Chapter: 18

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So much for thinking that Neymar and I were starting to get along.

"What did you just say?" There was an eerily calm tone to David's voice. I had never seen him look so robotic before. He was usually a very expressive man. If it wasn't for the angry tick in his jaw, I would think that he was frozen.

Neymar stepped closer to him. "I said, I fucked your girlfriend."

"Thought so." David said.

I think Neymar and I were both surprised when David raised his fist and slammed it into the side of Neymar's face. Neymar stumbled back a few steps but wasted no time in reciprocating. The blow was probably meant for David's jaw but missed it's target and whizzed by in a blur of knuckles.

David didn't let Neymar's missed punch deter him, he knocked Neymar's arm away and  landed another hit to Neymar's face.

"David!" I shrieked when Neymar fell onto the floor.

The other boys in the locker room sprung to life and raced forward then. Most of them went to Neymar to see if he was alright and help him up. Two brave guys were approaching David timidly.

"What is wrong with you?" I asked David as I rested a hand on his shoulder to turn him around to face me.

"Do not touch me." He knocked my hand away. "Neymar wasn't lying when he said that you slept together, was he?"

I looked down. I couldn't bear to look him in the eyes and see his reaction. I couldn't open my mouth and say the words we both hoped were false. We both knew what I had done.

"Fucking hell Jourdan. Eu não posso acreditar nisso. Why? Why?" David shouted in my face. "Why didn't you tell me? When did this happen?"

The boys who were approaching David backed off. No one made eye contact with either of us. I'm sure that they were feeling awkward at over hearing such a private conversation. Those who were already changed, were escorting Neymar out of the room. Nobody wanted to take any chances and let him go and risk him and David attacking each other again.

"It was before we started anything. It happened at the World Cup pre party." My voice broke.

David shook his head. He at least looked relieved that it didn't happen while we were together, but he was nowhere near happy with me.  "God, I hate that I hit him. He deserved it, but I hate being the type of person who resorts to violence." He ran a hand through his curls and narrowed his eyes at me. "You had so many chances to tell me Jourdan."

"I didn't want to upset you." I said weakly. "I was scared that if I told you what happened, you wouldn't want to be with me anymore."

"You were right, I wouldn't have wanted to be with you. I would have thought that you and Neymar had some unresolved feelings for each other."

"I really don't have any feel-"

"But you didn't even give me the chance to make that decision for myself." David cut me off. "Instead you lied to me. You looked me in my eyes and lied to me countless times." David laughed humorlessly. "No wonder Neymar was always following you around. You were secret lovers. I must have looked like such a fool."

"No, David never. I am so sorry. I never meant for any of this to happen."

"Well it did!" David shouted. "The worst part is not even that you were with him, or that you lied to me. It's that you didn't think that I was worth hearing the truth and taking a chance on." David shook his head. "Just, just stay away from me."

"Come on David. Let's just talk. Please." I reached for his hand.

David pushed me away and stormed out of the room. I was left standing there, in the empty locker room alone. I sat down on the bench closest to me, and lowered my head to my hands.

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