Too Late

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Kawaii~Chan walks away from the table, looking out the open doorway to the docks, while Aaron gazes at the note like he's trying to dissect it. For such an impressive weapon, Terry seems to not care too much for it, if he just dropped it off here. I move over to Kawaii~Chan, gently touching her shoulder.

"Kawaii~Chan, I... I never said thank you. For earlier." I tell her, not meeting her eyes.

Her smile is small, but sincere. "It's all right, Violet. I know how close you and Melissa were. Not to mention Garroth and Z-zane..." Her voice trembles on my brother's name, and my built-up wall against my heart wavers for a moment. I didn't even consider how Kawaii~Chan must be feeling, not knowing if Zane is all right. It's not even about a stupid ship anymore, I care about their relationship. They help each other more than I realized. And I think that Zane really, truly loves Kawaii~Chan, and she loves him in return.

"Kawaii~Chan, are you okay?" I ask. "You've been kinda... quiet. I mean, we all have---but even you---I just---with Zane---are you okay?" I stammer.

She smiles weakly. "I'm fine, Violet. Just... I'm worried. And being back here..." She gazes around sadly. "It brings back so much."

I smile too. "Yeah. I know what you mean. It's almost like I can still see everybody here."


My smile fades. "Yes. And... Garroth and Zane."

Kawaii~Chan puts her hand on my shoulder. "I'm sure they're fine, Violet. They must have made it out. They m-must have."

I look over at her and see her lip is quivering. I hug her tight. "I'm sure you're right. We---"


"Ah!" KC yells, grabbing the pillar nearest to us as the ground around us starts to shake beyond control. I scream as I lose my balance and fall to the ground. Kawaii~Chan reaches a hand out, and I grab it, scrambling forward and grabbing the pillar with Kawaii~Chan, holding on for dear life. Aaron is groaning as well, holding on to the table of all things.

"Oh please oh please oh please make it stop!" KC screams, her eyes shut tight.

"An earthquake!" Aaron exclaims.

"I've never felt one this powerful before!" I yell over the rumble. It feels like the earth is breaking into pieces, like the planet is trying to pull us all in at once. Or... like it's releasing something.

I scarcely have that thought when suddenly, the shaking stops.

KC lets go of the pillar. "It-it stopped?"

I let go as well, shaking hard. "A-Aaron, are you okay?"

"Yeah." He says, standing. "I'm fine." he looks around, assessing the damage to the building. Somehow, the structure is still sound, if a little more cracked. "But, an earthquake, here?"

"That sent chills through my spine." KC whimpers. "Is it going to happen again?"

I put my arm around her. "Let's hope not."

She whimpers again. "Should we stay he---AH!"

"What?" I look to where her wide eyes are gazing, and nearly jump out of my skin. A GF boat is pulling into the dock, right in our line of vision. "The patrol boat!" I scream.

"What?" Aaron yells. "Here?"

"It's outside!" I shout, pulling Kawaii~Chan out of the window. "It's just docked!" I look around, fast. "We have to hide! Come on!" I grab Aaron too and we sprint for a place to hide.

MyStreet: When Angels Fall (OC Character Added)Where stories live. Discover now