Chapter 7: A First Impression

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The news around the castle was buzzing around the castle. (Astrid could hear the maids chattering as she walked through the castle. Seriously, didn't they have anything better to do?)

"The King of Dragons has finally arrived with his crew!"

The entire castle was abuzz with the news. Astrid, though, was less than happy. Hearing about the news from every direction was definitely not what she had in mind today, and her parents wouldn't shut up about the great honor this had been. It did seem like this man was of great power and reputation though.

Astrid hesitated for a second. Could she really win against all these men, especially the King of Dragons?! She shook her head quickly. Thinking like that wouldn't help her at all. She needed to be confident that she could do it! Astrid squared her shoulders and straightened her back, ready to show all the suitors out there that she wouldn't back down without a fight.

Unfortunately, that didn't lessen or stop the maid's gossip ("He's so handsome!" "Oh, I can't wait to see him soon . . ." "I heard they brought actual dragons !"). Astrid tried her best to ignore them. Last she heard, he was going to take the time to rest from the trip in his room, not appearing till tomorrow. Not that it bothered Astrid, as it gave her one more day to be able to walk around the castle wearing whatever she wanted and doing whatever she chose.

As it was one day till the competition, Astrid gave herself this free day to relax and gather energy. The looks on her maids' faces when she said that though were shocked, seeming to find the idea of Astrid Hofferson resting ridiculous.

Astrid huffed as she paced to the garden. She could rest! Just because she worked all the time doesn't mean she didn't take breaks! And she definitely knew how to have fun! (And here Astrid was, arguing with herself in her own mind. She needed better things to do than listen to old maids.)

She slowed down after a turn, sighing. Astrid wished Heather was here. She was her only friend, having bonded with her when King Dagger came over to her kingdom for an alliance. Astrid preferred her company to her brother's, who was to mildly put it, completely and absolutely deranged in the head. Princess Heather was one of the only people she had got close to, both girls bonding over their love for fighting and had often sparred in the arena. Alas, she had her own kingdom to take care of, limiting how much she got to see her friend. She was excited to hear the girl was coming to her ceremony (but greatly less excited to hear that Heather's brother was coming as well to participate in the competition).

Astrid finally arrived at the royal garden, taking a deep breath and enjoying the smell of flowers in the air. She had always loved the royal garden (which was really more like a forest that spanned many miles around the castle), spending most of childhood in them, training or playing. It was always her favorite place to calm down and helped her when her emotions got the best of her.

Today, she decided walking around the edge of the forest next to the castle would be best and started on her path. As she walked, she enjoyed the luscious greens of the garden and soft sounds of nature. She stretched her arms up, enjoying one of her rare, relaxing days without lessons (as they were canceled due to the competition occurring tomorrow - Astrid couldn't believe how fast the time has passed!).

10 minutes later, she found herself at the back of the castle, looking at her mother's private garden of orchids, enjoying the soft silence. Just as she took a few more steps, she heard light mumbling around the corner of the castle. Someone was in the garden with her! Astrid's lips formed a thin line, and she wondered if this was a trespasser or thief attempting to come into the castle. She unhooked her ax, which was attached on the belt of her dress (because heaven forbid Astrid ever walked around without it), and silently sneaked towards the corner, resting her back on the cool, stone wall.

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