Chapter 8: What Happened to Us?

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For one depressing, heart-stopping moment, Astrid thought she was hallucinating. She thought that she had finally lost her mind and this was nothing more than a figment of her imagination. She was quickly filled with hope though when he turned towards the other men near her and asked them for some privacy. She stayed silent though, choosing to brood and wipe her tears rather than face him.

When they were finally left alone, Hiccup turned to her biting his lip and running a hand through his hair (she hated how that still made her heart skip a beat). He finally sighed and turned to her, giving her a small smile.


She refused to give him the satisfaction of her looking at him so she stubbornly kept her eyes to the ground, not wanting to face him yet.

She heard the mutterings of the servants near him and realized they must work for him. Astrid tried to take her mind away and channeled her anger instead, trying to push away the sadness (Hoffersons don't cry).

She heard him say to the others, "Can you give us some privacy?"

He denies the retorts of "But Hiccup?!" and "Why?!" and tells them to leave them alone. Astrid isn't sure whether to be comforted or more worried by the privacy given. She still keeps her gaze firmly on the ground.

Oh look, what a wonderful ladybug there is flying on the grass there. And it's black with red spots, huh, not something you see every day. She wonders where -


She hates how her heart beats even faster and she feels her palms becoming sweaty (Hoffersons don't get nervous) . Out of the corner of her eye, Astrid watches his hand clench and she realizes he must feel horrible too.

While she'd just rather run away and never face the world again (Hoffersons don't hide) , she can't do that to Hiccup. She silently raises her head and meets his eyes.

He's certainly grown up over the years and become handsome. Hiccup's no longer that awkward, lanky boy. He's filled out more with more muscles and a more refined face. Despite the changes though, Astrid still can see the similarities from when they were kids that had made Hiccup . . . well, Hiccup.

His sea-green eyes faced her, still filled with the warmth they had whenever he was talking to her. They were a familiar comfort after all these years. And then there was his brown, unruly hair that still looked soft even after all these years. Lastly, there was his smile, not the polite one he gave to strangers, but his warm one that was saved for friends and family.

She wondered what had happened to him over the years. Where was his mom? When did he become a king? Why was he here? Why did he come only after all these years?

Astrid sighed. What happened to us?

(And Hoffersons especially don't fall in love with someone unattainable.)


Hiccup didn't have a plan.

Then again, in most of the dangerous situations he somehow gets himself in, he never is. All semblances of a plan to getting to marry Astrid (AKA the love of his life since he was a child) was ruined the moment he met her unexpectedly here in the garden.

He looked at the careful mask of expression on her face and frowned. She's gotten better at hiding her emotions.

He wondered what she was thinking, if she was happy to see him. He definitely was. She had gotten more beautiful over the years and more regal. As he watched her demeanor, he also knew she had gotten much more dangerous as well (he winced as he thought of the form of 'communication' he'd be getting if he kept talking to her).

Hiccup smiled when she finally looked him in the eyes and it seemed liked she was frozen, staring at him with her mind racing. Hiccup knew he had to say something, anything and opened his mouth.

"Hey Astrid! Hi Astrid! Hey!" What a great start , Hiccup thought as he mentally face-palmed. "I - Okay, look. I know this isn't the ideal situation and it's been a long time since we talked but . . . I really did come to see you again. I finally got all the business finished with the dragons and my dad and let's to forget my mom and it's a really long story but I couldn't come back before I finished all this and well - surprise! Apparently, I'm a King now! I know shocker but I tried to send a message, ask to see you, I really did - just things kept popping up and out of control with Viggo and Drago and as soon as I got free time I came here! And -"

Lord, he knew he was rambling but he started and couldn't stop. His face was red from embarrassment and he rubbed the back of his neck while Astrid stared in silence. Would someone shut him up please?

And suddenly, without any preamble, he was shut up by a furious object in his vision that slammed into him. Astrid.

She was . . . hugging him. Very tightly, Hiccup might add. His eyes widened from shock and he just stood there, very still.

Idiot! Do something!

His cheeks turned red and he was going to hug back when the whirl on his chest suddenly ran off.

Hiccup was left in the garden alone. His cheeks were red and there was a smile on his face as he wondered what just happened. Anyone who would have passed by might have thought the man crazy, frozen and staring into space.


Astrid ran, her cheeks red, quickly back to her room and slammed the door. The unsuspecting maids who happened to pass her on this route were in for a surprise as Astrid whirred passed them and hurried as quickly as she could with her dress.

What was she thinking?

She laid on the bed and sighed. The competition was tomorrow. What was she going to do?


Hiccup ran into the city, the light of the fire reflecting in his eyes. Townspeople ran all around, carrying water buckets and holding weapons. Dragons raced overhead, creating chaos everywhere they went.

He whipped around, trying to spot a certain blonde-haired girl.

"Astrid!? Where are you?!" Hiccup shouted out into the square, dread creeping up on him. He turned around and spotted her holding an ax in front of a dragon, about to swipe. 

Hiccup's eyes widened. He hesitated, then ran full on as Astrid raised the ax. 5 seconds later, Astrid was on the ground, Hiccup was between her and the dragon, and the ax was in his hands.

"What are you doing?"


Hello again! I had to go back and do some editing on one of the flashbacks in the story. I've changed the backstory a bit (in my outline for the story) and I realized that one of the things Astrid says won't fit with that. I also just realized how confusing the backstory can be, and since the story isn't really gonna explain it, I might end up doing an extra chapter explaining their backstory and lives. It will most likely tie together all the flashbacks and hopefully make sense (with no plot holes).

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