Chapter 21

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The house was silent. Too silent for her liking. The feline missed her friends, Arvin was missing and Annika was busy somewhere. It made her feel lonely. Annie had left hours before she had woken up. Perhaps it was so the feline could sleep peacefully as she slept. Though she wouldn't have minded if her human friend were to wake her up.  Y/N sighed through her loneliness. Her feline hears falling down towards her head and her wolf like tail hanging limp. As she sat in her wheelchair the cat hybrid felt a vibration coming from her pants pocket. Taking her phone out, the female saw a call coming from UK. She smiled to herself and accepted the call.
"Hello dear, how are you?" The english man asked.
"I'm doing well. However I feel kinda lonely since Annie and Arvin aren't here." The feline said giving out another sigh. A hum was heard on the other end of the line.
"Well would you appreciate it if you came to live with me dear?" UK asked with a sweet tone.
"Ah, well I don't think Annie and Arvin would like me leaving their house unattended and unwatched." Y/N reasoned out. The British country chuckled lightly.
"Not to worry my dear, we can check in on their house from time to time. Plus you are safer with another person around." The female thought for a moment. She didn't want to trouble UK with staying.
"Are you sure? I might be bothersome." She responded with an unsure tone.
"Not a problem, we shall pick you up later ok love?" UK said with light laughter.
"Well I didn't say ye-" before the female could finish her sentence the British man hung up. Well he must be really excited if he didn't let her finish. Wait a minute did he just say "we"? Is Soviet coming as well? Y/N took in a breath of air before slowly releasing it. Well the two males did indeed save her life. They also took care of her along with Annika and Arvin. It wouldn't hurt to accept their offer. Smiling the cat like girl moved her legs a bit in her wheelchair. She had noticed this morning that she could move her legs. It's good to know her stress was going away.

After about 30 minutes of sitting in her wheelchair and looking at her phone. The doorbell rang.
"I'm coming, give me a moment." The feline hollered out while rolling her wheelchair towards the door. As soon as she opened the wooden door she was greeted with two warm smiles.
"Good morning love, hope you don't mind Soviet helping you move your stuff yes?" UK asked before walking inside seeming rushed a bit.
"I don't mind at all. I will need help anyways. Also hello Soviet, nice to see you again!" The female cheered happily as the Russian chuckled and pet her head lightly.
"Da, nice to see you too little Китти." Y/N giggled lightly at the contact, her wolf like tail swaying leisurely from behind her. The British country cleared his throat and the two now focused their gaze on him.
"Well we should start packing already. Dear, where is your room?" UK kindly asked with a warm smile directed to her.
"My room is just down the hall here. I'll help." She said starting to roll her way to her room. However someone grabbed her wheelchair. Looking up Soviet had kept it in place.
"Forgive me for grabbing you little Китти. But me and UK can handle this." He said patting her head again and moving past her and stood next to the British country. The feline looked at both men and gave out a huff.
"Ok then, but at least let me get a few of my things." She whined out while rolling closer a bit. The english man looked at Soviet who shrugged.
"Very well, just don't carry anything heavy please dear. You might get hurt." Y/N smiled and fist pumped the air.
"Got it!" She cheered while going into her room and helping them pack her stuff.

Soon they finished packing the female's items and loaded it into UK's car. After doing so they drove off to the British man's house. Upon entering the classy household once more, the female couldn't help but smile. She turned to the British country.
"Thanks for letting me stay here UK. I'll try to not be a bother." The male shook his head and sighed.
"Once more dear, you are not a burden." He said petting her gently on the head.
"I put away the items in the guest bedroom." Soviet said walking up to the two.
"Thank you Soviet! I hope I could help you guys someday. You do too much for me." The feline said giggling.
"Nonsense love, we are just doing what we can." The english man responded.
"Da, we just want to help." The Russian country said with a warm smile.
"Well thank you guys again then." Y/N said rubbing her neck.
"Oh I almost forgot, how are your legs dear?" UK questioned gesturing to her in the wheelchair.
"My legs are getting better. I can move them a bit now so I should be able to walk soon." She cheered happily.
"That's good little Китти. We can help you walk again if you want." The female looked up at him.
"That would be nice." UK clapped his hands together.
"Perfect, then we shall help you later. For now dear just get some rest." The english country said moving her slightly towards the guest bedroom.
"Ok, I'll be back out soon." She said rolling her way out.
"Oh! and Y/N?" UK called out making the female turn towards him.
"Tell me and Soviet when you will be leaving the house ok?" Y/N nodded and smiled.

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