Chapter 15

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The two countries and neko exited the theatre. As they walked down the sidewalk with Y/N they all talked about where they should have lunch at. Knowing UK he wouldn't want some fast food and knowing Soviet he doesn't want anything that fancy. Not knowing what options to choose the feline shrugged.
"Maybe we could go to a cafe?" Both countries looked at the female.
"That is except-able love. Better than any fast food hm?" The english country asked striding down the sidewalk with his fancy walking cane. The Russian country hummed and followed along before ruffling the petite girl's hair. To which the female huffed at and pouted, her feline ears folding back and her wolf like tail swaying annoyed.
"You treat me like a child!" She huffed out walking next to both of them.
"You act like a child, kitten." Soviet said, saying her nickname in english for once. UK chuckled at Y/N's adorable and flustered form. After a few minutes of walking they made it to a cafe and sat at their table. When they sat down silence engulfed the area around them. It was quite peaceful, one might say. However to all three of them, they were all tense. Not one had much to say to one another. They had already talked much about themselves. It was just sheer silence amongst them. There were people talking in the cafe but even their noises of chatter didn't really help them escape from the silence. UK quietly sipped his cup of tea, paying attention to the porcelain cup and it's designs. Soviet stared at his Ushanka in his lap. While Y/N sat with her head resting in the palm of her hand. Her wolf like tail swaying leisurely to her boredom. As she did so Soviet felt her tail sway against his hand on the couch like booth. He face slowly reaching a darker shade of red. UK was on the other side of the table noticing but stayed quiet. Why would he blush just from her brushing against him? This wasn't new to Soviet, he had experienced love before. However this one hurt, but in a good way. He didn't know how to describe it. It was like a fire, a burning fire the burnt the core of his heart, but the warm feeling of comfort spreads throughout himself. The fire is dangerous but he doesn't see it like that for some reason. Soviet remained in his thoughts for awhile until the petite feline spoke.
"So UK, is it ok if I call you tea man?" The feline asked with a joking smile. UK raised a brow.
"And why would you call me that dear?" He asked holding the porcelain cup in his hand tenderly.
"Because you drink tea a lot and you're about to drink it now." The feline pointed out making the english man put down his tea cup.
"Why I would never. I wasn't going to, dear. I was simply admiring the porcelain that positively glowed...just like you." The British country said as if the flirt he had just said was normal. His straight face now formed into a small smirk. To the female she had a shade of dark red on her face. Looking to the side she immediately forgot why she wanted to make the joke and focused more on what the country said. The Russian man watched the scene unfold and chuckled resting his head in the palm of his hand.
"Do you like being flirted with little Китти?" Soviet asked with a sly smirk on his face. The small feline covered her face.
"N-no!" She squeaked out nervously her tail swaying slowly.
"I'm afraid your tail says another story love." UK replied watching as her feline ears folded back and her tail slightly increased in speed.
"Cute, little Китти is embarrassed." The Slavic teased leaning a bit towards her with his head still resting in the palm of his hand. Y/N felt as if she was on fire. As if she were to burst into flames if they said another word. Not wanting them to see how red she was becoming the female covered her face with her hands. This, this, she didn't know what this feeling was. Most people wouldn't say things like that to her because before she used to be a shy and timid person. Now that she had come out of her shell, she has been into more conversations that she has never experienced. Flirting is an example of what is happening right now. The feeling felt painful, but painfully good like a warm feeling. She wondered what it was. The small girl got knocked back into reality when the two countries laughed at her flustered state. She uncovered her face and pouted, her blush going away but a small pink hue still visible on her face.
"Don't do that, you know I haven't been in these types of conversations before." She said with her feline ears folded back and her tail drooping to the side with her hand slightly covering her mouth. The two men chuckled at her.
"Dreadfully sorry dear. You're expressions are just positively captivating." The English country responded intertwining his hands together and resting his chin in top of them. Soviet hummed.
"Da, sorry little Китти. Your expressions are adorable." Soviet said smiling fondly at her. The female looked up at both of them and smiled softly. Her feline ears going up again.
"Ok, if we're finished here. I should be heading back." The two glanced at her slightly disappointed.
"Very well, it cannot be helped I suppose. Have a good day Y/N." UK said standing up and tipping his top hat before leaving to go home.
"Same here little Китти. Also please be safe." Soviet said taking his Ushanka and walking out of the cafe. Y/N stayed in the cafe for a few moments. Did they seem different?

(Sorry it's short. I felt bad for not posting)

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