Chapter 14

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The footsteps and heavy metal clashing resonated inside of the theatre. Two of the Countryhumans have helped Y/N decorate the stage for the upcoming play. It had been fast approaching and it seemed as if the days went by in a flash. Putting down one of the props that had to be fixed UK looked at the feline cleaning the curtains. The english country did bot like getting dirty, however he wanted to help anyway he could. Along with The Soviet Union of course. They thought it would be nice to help fix the stage up a bit for their friend.
"Y/N love, I think the curtains are clean enough dear." UK said making the female glance up and him and smile before nodding and putting the curtains back. Soviet was carrying some of the boxes of props backstage for later use. Coming back he looked around at the decorated stage resembling a dance studio.
"The stage will change for scenes Da?" The petite girl dusted her hands off and nodded.
"Yup! Anyway can you two do me a quick favour and check the lighting up there?" The female asked pointing up to the lighting area near the roof. Soviet nodded and patted UK on the shoulder.
"Come now friend, we need to check the lights." He said as UK hummed.
"Of course, we won't delay." He said following the Russian country. As their footsteps faded away Y/N took a broom and started sweeping the stage of any dust. Moving around the feline started sweeping the floor making it look like a graceful chore to do. As she did so she stared up at the hundreds of theatre seats. All covered in a velvety soft cushion that was soft to the touch. As she swept someone cleared their throat. Turning to the source of the noice she saw Rudolf leaning against one of the Prop boxes that were stacked close to the curtain. The feline gave a bright smile to him.
"Hello Rudolf, aren't you supposed to be practicing?" She asked tilting her head making her H/C locks move to the side as well. Her feline ears twitching a bit in curiosity. The blond young man pushed himself off of the Prop boxes and strode over to the female. His grin never faltering and his pace quickening with every second. Once he was in front of the petite feline he spoke with a warm smile.
"Well I was, but some of the actors told me you were here setting up the stage. I just wanted to see the progress." The female giggled at him and looked at the stage.
"Well it's coming along nicely and it should be ready soon." Y/N said now walking ti the side and putting the broom away. The man hummed and looked around the decorated stage as well.
"It seems that you have done a good job. The progress is amazing as well." He complimented her.
"Thank you Rudolf, but I had help from friends so I can't take all the credit." She said waving her hand in a dismissive manner.
"I see, well I was wondering if you'd like to have some coffee with me this week? I still need help with acting." He said asking hopefully. The feline nodded with a ghost smile.
"Sure thing Rudolf, I don't see why not." She said with a sweet look. The man blushed at the adorable sight before him. She always seemed timid to him before he got to know her. Now she was like an adorable bundle of joy. Not only that she agreed to go on a date with him! Well it is not really a date since it's for work purposes, but he can still take this chance to get closer. Y/N watched as he bent down to reach her hight and pat her head. She felt his emotions rise in him. Was he happy? It's nice to know that he enjoys her help with acting. He must really like her help since he is smiling so brightly. As he pet her head the feline purred and folded her ears back in enjoyment. As he did so the two countries watched from the light area what was going on. A frown with disappointment was on UK's face as Anger and Sadness was on Soviet's. Then it came to both if the minds from the conversation yesterday.

"You and this Rudolf, are you good friends?" The petite feline shrugged.
"He's just a friend, maybe he could he a good friend soon." UK glanced at her curiously.
"Another friend?"
"Yup, he's really sweet," Y/N chirped out happily.

Soviet held the small paint tubes in a tight grip while watching them. UK watched the scene while tightening his grip on one of the light handles. That was it, they knew it. They knew that she was getting more social with others. Why didn't they take action before?! The grip from Soviet made the small paint tubes burst making the multicoloured paint splatter all over his hand. It was difficult to breath whenever they thought of her. Things have even been much harder to deal with whenever she was away with friends or when the countries were busy working. Y/N...Y/N! That expression on her face, PLEASE STOP!
They, they couldn't take it! Especially now when they found out what their feelings were! Soviet brought his paint covered hand and wiped it on his face while UK glared at the male talking to Y/N.

            "We are in love with you."

"So uhm Tomorrow is good?" He asked nervously. The female nodded as he retracted his hand from her head slowly and started to stand up properly again.
"Well then, I-I'll see you tomorrow Y/N." He said walking away with a smile.  Y/N nodded in approval and watched as he faded away into the dark hall. His footsteps fading as well. Then  the young girl jumped a bit. Realising that Soviet and UK had been away for awhile. Looking up at the lights area, they weren't there. The feline's wolf like tail went in between her legs and her ears folded back. How could she have left them, maybe they have gotten lost and it was her fault. She started walking towards the light area to try and find them.
"Soviet? UK?" She asked speed walking throughout the halls and looking for them. As she walked around one of the hall's corners she saw UK leaning against a wall. His top hat was tilted down with his arms crossed as he seemed annoyed. Walking to him she called out his name.
"UK?" The english man looked up surprised and his face softened upon seeing her.
"Hello Love, We finished checking the lights and they are ready for performance." Y/N smiled as she clapped her hands together.
"That's wonderful! Everything is set for the play then. Oh uhm where's Soviet?" She asked looking around. UK moved off of the wall and pointed in a bathroom not too far from where he was standing.
"He's washing off paint. He accidentally gripped it too hard." The feline giggled at the thought of Soviet's surprised face when the paint exploded. The British country smiled softly at her as he saw her smile. Soon the Russian country came out of the bathroom cursing in russian and was also annoyed like UK.
"Heya Soviet!" The female waved catching his attention and making him smile.
"Hello Китти." He said patting her head and making her laugh at the contact.
"UK told me that you splashed paint on you. That must if been funny." She said completely oblivious to the real reason why he had paint in him. Despite this fact the Russian chuckled and hummed.
"It wasn't that funny. Anyway Китти what do we do next?" He asked curiously. UK nodded wondering what task they have to accomplish next. Y/N shrugged her shoulders.
"We don't need to do anything now that we have finished. Why not go out to lunch somewhere?" She suggested to both men. They looked at each other and smiled at her idea.
"That would be lovely, dear." The English country said walking next to her, his walking cane in hand. Soviet followed soon after as well.
"I have no problem with that Китти." Soviet said smiling as he walked next to the feline as well.

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