Chapter 7

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The feline was overjoyed that she got to spend time with Soviet. She felt like it was very important to spend equal amount of time with her friends. Since Arvin and Annika are usually busy she could spend time with the two and get to know them more. UK rolled his eyes at Soviet discreetly.
"I am dreadfully sorry for not spending time with you today dear." The english man apologised sincerely to the female. The russian gave him a smug look along with a smirk. The feline giggled as her tail swayed leisurely in enjoyment.
"No need to apologise UK. How about we three spend a day together." Y/N suggested with a smile. Soviet's smug look fell and he had a slight frown. UK also had the same expression as him.
"Why do you think we should little Китти?" Soviet questioned while trying to keep a small smile on his face. The feline's ears fell back in nervousness.
"U-um, well I figured that if you guys knew each other....we could spend time together as friends? I m-mean if your free." She stuttered while rubbing the back of her neck. The British country chuckled.
"Why not dear? We could all be closer friends." Soviet huffed and nodded. He knew where the english man was going with this. He wanted to see which one Y/N favours most.
"I am free tomorrow, what about you UK?" Soviet asked with a brow raised towards the British country.
"Well I am also free tomorrow, please do excuse me Y/N. I must be heading off now." He said before turning around and striding out the door. The feline smiled and waved as he left.
"Ok, goodbye UK. See you tomorrow." She called out to him. The english country chuckled as he heard her and entered his car. The female then turned her gaze towards Soviet and smiled.
"So where should we head to?" She asked with her tail swaying at a quick pace, showing how excited she was. The russian country smiled at her adorable nature.
"I was thinking we could just walk around like I said before." Y/N nodded and  scratched her head.
"That sounds fun! I'm going to change first though." Soviet chuckled and nodded before nudging her away to get changed. As she strode up the stairs Soviet sat down on the black leather couch. He started to think to himself as he waited. UK and him obviously are treated equally with the feline. But both are wanting to become her closest friend just like Annika. As he thought more about what him and UK were fighting over he sighed. Why were they even doing this? Would there be a gain to being best friends with her? Soviet shook his head and dismissed his thoughts. Might as well go on with the day with her. After this he should just tell UK that they were fighting over something silly and childish. Y/N was upstairs and just picking out anything she found. She saw a nice Grey shirt and pants. She quickly changed into the attire that she had chosen for the day and smiled. She was honestly very happy that both of her new friends will be hanging out with her. But then her mind wandered towards Annika and Arvin. She should spend time with them too soon. It would be unfair to spend more time with Soviet and UK than with her original friends. Maybe she could ask them to hang out with her after she spends time with Soviet and UK tomorrow.

After getting dressed the feline closed her closet door and strode downstairs to where Soviet was. He seemed to be thinking intently about something. Perhaps it was about his work matters? Wait, he doesn't have work anymore though. Since Russia is now in control of his country correct? It's kind of cool to think that they are still their for his son even though they aren't in control anymore. Striding up to the make country she smiled and tapped his shoulder to get his attention. Soviet then looked up at her and gave her a small smile.
"Ready to go?" She asked with a toothy grin. Soviet chuckled and nodded his head. Signifying that he was indeed ready to go. The two then silently started to go outside. As they exited the house Y/N closed the door behind her and locked it. After doing so the female turned around and walked slightly behind Soviet. The morning was seemingly perfect today. The breeze howled softly in the feline's ears and leafs on the trees rustled like waves from the sea. Sounds of birds chirping also echoed throughout the morning air, many beautiful sounds from each different bird. The temperature wasn't too hot nor too cold. Along with all of this, the early waking children were playing with each other. A calmed sigh escaped past her lips and she had a small smile. Soviet looked down at the female who was slightly behind him.
"Why not walk next to me?" He asked nudging her forward. She rubbed the back of her neck and laughed nervously.
"I guess it's kind of a habit. Since Annika always leads me, on occasions Arvin." It was true, she never really did like to lead the way or walk next to someone. This is because usually someone would hold her arm and lead her. The Slavic country raised his brow and then started to walk beside her.
"Is Arvin another friend?" He questioned while not taking a glance at the feline. She hummed and scratched behind her ear.
"He is my only other friend other than Annika, UK, and you." The russian country hummed and slightly moved his fingers deeper into his palm. No other words were spared after that. It was just a peaceful walk. Looking at the calm female Soviet couldn't help but smile at her. UK had her over at his house for most of the day a few days before. Why not let her spend time with him most of the day as well? She is trying to be fair and equal to both of them anyway. Y/N walked down the side walk with plants growing through the cracks. The russian country looked at her and silently sighed. Soviet still didn't understand why UK and him wanted to be her best friend. He just couldn't wrap his head around it. His mind then went back to yesterday and what UK and him talked about when Y/N passed out.

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