Chapter 18

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(Forgive me for not posting in awhile, I had school. Anyways back to our usual schedule)

The feline whimpered in slight discomfort as she moved. It had probably been a couple of hours since she was kidnapped. She didn't know why she was taken at all. In her mind she hoped that someone would just save her already. The slight clanks of her chained hands echoed through the room. Blinking a bit she let her eyes adjust. It was dark but luck for her she could see since she was half feline. Y/N's ears twitched every so often trying to find a voice or at least a clue on where she is. The sounds were little to none, except for the occasional clanking of her chains. After a few moments her hears twitched. Hearing a pair of footsteps coming her way she pretended to fall asleep. As the footsteps approached closer the sound of a male talking became louder. He was assumingely talking to someone on a phone due to a broken voice being heard. Possible because of interference or loss of connection.
"Plea-....Don.....she's....ere...eep...aliv..." the feline could only pick up a few words. However upon hearing the male, she noticed how distressed he sounded. Was he working for somebody? But who? She never had any enemies. Thoughts of who could be behind this was running through her mind. But her thoughts were cut off as the man opened her room that she was chained in. He closed the door behind him and walked up to the small girl kicking her.
"Wake up." The feline immediately pretended to wake up in a start. A gun greeted her face as she opened her eyes. The man looked at her and frowned. Tears looked to be building up in his eyes.
"I-sorry, I need them to live. I can't-can't have them die. He's still young." A silent tear cascaded down his face. Y/N tilted her head.
"Why are you doing this?" She asked calmly, even though her eyes were focused on the object pointed at her. The gun shook uncontrollably as he pointed it down to the floor.
"I can't, I want to go home." He cried out before someone bursted through the door. Two familiar faces greeted her. The feline immediately felt joy upon seeing the two faces.
"U-UK! Soviet!" She cheered silently.
"No worry little Китти, we'll save you." Soviet pointed a shotgun at the man as UK took the keys from the man and unlocked Y/N's chains.
"There you are love." UK said sighing in relief. The feline smiled gratefully at the english man as UK carried her out of the room. Turning to the man one last time he gave Y/N a sympathetic look before closing his eyes and giving a sad smile before Soviet shot him. The girl flinched in the english country's hold.
"Shh shh, it's ok. You're safe now dear." The petite girl hummed and tiredly fell asleep. It was still night time after all.

Soon as the female gained consciousness again she was in her bed. Blinking away her tiredness she looked around her room. Annika and Arvin were sitting on the floor silently. Arvin then looked up and his hazel eyes lit up.
"Y/N! You're ok!" He said speed walking up to the female with Annika following soon after. The girl smiled and nodded her feline ears perking up and her wolf like tail swayed behind her leisurely.
"Yes I'm good. What happened while I was out?" She asked curiously. Annika sighed in relief.
"Well UK and Soviet told us that you were kidnapped. But they saved you before the man could shoot you" Annika said clearly happy that her friend was safe. Arvin hummed at Annika's words.
"Turns out that man hunts down creatures like Neko's. He obviously needed money for his family. Well, that's what I heard at least." Y/N nodded. Come to think of it, the male did seem desperate to make money. So much so that he lowered his gun. But who was he talking to on that phone? Perhaps it was his boss, some creep or something.
"No need to worry now guys, I'm alive and better than ever!" She cheered smiling happily. The two friends laughed at her cheerful demeanor. Annika got a plushie that said get well soon on the stomach and put it on the bed.
"I got this for you! So you could feel even better." The feline couldn't help but feel touched at the gesture. She gave her best smile at her friend.
"I bet it will make me even better." The girl said as Arvin rolled his eyes and ruffled both of the girls' hair.
"Come on Annika, we got work. We will check on you afterwards ok Y/N?" Arvin said walking out the room with Annika and looking at her. The small girl nodded in approval and the two left. The feline sighed and looked out her window before doing her usual routine. She brushed her hair and her teeth before going downstairs. She strode down the stairs and into the kitchen. Her phone was still on the kitchen counter and still charged. Checking the phone there was no notifications so she left it be. Going through her cupboards she grabbed anything that she felt like eating. Grabbing her quick breakfast she started eating. It wasn't the best breakfast she made however she was too lazy to make a proper meal.

Soon a knock came from her front door. Knowing who it was she smiled.
"Come in! I'm inside the kitchen!" She said while washing the dishes that she had in her hands. The door opened and the two familiar scents waved through the air.
"Forgive me for not answering the door. I was just not feeling well." Y/N said smiling at the two before putting away her dishes and drying her hands. UK waved his hand in a dismissive manner.
"Not a problem love, as long as you are ok." He said smiling fondly at her. Soviet hummed along with him.
"Da little Китти, health matters," the Russian man said walking over to the feline and petting her head. The girl giggled at the action and had a light shade if pink dusted on her cheeks.
"Thanks you two, I appreciate how much you care." She said looking at them calmly.
"Of course we care for you dear. We are your friends." UK said adjusting his monocle.
"I'm glad. So what would you two like to do today?" Soviet fake coughed and pulled out a small pill bottle filled with green pills. He handed them to the female and looked to the side rubbing his neck.
"We visited a doctor before we sent you home. They prescribed you with these pills." He said as Y/N looked at them curiously. UK nodded in response to Soviet.
"I'm not sure what the doctor said but it was to improve your health. They said to take one every 6 hours." UK finished his sentence with a worried look. Possibly because he wanted Y/N to be healthy. The female nodded and opened the bottle before grabbing a bottle of water and drinking one pill. She grabbed her phone and timed 6 hours. UK and Soviet sighed as they looked at each other their eyes squinted as like they were talking in their mind.
"Pfft you guys look at each other like you speak with your minds." This caught the attention of the two countries and they chuckled at her reasoning.
"Oh yeah, uhm what should happen after I take the pills? Any side affects?" The slavic country thought fir a moment with a hand on his chin.
"I suppose not little Китти. There is nothing else that the doctor has said." He said shrugging.
"Ah ok, well let's watch some TV together?"
Y/N asked hopefully. They both smiled at her happily.
"Of course love, we decided to spend time with you anyway." Soon they all decided to watch TV for the remainder of the day together. As the day ended the counties waved goodbye.

Y/N closed the door and locked it. As she turned around her legs gave out and she couldn't walk.

Why were they numb?

|Dainty with Vodka| Yandere UK x neko reader x Yandere SovietWhere stories live. Discover now