Chapter 11

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Bright light once again reached the feline's room. Her eyes fluttered open as sunlight entered her view. Blinding her for a brief moment. Slowly sitting up the female rubbed her eyes. Looking around her room the blue and yellow eyes scanned her surroundings. Moving her legs over the side Y/N trudged towards her bathroom. Going inside she stared at her reflection. Few days had passed from the day at the mall with Annika and Arvin. She had spent the few days alone. Not like it bothered her much though, she was used to her friends being busy. The feline did her usual morning routine. Odd, did she place her brush in the drawer yesterday? She probably did considering she is a forgetful cat sometimes. Brushing off the incident she brushed her matted hair and tail till it was soft and silky, brushed her teeth, and washed her face. The female then looked at her reflection approvingly with a bright smile. Her different colour eyes gleamed in the light of her reflection. It seemed as if her eyes got brighter and brighter every day. With every barrier that she had built to keep herself shy and meek, she broke many down just to change. However her smile faltered for a moment, not too long though it was just a moment. Now Y/N didn't care much for her inner thoughts of doubt since it can do many things. But she listened to this small seed of doubt in her mind. Did she really want to change? The petite girl thought about that single thought. After awhile she just shook it off. Walking out of the bathroom she strode downstairs and into the kitchen. Opening the pantry she grabbed some canned food and started her stove before putting a frying pan on top. While waiting for the pan to heat up she grabbed her cellular phone and unplugged it from her cat themed charger. Opening the home screen there were no notifications seen. Shame really, she kind of wanted to spend time with Soviet and UK. Well not just them she also wanted some time with Arvin and Annika. Speaking of Soviet and UK, the tall men have caught a slight interest in the girl. Not a big one but just enough to make the female blush if teased. But who wouldn't blush if they were teased? Putting down her cellular phone she glanced at the pan. It was heated enough and she placed the canned food onto the oiled pan. As she fried the corned beef a knock was heard resonating from the house. Turning down the heat on the stove she moved towards the front door.

Opening the wooden door there stood Soviet and UK. Both seemed to be as lively and cheerful as ever when they meet her.
"Hello love, how are you this morning?" The english country asked with a smile while fixing his monocle at the right side of his face.
"I'm good UK, it's nice to see both you and Soviet this morning. Usually you would text." She said leaning against the door frame.
Soviet hummed and scratched under his Ushanka.
"Da, we were planning to text. But a surprise visit isn't unwelcome either correct?" The feline's wolf like tail swayed leisurely to the conversation.
"Yeah it's not. I'm making corned beef, wanna eat?" UK shook his head.
"I'm afraid I had already eaten dear. Soviet did you eat?"
The english man asked the tall russian. Soviet looked at him and nodded.
"Da, little Китти can eat without us though." The feline nodded and let them inside. Both countries walked into the dining room and sat down at the table. After a few minutes Y/N came out with her breakfast and ate in front of them.
"Uhm, I have to be honest I feel kind of bad for not letting you eat." Soviet shook his head.
"It's fine, we ate already. What has been going on with you for the past days?" He asked leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms. UK watching the scene unfold while cleaning his monocle. The female shrugged unsure of what to say to the russian country. Nothing much has happened to her in the past days.
"Nothing interesting, but I did have some time to myself. Which I am grateful for." Soviet hummed as Y/N ate from her plate of food.
"Dear, what about a new flavour of something? Did you try anything new?" The english country asked curiously while tilting his head. The top hat and monocle he wore tilted along side with him. Thinking back to the mall the female hummed at the memory of the frozen yogurt.
"Yes actually, I tried a new frozen yogurt called tiger's blood. Thank gosh it wasn't real tiger's blood." Both men chuckled at her words. It's cute how innocent she sounds whenever she talks. Along with the simple and small movements of her wolf like tail and her feline ears.
"Seems like you had a fun time at the mall a few days ago da?" Y/N nodded at Soviet's words.
"I haven't talked so much to Annika and Arvin before. I really have to thank you guys for helping me open up." She said smiling, her left ear twitching a bit.
"It was no problem dear." UK said resting his arms in the table.
"It's nice to see you open up. Including to your friends."
Soviet nodded at UK's words and gave a small smile to the female.
"Da, we were more than happy to help." The petite girl giggled at their kind words and had already finished her breakfast.
"Are you guys free today? We could go somewhere." Y/N suggested as she picked up her plate. Both countries hummed or nodded to her sentence.
"We will think of what to do today love. Just finish washing your plate and we will take you somewhere." The english man said smiling. The feline nodded and went to the kitchen to wash her plate. While she washed her plate the two conversed with each other for what all three of them should do. It ranged from a tea house to a bar. Both of them rejected the suggestions they had made. After a short while of talking, Y/N came back after washing her dishes and changing clothes. The female wore a grey shirt with a white and grey pattern jacket and pants. Nothing special but to the countries the feline looked adorable as ever.
"So where are we going guys?" They stared at her for a moment a light blue hue coming from UK and a light pink hue on Soviet. The russian country the coughed.
"W-we were talking about an ice-rink." The feline tilted her head confused and her feline ears twitched.
"Ice-rink? We have those here?" She asked curiously. UK seemed composed again and nodded.
"Yes love, let's hope you can skate." The english man chuckled. The feline huffed her cheeks puffed out and her wolf like tail swaying annoyed.
"I can skate! I- uhm think I can. Cats always land on their feet anyway." She said scratching behind her ear.
"It's settled then little Китти, we're going to the ice-rink." Soviet said as Y/N clapped happily.

Going outside of the house the female locked her door. UK started his classy car as Y/N sat in the passenger seat and Soviet laid down in the back.
"Are you comfortable Soviet?" The feline asked. The Slavic country hummed and stared at the roof of the car.
"Sorry for getting shoe prints at the back of your car UK." Soviet said apologetically. The english man waved him off as he started to drive.
"No worries old friend, I can clean it up later. Also it's better than leaving you to walk." The Slav nodded in agreement and rested his head. Y/N played with her tail for awhile as the car drove. Looking out the window she saw the buildings and trees pass by including the neighbourhood people. Soviet caught the girl looking out the window and smiled.
"Китти, you really like looking out the window da?" She nodded back and still looked out the window.
"It's nice to look out of it and see the world go by. Or I'm just a plain cat." The feline giggled at her last statement. UK chuckled along with Soviet.
"A plain cat is an understatement for you dear." The english country said while driving. Y/N was confused on why he said that, but before she could ask why he continued.
"Because your more than just a cat, your a sweet and kind friend." The petite girl awed at his sweet words while Soviet rolled his eyes underneath his ushanka and mouthed 'overrated'. Not like anyone saw what he did anyway so it didn't matter. After around 10 minutes they made it to the ice-rink and went inside. Soviet got them inside and they put on their ice-skates. Getting on the ice-rink UK almost slipped and he gripped the wall. It wasn't like he didn't know how, it's just that it has been awhile. He skated with Canada before. Soviet got on the Ice-rink with a breeze. He was used to skating with his children often, so this wasn't new. Y/N struggled to get her balance, however her wolf like tail kept her from falling. UK let go of the wall and started to skate just fine with Soviet. The female still had trouble though. UK and Soviet saw her dilemma and skated towards her before each grabbed her hand and led her around.
"Well you weren't wrong about cats staying on their feet Китти." The Slav said while guiding the female around with UK.
"Your sort of good at this love." The english country said happily. After awhile of the countries helping her, she managed to skate alone. Of course she almost lost balance but made it after some struggle. Soon all three of them skated together while having small talk. It was small talk and normal conversations like anyone would have. But soon a teenage boy skated up to Y/N and got her attention.
"Excuse me miss?" The petite girl turned to the child and smiled.
"Yes kiddo? Something you need?" The boy nodded and looked around. UK and Soviet watching the scene curiously.
"Yeah miss...I uh want you to hold something." She shrugged and hummed.
"Sure thing kiddo, what do you want me to hold?" The boy smiled and held out his hand in a dramatic way.
"Hold my hand?" He said with a smug look.
Y/N ended up surprised and started to slip a lot trying to regain her balance. The countries immediately held the female up from slipping while the boy slid away since the two were giving him a bad aura.

                        Smooth ass kid...

(Im back from the dead!!! Don't ya love being back from the dead????? Anyway here is the next chapter since I got my phone back guys)

|Dainty with Vodka| Yandere UK x neko reader x Yandere SovietWhere stories live. Discover now