Chapter 2: Marriage What?!

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Chapter 2

Hiccup stared. Then stared some more. Astrid Hofferson, THE Astrid Hofferson, the fierce warrior and princess of her kingdom, was looking for a husband. He read the scroll one more time. Yep. That's what it said.

"We cordially invite the Haddock Kingdom to come and join us for our Coming of Age Ceremony. Her royal highness, Princess Astrid Hofferson, will be preparing for womanhood and shall choose a husband accordingly in this period of time."

He had a chance of marrying her! Sure, she might not remember him and she was tough to crack, but he was pumped up. He knew it wouldn't be easy, but he was ready to do what it takes. He smiled and looked down at the scroll again. He was ready to try.


Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third was no ordinary person. He was King of the Haddock Kingdom, dragon conquerer, and peacemaker between dragons and humans. He has stopped wars and had befriended dragons and made peace with them. 

From becoming the prince everyone pitied to a great king was something he was proud of. He sighed. He wished his dad could see him now. A couple of years ago, during the war with Drago Bloodvist, his dad had died at the arms of Drago, while protecting him and Toothless. He never forgot it and to this day, he still feels he's to blame. But he knows his dad would've wanted him to rule his kingdom greatly, so here he was.

He was ecstatic when he heard about the Ceremony. Astrid was someone who wouldn't let you in easily, but he was ready to do whatever it takes. He's been in love with her since he met her all those years ago, and he wasn't going to let this opportunity go.

He had the servants pack his thing, and invited a few nobles with him to go. Firstly, he invited his best friend Fishlegs Ingerman, the noble from the Ingerman Clan, and whose family was close to the throne. They hanged out all the time and used to geek out over all kinds of things. 

Next was the twins, Ruffnut and Tuffnet Thorston, nobles from the Thorston Clan. These two used to play all types of pranks on him when he was younger, but they began to respect him more over the years, and they had become close. 

Last, but definitely (maybe) not least, came the Prince Snotlout Jorgenson, who was the kingdom next to his, the Jorgensen Clan. He has bullied Hiccup a lot when he was younger, but they became good friends after he made peace with the dragons. 

All of them were his friends, who he knew would support him when he left for the Hofferson Kingdom. (Well, except maybe for Snotlout, who would probably flirt with Astrid, but if she was anything like the Astrid he knew all those years ago, he would have a bloody nose before he even got the chance.)

Along with the servants, and a few members of his court, he would leave the kingdom the next day. His mom, who was found safe living with her dragon during the war with Drago (he still couldn't get over it), was going to be in charge while he was gone.

As he went to bed that night, he couldn't help the giddy feeling he felt as he thought about seeing her. He tried not to think too much about what would happen if she rejected him, and he was hopeful. He thought about the things he could do and say when he got there, and eventually, he fell asleep. 


A seven-year-old wooshed through the forest looking through the bushes and trees, messing up his expensive clothes. A girl spied him from the grove of trees, wondering what he was doing. She wanted to join him, but she didn't know him and her mom said that bad people could come after her. She didn't want that.

The boy finally noticed her and smiled in her direction. He came running up to her and held out his hand.

"Hey, how are you?"

She shyly smiled and took his hand. "Good, what were you doing?"

"I'm looking for trolls!" He gave her a grin, and she could see he was missing a tooth. He had a weird accent too, but she liked it. She decided she liked him. 

The boy opened his mouth again. "Wanna join?"

She smiled and bounced happily. "Sure."

Realizing they were still holding hands, she quickly let go. "What's your name?" she asked.

"Hiccup. Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third." Her nose scrunched up at the weird name but she made no comment. 

"Astrid. My name's Astrid Hofferson."

Hiccup smiled up at her again and quickly took her to a grove of trees to the side to look for trolls again. As she played with him through the forest, she knew she made a life-long friend. She smiled at the thought.

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