12 weeks

542 13 0

" Merlin"
Astoria comes over to the bathroom
" Merlin Astoria" I lean back over the toilet and throw up again
" I'm sorry I had to see"
" you have to tell Draco" pansy says holding my hair
" I can't, I'd be horrible just to add more Stress onto the Stress he has right now" I say grabbing the towel

"You have to tell him soon before he starts noticing" Astoria said from across the room
" not yet" I say
" can I be the god mother"
"Shut up pansy" I spat " Merlin pregnancy makes you mean"


It's been a month since I found out and Draco seemed like he's been in a good mood these last couple days so figured I tell him now

I walked into the Great hall
My eyes immediately searching for him at slytheirn table
I see Lizzie she waves at me
I mirror her action And head to the table
" morning" I say not sitting down
I lay my hand on Draco's shoulder
" walk with me?" I ask
He nods as he gets up

We walked through the Great hall
" what's wrong"
We walked through the corridor near The garden
" I have to tell you something" I say playing with my fingers
" are you breaking up with me" he Spirals
" no Draco it's not that" I told him

" Draco I-I'm pregnant"


He didn't say anything
" just break up with me already and get it over with Draco the suspense is killing me" I say looking at the sky.
" Serena, I'm not breaking up with you" he voiced

Thank Merlin

" are you sure?"
" I took three tests Draco" I say

He hadn't said anything after that for at least 5 minutes
" this was mistake telling you, I'm so fucking dumb"I say turning away

He grabs my arm " no it's not, I'm just shocked"
" how your the one that hates condoms" I say
" they're uncomfortable" he says
I rolled my eyes " what do you want to do" I say
" do you think I would be a good father?"
I turned to him " I know you would be dray"

" is that what your scared of, afraid you'll turn out like your father?"
He looks my in the eye and nods " i can promise you that you will never be, I'll make sure of it"

He wraps his arms around me " can we keep it Serena? The baby can we keep it" he says tightening the hug
" really?" I say
He nods " yea" I say smiling
" I love you Draco"
" I love you Serena"


" what did your mother say"
" she's overly excited, like she always and she wants to take you to the doctor this weekend"

" I have to go, I'm almost done with the task"
He says kissing me " really?" My face lit up
He nodded " I'm close" he says
" can I stay in here Astorias perfume is so strong it make me throw up"
" yes darling" he kissed my forehead


The day before I see narcissa to go to the doctor Lizzie decides to bother the hell out of me in my dorm
" what are you going to name the baby" she said looking around my room

" i don't know Lizzie"
" is it a boy or a girl? No, are you hoping it's a boy or girl?"
I glare at her " Lizzie. Shut up"
" don't be mad at me Draco wanted me in here because you weren't feeling well" she says
" I don't need a babysitter especially a 11 year old babysitter" I say turning over

" can I come with you to your appointment tomorrow"
" no"
" please"
" Get out"
The room door opens and Draco comes in " thank Merlin, now leave Lizzie" I say
She scoffed "your girlfriend is crazy"
Draco smiles " you don't think I know that"
Lizzie leaves

" I brought you something" Draco says getting closer to the bed
" what"
He brings his hands to me and it's a apple pie
I hate apple pie but I've been loving it since I've been pregnant

I smiled and took the plate from him " my taste buds are like upside down"
" I had to fight Blaise over that, I eventually won with my girlfriend being pregnant"
I let out a small snicker

" why is there broken glass in the bin?" He asked me
" you know how i throw up everytime I smell Astorias perfume"
He nodded for me to continue
" So I threw it away"
" she got mad so now I have to buy her new one, but I'm not"
" Merlin" he sighs " I told her I can't stand it that's her fault"


Soon enough it was time for the doctors appointment
I was nervous Draco was nervous
Narcissa was excited

" oh my darling Serena" she hugs me tightly
" hello narcissa" I say smiling
" oh no more formal names I've think we've gotten to cissy now" she hugged me tighter

We were walking to the nearest apparation point
" have you talked names?"
" mum" Draco Said " what I'm just asking"

I tucked a piece of my hair behind my ear and narcissa was looking at my hand
Then a smile appeared on her face " I see you got my birthday gift"

I smile looking down at the Malfoy family ring on my finger
I smile grew on Draco's face as he saw it
" since spells and charms for pregnancy aren't heard of, us witches go here we have to do some things the muggle way" narcissa informed me as we all looked at St mungos hospital

We went to the woman narcissa went to when she was at pregnant with Draco
And more importantly she was a witch
" ok lay down on here" she said
I did as she said and she lifted up my shirt just right under my breasts

I could tell Draco wasnt liking this much
"Draco do you want to wait outside?" Narcissa asked him
" hell no" he said
Narcissa rolled her eyes " draco was a very stubborn baby let's just hope you don't have the say troubles" she said holding my hand

" well don't scare her mum she might, it's mine"Draco says
" like what troubles" I say getting nervous " like my dear Draco here almost kicked me into Oblivion every second of everyday I couldn't get down my food because he'd reject it and I throw up" she said making me nervous

I was already throwing up a lot
" I was sensitive to everything and I almost lost him because the day he was born he just stopped kicking and moving all together, turns out he was just sitting there waiting"
Draco was even stubborn in the womb

" I didn't kill you mother" he says " I didn't say that Draco" she said

The two kept going back and forth to even know that lady already had the thing on my stomach and was looking at the baby

" look Draco you're missing your baby" she turns his head to the screen and his face lit up
His eyes glossed when he look at the ultrasound
"t-thats ours ?"
"Yea" I say looking at the screen
" thats you and Serena's " cissy said resting her head on his shoulder

" so your 12 weeks along, would you like to know the gender?" The lady asked us

My eyes widened " guys? It's your decision, but you can wait"
" yes" Draco and I said in unison
" it's a girl"

Just a Mud-blood -D.MWhere stories live. Discover now