Chapter 9

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(I changed by book cover. But will change it after the raid...I don't really like hetalia)

The feline's tail flicked side to side leisurely as she thought of other places to go. UK was sitting near the kitchen's island table and drank tea as he thought. Soviet stood against the wall and put on his fluffy, brown Ushanka. She thought of most places that could be fun fir all of them. They could perhaps go to a fair? No it wouldn't be UK's fancy. Maybe go to a tea party? No Soviet doesn't seem like the type to do that. Y/N looked at both countries and smiled a bit. She did it yesterday with Soviet, why not try it today?
"Why not we walk around?" UK put down his tea cup and looked at her interested. Soviet moved his eyesight to her as well and raised a brow.
"Not like I oppose this option dear, but why a walk?" The female smiled a bit and rubbed the back if her neck while looking at the side.
"Well if we walk around we may find something to do. Not only that all of us can decide if it is good for all of us." She said a few stray strands of hair falling to the side like gentle silk. Her feline ears twitched a bit, for she was unsure if they agreed with her or not. The russian country smiled at her and nodded.
"Da, it sounds like a good idea. Good job little Китти." He said walking up to her and petting her head as he gazed at her with fondness in his eye. UK watched the scene play out in front of him. Now he and anyone would describe the scene as adorable. However he was filled with slight envy as he watched. The english country knew that Soviet has the same feeling as well when he takes away her attention. But both men can't comprehend what they were feeling at all. It was somewhat new to them in a way. They haven't felt this way towards anyone except...a few countries that they had been with. However this was a more intense feeling that both of them shared. Something that resonated deep inside. Just boiling and infesting for some unknown reason. The British country then snapped back into reality when Y/N tugged his sleeve.
"Is the idea alright with you UK?" The english man looked down at her and smiled.
"Of course dear, that sounds like a wonderful idea." The feline's wolf like tail swayed side to side as she heard his sentence.
"I'll get changed first. Do you guys mind waiting?" She asked while looking down with her cat ears falling down. Her tail moved up to her hands and she started to fidget with it. Her H/C bangs cascaded a small shadow over her forehead as she looked down. The female held a small weary smile on her face. The Slavic and British country both patted her head affectionately. While they both patted her silky H/C hair they glared at each other. Not like
Y/N knew that it was affectionate and that they were glaring but not like it mattered to them right now.
"Het, not a problem at all little Китти." Soviet said pulling his hand away so he could stop hovering over the British country's hand. UK followed suit with what Soviet did and nodded.
"Indeed love. Not a matter to be worried of at all." He said slightly bending down to the 5'6 foot girl and nudging her gently out if the kitchen.
"We will Tidy up down here dear. Go ahead and get dressed." Y/N followed his words and walked out of the kitchen. She stride up the stairs and entered her room. Closing the door behind her she opened her closet door. Nothing much was new in her closet. She would probably have to buy new clothes soon. The female sighed with her cat ears going down as she did so, but coming back up after her sigh. Scanning the closet she grabbed random clothes and put them on. It was a black shirt with the words 'Cat Nap' printed on it. She also put on simple pants and walked downstairs.

The two countries were on opposite sides of the kitchen away from each other and glaring as they cleaned up. No words were exchanged but it was very clear to both men that they didn't want to exchange any words. This was probably due to a certain girl upstairs that was changing. The Slavic country was leaning by the counter near Y/N's cellular phone. While the english country was leaning on the kitchen island table. Their glares made the whole kitchen tense in the atmosphere. The silence would be what one would call deafening. It would be hard to breath in that room if you knew what they were tense over. But not for an oblivious little bean. The feline walked into the kitchen and smiled at the two making them look at her.
"I'm ready, sorry for the wait again." The tense atmosphere that once engulfed the whole kitchen seemed to disperse.
"Enough apologising love, it's no matter." UK said patting the girl on the head. The female smiled up at him and nodded before pulling away. Soviet watched the scene and cleared his throat. The two then turned to the russian country and waited for what he was going to say.
"We should get walking Da? Before it gets hot in the day." Y/N hummed and started to walk towards the front door. UK and Soviet followed behind and left the house. The feline closed her door behind her and locked her house door before putting her key into her pants pocket.
"Let's go around town now." She said with a sweet closed eyed smile. The two slightly felt heat rise up to their faces. This was new to them. She did this many times before, why are they reacting now? UK shook away his flustered face and tried to regain his composure. Soviet scratched underneath his Ushanka and looked away humming. The female didn't notice her looks since she was usually oblivious. Which was strange since cats usually pay attention to a lot of things.
"D-da let's head out now?" Soviet said unsurely since he was still trying to compose himself. UK having the same problem with his composure as well. Y/N nodded and grabbed both men by their hands starting to lead them away from her house. The two men flustered even more at her actions. They both knew that she was getting more and more interactive everyday. However this was adorable on how a petite girl was leading a 6'9 russian and a 6'8 British man.
"No need to rush love! We still have the whole day." The english country said holding onto his top hat, along with his monocle bobbing up and down. Soviet chuckled a bit and held his Ushanka to make it not fall as well.
"For a little Китти you run fast. Including when your skinny." Y/N huffed at the Russian's words.
"I'm not skinny just...uh normal?" This time UK chuckled at her.
"We can see how skinny your arm is dear." The female stopped running and let go of their hands.
"I-I'm *huff* not that skinny! Also I'm tired I'll
*huff* not run." Soviet then pinched her feline ear making the female yelp.
"Eep! Waitwaitwait! Soviet that tickles!" She said trying to contain her own blush.
"You are skinny, please eat more little Китти?" He asked letting her ear go. The feline hummed and rubbed her ear. UK watched in envy as Soviet started to get more attention. He has to start getting her attention more if he wants to win her friendship. The english man then pinched the feline's tail making her yelp again.
"U-UK! Why are both of you pinching?" She wined childishly as her tail flailed around in a panicked motion. The two men chuckled at her childish display.
"Dreadfully sorry love." The english country said.
"Da, couldn't resist." The russian country answered as well. Y/N shrugged it off and smiled at them. Her two white and shiny canines gleamed at them as she smiled.
"Enough of this, we made it to the town!" Both countries looked around and were surprised to say the least. She ran very quickly to get here. Were they caught up in their own thoughts to not realise where they were?
"That was fast little Китти." Soviet said fairly surprised as he started to walk forward with the female and UK following afterwards.
"Yup! I'm a speedy kitty!" She cheered as her tail swayed leisurely in happiness. UK chuckled at her and patted her head.
"Is this how fast you usually are?" The feline shook her head and scratched behind her ear.
"No, I was just really excited." The two didn't know why but they took note of that. As they walked down the cemented side walk their gaze soon went to Y/N's forehead.

It wasn't long ago that they found out about her scar. It shouldn't concern them but somehow it made them feel like it was their fault. It shouldn't be their fault for when she gets hurt though. Soviet pondered in his mind on how she got it. The same for UK, she was so blank before. What happened to make her feel so empty? A familiar happy voice knocked them out of their thoughts.
"Hey guys? See anything that we could all do together?" Y/N questioned them while turning around and walking backwards.
"As far as I know, I am pretty sure there is an art museum nearby." UK said walking steadily as the female still walked backwards.
"There's a museum here?" She questioned while tilting her head to the side. Soviet hummed and UK nodded.
"Please watch your step little Китти." The female turned around again and walked normally again.
"Ok thanks Soviet. Also the art museum sounds interesting." After a bit of conversing with the two males they all made it to the art museum. The female stared in awe at how big the place was.
"Woah! This is huge!" In the corner of her eye she saw both UK and Soviet have a tint of red on their faces. Surly it was nothing. She then returned to her usual happy tone and started bouncing on the heels of her shoes.
"Guys come on! I wanna see!" UK chuckled and took her by the hand.
"Come on then love. If we're lucky we can get through the museum by lunch." Soviet hummed and smiled a bit while putting his hands in his large coat. Walking through the wooden mahogany doors they were greeted by a few people. They all checked in and payed for their visit before walking around. The many views of painting and art were scattered around the whole place. They reached a place where a counter held a piece of art. UK and Soviet could see perfectly fine. But Y/N even if she was 5'6 she still had trouble with seeing. Seeing her small dilemma UK suddenly swiped the feline off her feet and carried her up in his arms. The light red colour dusted the female's cheeks as it happened.
"Thank you UK." She said with a small smile. The english man smiled back and nodded before putting her down. As they looked back up they noticed Soviet holding his laughter.
"Is something the matter Soviet?" UK questioned the Slavic country. The female looked at the russian and noticed that his Ushanka was missing. Looking the way that his gaze was at she started to hold her own laughter. It was a small table and on top of it was Soviet's Ushanka. There was a crown around it and they were taking pictures. UK looked at the area and tried to contain his laughter as well.
"T-this is not..." The British man's words went to waste as he couldn't help but laugh slightly. Soviet then walked over to his Ushanka and took it.
"Sorry, I lost my Ushanka." Soviet said before walking away. Unfortunately the group had to speed walk out because security came. When they went out of the museum they all shared a good laugh.
"T-That was hilarious Soviet." Y/N said in between breaths of her laughter. UK chuckled and patted the Russian's back.
"It was a good show indeed." Their laughter soon died down when they heard new voices.
"Y/N?" The two voices synchronised. Turning around it was Arvin and Annika. The female jumped a bit and returned to her shy like nature.
"O-oh hello guys." She said but this time not whispering. It surprised her two friends.
"Y/N? Your talking?!" Annika said surprised.
"Without a whisper as well." Arvin said while fixing his glasses. The feline nodded and walked over to her friends. UK and Soviet watched as Y/N left their sides to talk to her other friends. It made them both feel lonely l. Even though she left just for a minute or two it was like an empty spot. UK tapped Soviet's shoulder and sighed.
"An agreement can be made correct?"

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