Our Girl

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"Wow...thanks Uncle Charles," I moved the tower of diapers to the side. It was the fifth package of diapers we had received that day and although I was grateful for the gifts, babies did require other things. 

The older man grinned behind his grey mustache as he moved to the side. It took months for the Luna and my mom to put this baby shower together. So long that I was at the end of my third trimester, patiently waiting for our child's arrival.

I pushed a pink balloon out of my face as the last of the guests gave me their presents. I had been eyeing the table of cupcakes for the past hour and there was no way in hell I was going to leave this place without one. As I struggled to get out of my chair Eli rushed to my side, supporting my lower back with his hand and guiding me out of the seat.

"Thanks," I gasped, almost winded from the small action.

"You've been staring at those cupcakes for a while now," he chuckled. "I've been wondering when you'd finally make your move."

"Oh zip it," I huffed. "You try carrying a seven pound baby." 

He pulled my head towards his lips, "I know baby and you're doing a great job. Get your cupcakes and come join us at the table, okay?"

I silently nodded as my cheeks warmed up. All the cupcakes were identical, a pastel pink with simple rose design made out of frosting and edible glitter. After telling our parents about the baby they handled it surprisingly well. Eli's father was always supportive and my father still showed admiration towards Eli despite his minor breakdown. Our mom's invested every minute of the day to prepare a baby shower where it seemed like they invited everyone they knew. Relatives that I hadn't spoken to in years appeared out of nowhere, including Uncle Charles.

I stacked two cupcakes, then another, then another, until I decided four was a good amount. I shuffled over to a round table that seated Eli, Andrea and William, Justin and Derek, and the twins. I squeezed past Andrea's chair, trying not to hit her with my protruding belly.

"Ha ha! You looked like a penguin on your way here!" Andrea cackled as she scooted her chair closer towards the table. My friends chuckled as Eli covered his mouth, knowing how much I hated when people pointed how pregnant I really was.

I stuck my tongue out at her, "I knew we shouldn't have included you on the guest list."

She threw her hand against her forehead, gasping theatrically, "How dare you say that to the godmother of your baby!"

"Hmm?" I said through a mouthful of cake. "Who said that?"

"The disrespect," Andrea shook her head in disappointment.

Justin wiped the corners of his baby's mouth that was smothered in light pink frosting, "I can't believe you're having a girl too. Our kids can have playdates!"

I grinned at Justin and Derek but Eli wasn't too delighted by the idea. "There's no way that I'm letting my child go over to your house unsupervised."

"Hey!" Derek butt in. "Gracie turned out just fine!"

Eli glanced at the child in Justin's lap, her hands covered in the sugary icing of the cupcake, "Yeah right."

Eli and Derek went on bickering as Justin waved them off and did his best to clean off Gracie. "God they're such children. You sure you're ready to lead a whole pack with doofus number two?"

I rubbed my stomach as I felt the baby move, "I'm as ready as I'll ever be. I'm glad we put off the induction ceremony until after the birth though. I think it would have been too much to start organizing everything and worrying about when I'll go into labor."

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