Chapter 6: Will She Remember?

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The long ride in the carriage was tiring for Hiccup, especially with the entire gang teasing him about the marriage. He was beginning to regret bringing them along, to be honest. 

After a while, he decided that ignoring them would be the best course of action, and just stared out the window while the gang talked about Hiccup's surprising change of heart. He had rejected many marriage proposals from all ladies of his land and other lands, so to suddenly wish to participate in a contest for Astrid's marriage was shocking to them.

Fishlegs, who was sitting next to him currently, turned to Hiccup. "But Hiccup, what caused you to want to marry the princess? You've never even met her, correct?"

Snotlout turned to Fishlegs and answered, "It's obvious Fishlegs! They say she's the most beautiful princess in all the lands! What's more to know? If I had it my way, I would've joined the contest, but she would have beaten me to- I mean, I couldn't steal her away from my poor cousin Hiccup, though I highly doubt he could beat her. "

"Thanks," Hiccup muttered dryly.

"Your welcome, dear cousin," he replied back.

"Well, I think it has to do with the fact that we don't have an alliance with the Hoffersons. This could be a good way to create a contract with them!" Fishlegs stated.

Tuffnut turned to him frowning, "You're all wrong! This must be for love! There is no power greater than love! I predict that Hiccup saw her in a stormy night, wandering around in the forest. He must have been captured by her beauty and-"

"- Don't be stupid, dear brother. They must've met in a ball, I say. A ball!" Ruffnut interrupted. 

"Why is this such a big deal anyway? Weren't you the ones complaining I should find a girl the last time I denied a request to a ball?" Hiccup asked. 

"Precisely! You deny all the requests usually, but this time, you actually agreed! Wait, what if this is a trick?!" Tuffnut gasped and pointed at him. "Who are you and what have you done with Hiccup?"

"Don't be an idiot, obviously someone gave him a love potion making him fall in love with the princess and follow her! We should find the antidote immediately!" Ruffnut exclaimed.

"You are mistaken, my dear sister. Clearly, this is the work of a scam artist! We must find the real Hiccup immediately! You will not - OW!" Tuffnut shouted, trying to stand up in the carriage but hitting his head on the roof. Snotlout snorted and looked away, while Fishlegs shook his head. Hiccup just sighed and looked out the window. The twins were up to their antics again it seems, but Hiccup had gotten used to it. 

Suddenly, he hears some voices from outside the carriage and the ride lurches to a stop. Tuffnut ends up falling down and slamming Ruffnut, who was laughing at his expense.

"Hahaha - HEY! What do you think you're doing?" Ruffnut angrily shouted. Hiccup shushed them and poked his head out the window. 

He turned to the first guard he saw and asked, "What's going on?" The guard turned to him and saluted, recognizing the presence of the King.

"Sir, we are at the gates of the kingdom. The guards have stopped us to inspect the ride, but we will be on our way into the kingdom shortly," he stated. Hiccup nodded at him and sat back down, suddenly nervous. 

"Well, well, looks like we arrived," smirked Snotlout. Hiccup shot him a half-hearted glare. The twins started fighting again, and Hiccup zoned them out. Fishlegs turned to him.

"Have you even ever met the princess Hiccup? I don't recall having the royal family ever visit us," Fishlegs said, looking worried. Everyone suddenly quieted down and looked at Hiccup.

He smiled and reassured, "Don't worry. I ... have met her at least once before." That was when the gates could be heard creaking open, and the carriage finally entered into the kingdom. 


The crunching of leaves could be heard as footsteps made their way into the forest, running at an almost frantic pace. The forest opened up to a clearing, and the footsteps hurried towards the girl sharpening her ax in the corner.

"Astrid! Astrid! There you are!" Hiccup came running up to her and hugged her quickly, making her drop what she was holding. Astrid looked at him worriedly.

"What's wrong? Are you okay? Did something happen?" she asked worriedly. Hiccup slowly let go of her and looked at her with those wide, green eyes of his. The pain and tension coming from Hiccup were so obvious.

Finally, Hiccup took a deep breath and opened his mouth.

"I'm leaving."


Okay, so short chapter, but hey, something is better than nothing, right? All my respect goes to those who are able to update often and regularly, cause that is the complete opposite of me. 

On a side note, How to Train Your Dragon 3 was awesome!!!! Best movie I've watched in a long time. I recommend it for everyone. I'll try to update more often, but I'm horrible at that and life gets in the way a lot. *sigh*

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