Shooting Stars

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"Serena hurry your going to miss your train" yells my mom. " coming!" I yell back
I rush downstairs of our house to see my mom and dad and my little sister at the end of the stairs with my bags " ready" my father asked. I nod and smile
My parents, muggles
They found out I was a witch when I was one years old
I was in my crib crying because I was angry for some reason my parents said it's because I wanted attention and that sounds about right
By a wave of my hand I made a snake appear in my crib and my parents said it looked like I was playing with it until I grabbed it by two hands and squeezed it to death
My parents tried to look for help because they didn't know what was happening
When I was two I set my crib on fire
Without me in it of-course
My parents told their bestfriends the grangers
And they actually had the same problem but there daughter was more gentle than I was
Hermione -their daughter- is my bestfriend and she's the nicest person you can ever meet but don't cross her
We've been through everything together
And she especially helped comfort me when I was first called a Mudblood by the one and only Draco Malfoy
I swear he's been after me since first year he's the most annoying, cunning and despicable person you could even meet, Slytherin was made for him
He's little bodyguards, Crabbe and Goyle are just as worse But Hermione is always there to comfort me
Especially when people like Draco Crabbe and Goyle suggest I'm to sensitive for Slytherin and I should be in Hufflepuff and I hate when they say that
One, the sorting hat is never wrong and two they act like suggesting Hufflepuff is an insult Hufflepuff is just a good
But being muggle born, it's hard to prove I belong in Slytherin
But I try
I have one sister, Elizabeth and I didnt pay her any attention at first because she was always crying and wanting attention but she's 10 now and practically a mini me she always wanting to do what I do and go where I go but I spend as much Time as I can with her during the summers she's magical too so next year her letter should be coming in the mail and she's been bugging me about what's Slytherin house like because she wants to be like me so she wants to be in the same house as Me but I love her For it

Hermione and I board the Hogwarts express to begin our 5th year
We put our things in the over head compartment
And sit down next to Harry and Ron
" hello boys anything new happen this summer"'I suggest at Harry while looking back at Hermione as we both snicker "what's that's supposed to mean" he says " idk maybe you and Ginny had a good summer right?" Hermione nudges him " Harry what are they talking about" Ron adds " well..."
" I guess that's our cue to go to the snack trolley" I say as Hermione and I open the compartment doors to here them arguing about Ginny " i think we started something"  Hermione says
I look back at them " nah they'll figure it out" I say
We look around for the snack cart to find it where the Slytherin compartments are " uh I think we should just come back another time" she suggests " don't worry" I say
I look around to see it any ones watching
I slid my hand up in a swift motion and and two candy bars  fly over to me but I was stopped by someone grabbing one of the candy bars while it was floating over to us
" were not a Hogwarts yet Gideon" I hear a familiar voice behind me
I turn to see Draco holding a couple of our candy bars in his hands
" now I don't believe you paid for these" he said smirking
"It's fine Serena let's just go back to the compartment" Hermione says pulling my arm
" yea listen to your mud-blood friends and go back to the compartments where other blood traitors hang out" he says
Fury filled my eyes I almost pulled out my wand until Hermione pulled me away and we went back to the compartment " let's just wait till we get to Hogwarts k?" I nod as we go back to the
After the sorting ceremony everyone went to dorms for bed
My roommates and also some of my close friends
Astoria and pansy were getting ready to go out " come in Serena the professors aren't gonna catch us just come to the black lake with us" Astoria suggests " who's going?" I say looking up from my book " Blaise and Adrian" pansy says " fine" I say
I go into the bathroom and I change into a cropped shirt with sweatpants and I put a jacket over
We head to the common room
And I notice there's three boys
They stand up
Blaise, Adrian and as the last one turns around
It's Draco
I roll my eyes as he smirks at my reaction
" finally the one and only Serena Gideon is finally breaking curfew" Blaise says as he hugs me " shut it" I say smiling
My eyes catch Draco's as he stands behind Astoria and pansy now
We snuck out to the black late and sat down on the dock
Astoria and Blaise in the middle pansy and Adrian next and Draco and I sitting next to each other " I snagged some of the good stuff from Neville today" Astoria says " how did you mange to get that" Blaise says taking out a lighter
" had to remind him Serena was my friend and she wanted some" Astoria said
I leaned over and looked at her " Great now he thinks I'm a fucking stoner" I say " sorry" she adds As she lights the joint
" and I snagged some of this from the kitchen" Adrian holds up a bottle of rum
I put my arms behind me as I watched the sky and all the stars
And everyone was in their own conversations
Draco passed me the rum bottle " wants some Hufflepuff" he says
I roll my eyes as I grab the bottle from him and taking a big sip " will you ever stop calling me that" I says " probably not" he says
I give him the bottle back and he gives it to Blaise
"Why do you hate Slytherin" he asks " I don't hate Slytherin" I say " just people make me feel out of place people like you" I say " come on you must know it's just a joke" he says " sometimes jokes can seem real Draco"
He stares back at the lake with a look of regret on his face
" look a shooting star" pansy points to the sky
" everyone make a wish"
Everyone closes there eyes as they make a wish
"I wish everyone would stop thinking I need to prove my Loyalty to Slytherin and not treat me like I'm just a mud blood and treat me like I belong in Slytherin" I said in my head
After we made our wishes Draco turn to me like he was worried about me " what" I say " n-nothing, shut up" he says

Just a Mud-blood -D.MWhere stories live. Discover now