Happy Birthday

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" I want to be first"
" no, me I gave birth to her"
" I put her in you"

Draco and I were racing upstairs to see Aurora, it's her birthday and I want to be first to say it to her, even though she might not understand stand it
Draco lifts me up and puts me behind him

I race up faster and we get into Auroras room "happy birthday" we Both said in unison " let's go see who's downstairs" I pick Aurora up

Draco and I held her in between us and kissed both of her cheeks making her giggle " let me see my niece already" Lizzie said from the bottom of the stairs " don't fucking rush me" I said walking out the room " calm down darling" he kissed my neck

We walked downstairs with Aurora and downstairs were Astoria, Pansy and Blaise and their baby maya, and Hermione, and Lizzie and narcissa

" my beautiful granddaughter" I hand her to cissy
" we have lots of stuff planned for you but first grandma made you a big breakfast" cissy walked in
" can she even understand what she's saying" I asked Draco " she smiled when she said breakfast so definitely" Draco smiled and kissed me gently

We all head to the kitchen where cissy made a huge breakfast " ok Aurora gets hers first" narcissa put her in a high chair and  gave her waffles in bite sizes with eggs " Eggs" she repeated
" yes eggs" narcissa said " oh French toast" I beamed

I picked up maya, Blaise and pansy's daughter, and kissed her cheek, one thing I learned when pansy was giving birth was to never be in the room, she nearly blew my ear drums out but maya was worth it

After breakfast while everyone else stayed back setting up for her party, Draco and I took Aurora went to the muggle world and went to a park " so people just come to these things for fun?" Draco said putting his hands in his pockets

" yes dray, I did when I was little"
" well I guess then" he looked around, I rolled my eyes " which one first" I looked to Aurora " maybe we should start her off on the swings"

" a swing?" Draco questioned "yes Draco she'll be fine" I set her down in the seat "now do you want me to do it or you"

" I'll do it" he stepped infront of me and pushed the swing a little to hard " Draco!"
I grab the chains of the swing stopping the swing" to hard"

" start off slow" I say " I've never heard that before" he smirked
I roll my eyes "see watch me" I slightly pushed Aurora in the swing, causing her to giggle " oh ok I get it now" he takes over and tries it now

Her giggles being music to our ears as she went up into the air "see she likes it" I say " I want to try it" he points to the other set of swings " no, you are a grown man" I say " so" he shrugged " come on let's try the slide" I gesture to Aurora and picks her up out the swing " I'll go to the top and you catch her at the bottom"

" alright" he agrees
I let Aurora slide down the slide and Draco caught her at the end and lifted her in the air as she giggled  " aren't you cute" he tickled her " Serena?" I hear a voice

I turn to where I hear the voice and see Luna "Luna!" I hugged her " you look amazing" she says "no you do"I smiled " what are you doing here?"
" I like parks, they're calming" she says " how are things" I ask " I'm with Neville now which is going very well" she said

I nodded " I see you and Draco are still going strong...." she glances at my hand " when's the wedding"
" June, you should come" I said " both you and Neville"

Just a Mud-blood -D.MWhere stories live. Discover now