Chapter 8

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The feline woke up from her peaceful slumber and slowly rose from the bed she laid down on. She yawned slightly while covering her mouth a bit with her hand. Her yellow and blue eyes scanned the room around her. She didn't know why she would always do this in the morning but it just made her feel at ease. What was she feeling at ease from? She doesn't know, perhaps it was due to an incident from before. The female's hand slowly moved up to her forehead. Sweeping her fingers lightly under her H/C hair she felt the scar. The small indention and stitch marks felt so foreign. Like a memory that she hasn't remembered in a long time. But it had been a long time, since then. The feeling of being bashed against something resonated in the feline's mind. She just forgot that memory, why has it come back? She shook her head and removed her hand from her forehead. She didn't need to think of that right now. Slowly moving her feet over to the side of her bed she stood up. Making a silhouette of herself appear on her bedroom wall. Slowly trudging towards her bathroom she was yet again met with her usual matted hair and tail of the morning. Smiling a small bit she took the hair brush from the sink counter and started brushing her long H/C hair along with her wolf like tail. Both getting the same treatment until it was silky and soft. After doing so she placed the brush down and grabbed her tooth brush. Putting toothpaste on it she then started to brush her teeth. She had to spend time with both Soviet and UK today correct? It would be nice to see them all hang out together. What would be even more wonderful is if they hang out with Annika and Arvin someday. Looking into the mirror as she brushed her teeth she looked at her face. It seemed as if every day Y/N was getting more and more interactive. The thought of actually talking to Annika and Arvin made her very ecstatic. She would be able to tell Annika and Arvin how appreciative she was for them being her friends. Before she couldn't say much sentences because of a nervous wreck she was. However now she might finally talk to them longer if she tried. Spitting out the toothpaste the feline rinsed her toothbrush and washed her face before wiping it with a white fluffy towel. She then turned around and started to go to the kitchen downstairs. Once she made it to her kitchen she opened the fridge. Scanning the rectangular metal box for food she them got reminded of what UK and Soviet wanted her to do. They wanted her to eat more so she wouldn't be unhealthy. Her right feline ear twitched at the memory. Both of them were so sweet, the female hoped that they would enjoy their time today. Getting a packet of bacon she shrugged and put it beside the stove. After doing so she kneeled down and looked for a pan at the bottom of the cub board. Grabbing a metal pan she put it on the stove and put a little bit of oil on the pan. She turned on the stove and put it to medium and waited for the oil to heat up. Y/N then went back to the fridge and grabbed an egg. She should of grabbed it along with the bacon. She then opened the pack of uncooked bacon and took a metal spatula. Before she could put one uncooked bacon on the pan a knock was heard. The feline turned off the stove and walked towards the front door. Striding over to the front door she opened it revealing UK and Soviet. Both seemed to have some sort of tension.

Soviet had a smug look on his face while UK looked annoyed. She smiled at them with a toothy grin and they smiled back.
"Nice to see you guys. Why have you come early though?" The British country was about to speak but Soviet spoke first.
"We wanted to come early since we are spending the day together." The russian country said petting the feline's head which made her purr. UK suppressed a scoff to the other country.
"Well Soviet you seem rather...Happier today." The russian turned to the english country with a slight glare. The female in front of them not catching it whatsoever.
"Da, I have found my reason." UK looked surprised and secretly glared back.
"Then I suppose you and I will have 'fun' I wish luck to you." He said while the neko in front of them was confused.
"Uhm is there something that I should know?" The two turned their attention to her and finally remembered that now wasn't the time to argue.
"Het, we were just talking about a game. Anyway want us to help make breakfast?" The female looked at them surprised but nodded with a sweet smile.
"Sure thing, I'm making bacon and eggs." She said moving to the side . Soviet and UK enter her house and she closed the door after they entered. UK then pet her head with his gloved hand.
"I see you are eating more dear." The female flushed light pink and looked down as he kept petting her.
"Yeah, I remembered that you wanted me to be healthy." She said looking up slightly with her wolf like tail swaying behind her leisurely. A clatter was then heard in the kitchen. Immediately Y/N strode over to the kitchen to check what was the noise. UK huffed in slight annoyance when she went away. Soviet was making noise on purpose. As the female entered the kitchen she saw Soviet frying the bacon and eggs were at the side with a bowl and a fork. The russian looked at her and smiled as he held the spatula.
"Want to mix the eggs?" He asked mentioning to the eggs with a bowl. She nodded and smiled. She walked over to the eggs and cracked them open before starting to scramble them in the bowl. UK had entered and glared at the back of Soviet's head. He just stole her from him. Ever since he told UK about why he will protect Y/N he has took her attention this morning. No matter though, the english country still had a full day to catch her attention. The english man then walked over to the feline and put his hands on top of her's. This made the female freeze what she was doing and her ears went down in slight embarrassment.

Y/N didn't know what he was doing but Soviet did. The British country was trying to take her attention away from him.
"U-UK? Is something wrong?" He hummed to her question.
"Indeed there is. Your going to make a mess dear let me help." He said cheerfully while helping her mix the eggs. The whole time she was flushed red due to the amount of contact. This was new to her. Even Annika and Arvin didn't get much contact with her. Soviet then cleared his throat making the two look up.
Y/N's flustered face still showing.
"She can do it herself now." UK huffed and nodded begrudgingly before removing himself from the female. She calmed herself down and finished mixing the eggs. Her tail was still swaying a little frantically from what just happened but it soon calmed down as well. She handed the bowl to Soviet and smiled at him.
"Want to help me?" The female beamed at his request and nodded.
"Sure thing!" She said as the Russian country placed her in between his arms just like UK. This made the english country scoff, he just stole his idea. There was then a slight hiss coming from behind. Y/N turned around and looked at the British country. He was holding his gloved hand in pain and upon smelling the air a bit. The feline smelled a slight metallic smell. She moved from under Soviet's arms and rushed over to UK.
"Are you ok?" The country took notice of her worried look and smiled a bit. He nodded and took off his white glove.
"It is no matter dear, just a cut. No harm done." The English man said patting her head. The female puffed her cheeks annoyed and moved his hand.
"I'm going to get you a band aid. I'll be back, sorry for leaving Soviet." The Slavic country hummed and smiled at her.
"It's fine, go ahead and help UK." Without a word Y/N nodded and strode away from the kitchen. Not a moment after she left they went back to glaring at each other.
"You stole my idea." UK said with an intense look.
"Well you took her away more than I have." Soviet said annoyed.
"Nonsense, she always gives us equal amount of time." The Russian man nodded and continued to glare at him.
"I plan to win this friend game today." UK hummed and looked at him with a smirk.
"Oh? So do I Soviet." Both men planned to win her favour since this morning. While they both had their stare off with each other Y/N came back with a band aid.
"Here you go UK!" The english man smiled at her.
"Thank you dear, mind helping me love?" The feline's ears perked up along with her tail a bit in surprise.
"Oh um sure!" She said walking over and placing the band aid on his hand. It wasn't a big deal to her, just helping a friend right? After she finished helping UK she turned to Soviet.
"So what should we do today?" Both men froze a bit at her words. They were both so busy talking and arguing last night they didn't plan anything.
"How about a hide and seek game?" Soviet suggested while putting down his Ushanka on the kitchen counter. UK looked at Soviet confused, why would he pick that game? Then it hit the British country, they could hide together. Turning his attention to Y/N, UK smiled.
"That sounds like great fun to do. Only rule is that you have to hide in separate areas." The feline tilted her head with a few strands of H/C hair falling to the side. Soviet slightly glared at
The country.
"Why not?" The english man smiled and chuckled a bit.
"Why the game would end too early. Don't you think Y/N, love?" The female looked at the countryhuman and nodded.
"I guess that makes sense. Who wants to seek first?" Soviet hummed and patted the feline's head. She looked at him with one eye closed since his hand was near her face.
"I will be it little Китти." He said with a smile, the female beamed at him and nodded. UK slyly smirked and looked at Soviet.
"Too tall to hide Soviet?" The Slavic country huffed and nodded. It was the actual truth, he was too tall to hide.
"Go hide, I'll count to 30 in living room." He said leaving and walking into the female's living room. UK looked at Y/N and smiled before walking off. The female glanced around the room and saw Soviet's Ushanka still on the counter.

She then had a mischievous look on her face before she turned into a cat and went under it. Curling up inside the fluffy hat the feline noticed how warm it was. It also smelled of vodka just like Soviet. A sound of yelling came from the living room. The loud noise made one of the feline's ears twitch. The sound of boots marching down halls echoed throughout the house. A few doors were opened and nothing else was heard. Until some talking and muttering were heard. UK must if been found already. A few shuffling was heard and soon there were sounds of footsteps in the kitchen.
"Well she was here last time." A scoff was heard and footsteps moved towards her hiding spot. The cat curled up more and waited for the hat to be lifted. The bright lights of her kitchen reached her eyes and the two men held in laughter. The feline then turned into a human and sat on the counter.
"Yay! I won!" She cheered happily. The two laughed at her childishness.
"Wasn't that cheating?" Soviet asked. Y/N shrugged at his question.
"You didn't say that I couldn't turn into a cat." He chuckled at pet her head. UK then cleared his throat making the two pay attention to him.
"We still have a full day to spend together. Where to next?"

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