Don't Disobey Me

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"Oh, my Irene..." I whisper sadly.

The beach house is destroyed. The fountain on the main floor has a crack in it that is leaking water everywhere, glass is shattered all over the floor, and everything has a thin layer of dust on it. Paintings have been stripped off the walls, food has mold, and not a sign of human activity can be seen anywhere.

"Oh my Irene!" KC says in shock. "This place!"

"Is ruined." Aaron finishes flatly. As we look around, I can almost picture happier times, when everyone would sit around the table playing games or eating food. When we would gather in the living room to discuss our next rides, or complain about balls being left in the pool. When we'd be in the kitchen, teasing Aaron about being able to cook so well.

Every room in this house has left an echo of everyone who lived here.

I turn, choking back tears, to a cup on the ground. "We can at least clean up the place." I pick a glass up, noticing the dust it leaves on my fingers.

"Maybe we shouldn't." Aaron says. "The Guardian Forces may notice the change the next time they come through here."

"Yeah... You're right..." I put it back sadly.

"What's that?" Kawaii~Chan exclaims. Aaron and I turn to see her looking at a purple glass case, where a magnificent sword lays inside. I don't recognize it, but Aaron looks like he might.

"That's---" Aaron starts, then he runs for it around the couches. When we arrive in front of it, Aaron's eyes are wide.

"A note?" Kawaii~Chan says. My eyes are drawn to a handwritten note lying beside the case. Aaron picks it up and reads it aloud.

"Things are getting pretty rough around here. I can't hold on to this anymore so I thought I'd let you have it. Terry."

"Terry?" I repeat. "How can this be here?"

"He must have left it here after the raid!" Kawaii~Chan guesses.

"Yeah." Aaron agrees. "And recently, too. I don't think the Guardian Forces would have left this here."

"But... why would someone leave it here?" Kawaii~Chan asks.

"I don't know." I admit slowly. "But I don't like it. It must be here for a reason."

Although I can't imagine what purpose there would be for Terry dropping a freaking sword into the middle of a destroyed house that the GF searches through constantly...


Yes, I know it's short. But there wasn't a whole lot to work with in this episode, and the next one is WAY too important to push into this one. 

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