection I can take."

"So rather than convince me that you're not a man whore and are capable of being in a serious relationship, you get back together with the girl you used me to cheat on." I laughed humorlessly.

"I did not cheat on Bruna! I had broken up with her the night before I met you." Neymar's eyes blazed.

"Is that really all you heard?" I asked rhetorically. "If I remember correctly, Bruna said that you broke up with her and then the next day, you showed up at her house and had sex with her. That kind of implied that you wanted to get back together with her. What was she supposed to think?"

"I never said those words. I wanted sex so I got sex from her." Neymar replied.

I rolled my eyes. "Do you even hear yourself right now? You sound like a gigantic player. Why would I want to be in a relationship with someone like you?"

"Because we have a connection." Neymar stepped closer to me, invading my space. "Nobody else can make you feel like you do when I'm around. And the same goes for me. I know that you have feelings for me because we're magic when we're together."

"You sound so cliche right now. And we argue when we're together." I pointed out.

"We only argue because you refuse to give me a chance." Neymar rasped, his warm breath hitting my face from his close proximity.

"What's going on here?"

I looked behind Neymar and saw that Bruna was coming towards us. There was a venomous look on her face when she saw how close Neymar and I were standing.

"You might want to get back to your girlfriend." I reminded Neymar.


"Was just leaving." I cut Neymar off and said to Bruna as she came us to us. She slid a possessive arm around Neymar's waist and glared at me.

"What were you two talking about?" She asked. I don't know how, but she managed to sound nonchalant though I'm sure she wanted to kill me on the inside.

"You actually." I lied. "Neymar was just telling me that he wanted to keep things professional between us so that he can focus on his relationship with you."

"Really?" Bruna sounded suspicious.

"Yeah, I would love to stay and chat but I'm sure you guys would like some alone time." I turned around before Neymar could say something stupid and ruin what I had just said and walked towards David Luiz who was actually gesturing for me to come to him.

"Hey." I exclaimed when I had reached him. I smiled at him but he didn't return it.

"Cristiano Ronaldo is here to see you," My eyes widened and David continued, "He's waiting at the front of the stadium. I didn't know that you knew each other." David deadpanned.

I figured that he must be suspicious about how I knew such a high profile celebrity known for sleeping with a lot of women. I couldn't afford for him to know the truth about what happened between Cristiano and I at the party so I lied. Again.

"Oh yeah, we go way back." I blew it off. "We met about a year ago at my physical therapy center. He must have seen me on TV and wanted to stop by to say hello."

David's face brightened. "That's amazing, so you must be close for him to come here so suddenly. Do you want me to walk with you outside to see him?"

"No!" I said quickly and perhaps a bit too forcefully. "I'll be quick. Wait right here and I will be right back."

"Ok." David spoke. He smiled timidly.

I practically ran off of the pitch and through the stadium. I walked out the front door and found Cristiano standing in front of a black sports car with shades on his face. He was wearing white dress pants with a fitted black shirt and his CR7 mercurial indoor soccer shoes on his feet.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him as I walked towards him.

"What? No, 'Hi Cristiano, It's so nice to see you again'. Can I at least get a hug first?" Cristiano pouted and opened his arms for a hug.

I reluctantly stepped into them and Cristiano wrapped his arms around me. I giggled when he lifted me up and spun me around.

"Hi Cristiano, it is so nice to see you again." I said once he had released me, throwing his words back at him.

"Now that's more like it." He nodded in approval.

"Seriously, what are you doing here?"

"I'm here to see you of course." Cristiano removed his shades. "I actually want to take you for a drive."

"I don't really have time for a drive right now. Maybe next time?"

If I wanted to keep seeing David Luiz then there wouldn't be a next time.

"No, you are not getting out of this. I will not take no for an answer."

I stared at him and he met my gaze with as much intensity as I mine.

"Fine." I sighed. "But you only have ten minutes."

"That's all I need." Cristiano winked suggestively.

I rolled my eyes but nevertheless got into his car after he had opened the door for me. This better be quick, I thought to myself as Cristiano sped out of the parking lot and the stadium faded into the distance.

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