Movie Night

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The next day I woke up to pansy and Astoria fighting
" Jesus what now" I say holding my head While sitting up
" she stole my robe" pansy says pointing to Astoria
"I did not stole my tie" Astoria says
I get out the bed and walk to the front of it and sit down
" oh never mind I found it" pansy says "and oh I found my tie"
I roll my eyes
I look for my clothes " then whose are these" pansy says
" Christ those are mine" I say " oh sorry" the said in unison
I take a shower
Brush my teeth put on my skirt and button up white shirt with my Slytherin tie
I put on my serpent necklace and rings
And spray on my vanilla Perfume
" let's go to breakfast" pansy says

We head down to the common room " ladies" draco said smirking with his hands in his pockets
I rolled my eyes. We all headed to the great hall
" hey Serena!" I heard a voice behind me. I turn around and see Cedric smiling and calling my name
" go ahead without me" I say to Astoria and pansy
" wassup diggory" i say smiling " can i ask you something"
" yea sure" I say " so I have snape this year.."
" oh gosh he's just a pain in the ass" I add. " yea so you know he's tough and I'm really not that good with potions and I wondering if you could help me like study since you're one of the ones at the top of the class" he says " yea definitely no problem" I say
He look of relief appears on his face " thank you.... you're life saver" he says " library during lunch!" I say walking back " got it" he says from a distance

I catch up with everyone else in the Great hall
But I sometimes sit with Hermione at Gryffindor table " hey mione" I say sitting down " hello boys, and ginny" I say
" hey what about us" the twins say " morning boys"'I add " morning Serena" they says smiling and in unison.
" so Cedric diggory asked me to help him with potions later" I say " he is so cute" Hermione says
" i know"
" I reckon he has a thing for you Serena" George says " liar" I say grabbing a piece of toast " when have I ever lied to you" he says " I'm not kidding we've heard him talking very fond of you I'm class a lot" George said gesture to the space in between him and Fred " yea Serena he really fancies you" Fred adds " maybe he'll ask you to the Yule ball this year" Hermione says " doubt it" I say " just wait"
I shrug my shoulders and brush it off

At lunch I headed to the library
" I'll see you later Hermione" I say as we go our separate way
I walk into the library and I found Cedric and joined next to him
"You really are a life saver Serena" he thanks me " no problem" I say. " so let's start with the easy stuff first"
He nods
Meanwhile in the great hall at the Slytherin table.....
" pansy stop i told you I want the fries"
Draco rolls his eyes at the argument and looks around
" hey you two where's Serena" draco says
" ohh worried about her now huh draco" Astoria says " shut up just answer the question" he spat
" well if you just know she's in the library helping that Hufflepuff Cedric" pansy says
" why do you want to know your always so mean to her" Astoria adds
" I'm not mean to her" he says. " when you stop calling her a mud blood then i'll believe you"
" it's a joke you all must know that" he adds
" One hell of a joke then Draco" pansy says
" shut up" he adds
He gets up and storms out of the great hall
" someone's got their underwear in a twist" Blaise adds
The group laughs

" no Cedric that goes in a... you Know what that's enough for today" I say " yea because it was starting to get confusing" he adds
" I started with the basics". " those can be hard to"
I snicker at the comment " thanks but got to go to quidditch practice" he says running her fingers through his hair
He walks away in a swiftly motion
" damn he is hot"'I mutter under my breath " fancy someone now do we Gideon?" I hear a familiar voice behind me " what Draco?"I say turning around to see his cunning smirk " what I was already in here can't stop and say hi to a fellow Slytheirn" he adds leaning against try bookcase " no and stop acting like ok your friends" I say grabbing my things

As I walk i walk out the library I hear him follow behind me " no bullshit Malfoy what do you want" I say " nothing" he says holding his hands up surrendering. I didn't have time for his nonsense
I head to the Great hall to join everyone for lunch
" what I miss" I say as I sit down next to pansy
Her and Astoria look around as if there were watching out for someone
" Draco was asking about you" pansy whispers
And Astoria nods
I chuckle "what do you mean" I say
" he was asking where you were and why... I told him you were in the library studying with Cedric and that's when he left" pansy says
I raise an eyebrow in wonder
" shh you two he's coming back" Astoria says
A week later
I was with Hermione studying and we were just about finishing up " so how are things with Cedric"she said, I looked up from my book. " we're just studying" I say " not for long" she says
" ok then when are you and Ron going to stop playing and get together" I say
She started messing with her hands " alright then"'I say
"I'll see you later alright it's movie night" she says
" what are you guys watching?"
" I don't know yet Fred and George picked it this time" she says "good luck then" I say
She laughs as she walks out the library
Every Friday the house have movie night in the common rooms
I usually don't go but I might as well I have nothing else to do

I head to the common room and I see Blaise Astoria pansy, Draco and Adrian sitting around
" you made it finally come on the movie is about to start" Astoria said
I looked around and the only sit left was next to Draco On the couch
He pats the seat with a sly smirk on his face
I put my stuff down and sit down " finally made it to one of these things huh Gideon"'he says " what you've been watching me?" I say
As smirk grew on his face a the movie started
It was a scary movie and I hated scary movies but it wasn't that bad until the jump scares and
One I got so scared I grabbed onto Draco's hand
He looked at me until I let go " scared Gideon?" He asks. I let go " no of course not" I say tuning back into the movie

A little later into the movie I noticed Serena was asleep on my shoulder, I didn't bother moving her because I'm not that cruel
I snatched the cover from Blaise and put it on her
" what the hell man" he says, " shut up" I say
He noticed " oh oh ok I see Draco has a c..."
" if that word comes out of you mouth your dead"
He puts his hands up as a sign he surrenders

Just a Mud-blood -D.MWhere stories live. Discover now