Neither Here Nor There

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After we've chatted for a little while, explaining our situation and getting reacquainted with each other, we realize we're still very much in the open, and Daniel and Blaze inform us of where they've been hiding. It takes about half an hour, but they finally lead us to a hidden waterfall cave, giving us goofy grins when we all let out a "Whoa."

"Where are we?" Kawaii~Chan asks once we're inside the cavern. It's small, and smells like minerals and dirt, but it's well-hidden, and that's enough for me.

"This path leads to our camp." Blaze explains. "It's the place we've been hiding out. We've been here since the Guardian Forces started detaining werewolves." he continues down the path, catching up with Daniel, who turns back with a grave look on his face.

"They're looking for the Ultima." Daniel tells us.

It takes all I have in me to not look at Aaron, and to keep my ears and tail in.

"I don't think they know who the Ultima is." Blaze says. "Which is why every single werewolf is a suspect."

Kawaii~Chan, Aaron and I exchange a glance. A deep feeling has settled in my stomach. That makes me a suspect too.

"That's... awful." I whisper.

"Yeah..." Blaze says sadly. "A lot of us have been captured already. Rylan. Maria."

Each name sends a pain in my heart. "W-what?" I gasp out.

"What happened?" Aaron asks.

"It was the day the Guardian Forces landed." Blaze explains. "Rylan and Daniel were on the beach, and Maria tried to save them both." His head ducks down, his eyes full of shame and regret. "I couldn't stop them."

Daniel gives Blaze a worried look. "Oh---uh, hey, Kawaii~Chan, let me show you this cool geode up ahead." he says.

"Huh? Uh--um--ookaaaay?" KC asks nervously. She looks at Aaron and I and we nod. She walks over to Daniel and follows him from the cavern. Blaze, still not looking at us, says nothing.

Aaron steps forward. "Everything all right?"

"Aaron..." Blaze says slowly. "I need to ask you something. And don't lie to me." he turns back to us, a kind of fiery accusation in his eyes. "Are you the Ultima?"

My heart stops and I feel my ears booping just inches over my hair. I quickly force them back down and bite my tongue while waiting for Aaron to answer.

He doesn't.

"I know the Ultima is just a story." Blaze says quickly. "But the severity of this search has me thinking otherwise. I keep thinking back to that moment on the beach. Aphmau stood in front of you with her eyes closed. Melissa had later explained to me that you have anger issues. But then... why would Aphmau close her eyes in front of you?"

Oh, Irene. He's talking about Aaron's first blow-up. When he saw a waiter that looked like Ein.

"At the time, I didn't think anything of it." Blaze continues. "But now, thinking back, that moment just stands out in my mind. I'm not trying to point fingers. But I'm not blind, either. Why is your family wanted? Why are they looking so hard to find you!?" His tone turns sharp, angry. Every part of me wants to tell Blaze it's a lie.

But I can't make that choice for Aaron.

Aaron doesn't answer for a moment.

"Are you the Ultima?" Blaze repeats.

Aaron closes his eyes, and when he opens them again, I can see his answer before it leaves his mouth. "No." Aaron says calmly. "I'm not."

Blaze sighs, looking like himself again. "I'm---I'm sorry I even asked. It's so stupid! I'm just---I'm just worried about all of us being falsely imprisoned."

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