Chapter 9: The Prologue to an Ending

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The day of the competition. It's here.

Astrid woke up and performed her daily routine in a monotone way as she tried her best to not hit something. After seeing Hiccup again she didn't know what was going to happen, but she knew it would be unpredictable.

And thus accordingly, she's dredging the day. All the maids around her seemed to notice her bad mood and kept their distance and their chatter to a minimum.

Not for the last time, Astrid wondered how the day was going to end. She had been so sure of what she wanted yesterday and how to get it, but seeing his stupid face again was just making her feel confused.

She was an idiot. A big one at that. Why did she run away? She wasn't a coward, never has been. Astrid prided herself on being confident and straight to the point, but her actions the moment she saw his face has confused her greatly.

Privately, she allowed herself the luxury of being honest. I missed him. And though that really complicated matters, she was still going to kick every single person's butt out there, including Hiccup's.

That is, if he was going to be there. She hadn't asked him why or how he was there, and Astrid was quickly regretting all of her actions yesterday. If she had actually stayed and confronted him, actually paid attention to whatever he had been saying, she would very well have been MUCH less confused right now.

His father was of royalty; she knew that much from before this entire ordeal. Considering that, it was very likely that Hiccup was here for the competition as well. And though Astrid wouldn't be . . . averse to marrying him, she'd much rather choose that herself rather than through some dumb, stupid competition.

With that thought settled, Astrid prepared her battle armor and ax for the fights. It would be a long day, and she was as ready as she could be for today. Astrid Hofferson was a winner, and she would very much make sure that no one beat her in today's competition.


"Oh Thor, I am such an idiot! What was I thinking? Oh just come up there and say 'Hey, Astrid! It's me your old buddy pal friend, Hiccup, come back from the dead - or well, from the past here to basically force you into marriage by trying to beat you in this competition because I've had a crush on you since I met you and been in love with you since-"

"Hiccup, I think you're being a little dramatic right now!" Fishlegs fidgeted with his fingers as he said those words, no less nervous than Hiccup, but much more calm.

Tuffnut has no such qualms. "Eh, let the man hyperventilate. I wanna hear this. Maybe he'll decide to resign from the throne and give it to me!"

Fighlegs glared and stated, "Tuff, not helping! Look, Hiccup, freaking out isn't going to help you in this situation! Take a deep breath and we can think through this."

Hiccup gathered his wits and took a deep breath. "I know, I know. I just . . . why had I thought any of this was a good idea? I know just how much she hates being forced into anything, and if I was going to try to win her affections, beating her in a fight is the worst way to go about it. She's a sore loser, did you know that? She would beg to differ but I knew her a long time ago, and unless she's changed, which admittedly could have happened, that's still a true fact."

The day of the competition has wonderful weather; a fact Fishlegs had taken advantage of to speak to Hiccup and help him with his current crisis. Tuffnut, of course, upon hearing about Hiccup freaking out, had found the idea of Hiccup worrying amusing, and decided to tag along since Hiccup clearly needed Tuff's "wonderful love advice from the experience of one many years above him."

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