Chapter 12: Happily Ever After

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Astrid screwed her eyes shut and rubbed her eyes. She had been signing documents for over four hours now, and she was sore and tired. Stretching her hands and cracking her back, she stood up and decided to walk around her office in an effort to remain awake and regain some focus.

She stopped at the window, looking outside and enjoying the view. Ever since Astrid had been named Queen, work had been nonstop and unending for her.

It's lucky that she loved her job.

Refocusing onto the garden outside, Astrid could see the gardeners tending to the bushes. She smiled, remembering that this was in preparation for a important visit.

It had been five years since the tournament held to find who she'd marry, and Astrid was happy t announce that she was, in fact, currently still not married. (Well, she was engaged. So perhaps, it didn't really count, but Astrid would count it as a win.)

A year later, Astrid had been crowned Queen by her father, who had been so proud of her, despite not marrying like many other ladies usually would. Remembering her parents, Astrid couldn't help but smile. Despite the arrangement of the tournament, she really did love her father and mother. They had not once said a comment about her marriage after that day, and both had been very supportive of her as Queen, despite not having a King by her side. Although that might change soon.

After Hiccup and Astrid had finally talked, he had returned to his kingdom. After all, Hiccup had his own responsibilities and duties to get to, just as much as she did. They communicated by dragon mail (a new idea introduced that Astrid had to admit was very effective, despite how she might've felt towards dragons) and met up every few months, with Hiccup at first coming to the kingdom on his dragon as it was much faster, until finally helping her find her own dragon so she could visit him (she loves Stormfly so much).

A month after he left, he officially asked for courtship by mail, and Astrid held off not replying for three months before agreeing (which he rightfully deserved for asking by mail). He had to come to the kingdom himself by dragon (Toothless to be exact), with no escorts, begging her to "stop teasing" and "just answer the question please." The sight had been a very humorous one, but Astrid had ultimately agreed, sealing her fate.

A year later, he proposed, and Astrid would have been an idiot to say no.

The wedding planning, though, had been pushed so far back that Astrid was sure they wouldn't get to it till a couple of years later. There were many matters to settle regarding dragons, and both of them having kingdoms that rushing a wedding would have just made all the worse. After all, how can you have the same rulers for two kingdoms? (They were working on it.)

Astrid was still satisfied, to say the least, and she wouldn't change a thing about her life. It may have been a bumpy road to get here, but Astrid thought it was all worth it in the end.

Just as she was about to turn away from the window, Astrid hears the door open.

"Guess who's back, m'lady?"

Astrid grins and turns around. "Why, it's the stable boy. I do remember calling for you, yes. I'm planning on going out for a ride in about an hour with my horse. I would like preparations to be made and my horse to be ready, along with another one. I do believe my fiance will be joining me."

Hiccup laughs. "And does your fiance know he's going on this ride?" he asks, lips twitching.

"Well, whether he knows or not wouldn't matter since he would have to go either way," Astrid replies with a smirk.

Hiccup makes a noise of betrayal and walks over to her. He kisses her forehead sweetly and looks at her, smiling that stupid lovesick smile of his.

"Did you bring anyone with you on this trip?" Astrid asks instead, trying to ignore how his expression warmed her.

He grins and replies, "The twins."

Astrid pales very quickly and removes herself from his embrace. Given that the twins are here, the havoc they could cause is unimaginable. She'll have to make many preparations and make sure to stop by their room to threaten them multiple times just to make sure.

If anything like last time happens, they are dead.

Hiccup laughs next to her, and she ignores him in favor of plotting some more. She lets him place his hands on her waist, though as she thinks, but can't help but notice how warm they are.

She feels safe and at peace. Astrid smiles softly and relaxes.

That isn't going to stop the twins from getting the scare of their life, though.


It's done!! Last chapter!! Thank you all for staying with me on this journey!! :D It's been an interesting ride, but I am now going to go sleep.

Good night.

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