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The next morning, Draco fell asleep in the chair next to the bed, I woke up to narcissa lightly tapping me " the nurse is here to check how many centimeters you are dilated" she says
I nod , as I slightly moved and Draco woke up. "what's going on" he yawns " 8 cm" the nurse said
" two more to go" she said happily and then she put the stuff on my belly for the ultrasound
" everything seems good she's head down" the doctor said  "you said that's good?" Draco asked "yes" the nurse said before leaving

" great more waiting" I turn on my side  "don't worry She'll be here before you know it" cissy brushes my hair back with her hands
Hours and hours of waiting I finally got to 10 cm and I was scared to push " you'll be ok I promise just a couple of pushes and she's here" Narcissa assured

Draco came down to my ear " the faster we get through this the faster those 6 weeks go and th.."
" ok I'm ready"I say quickly, Draco smirks which causes me to nudge him
" ok just try to push as hard as you can until I say stop ok?" The nurse said
I nodded, pushing felt like I was pushing out my intestines, " a couple more shes crowing"
" I c-cant it hurts" I threw my head back onto the pillow " Merlin, Serena if you don't push this fucking baby out right I will go in there my fucking self and pull her out!" Hermione yelled

Everyone's eyes widened as they looked at her "alright" I said Calmly, she grabbed onto one of my hands and Draco had the other, my nails Dug into their hands as I pushed as hard as I humanly can "don't stop now your doing great" the nurse said
" fuck" I dig my nails deeper into Draco and hermiones skin " keep going she's almost out" the nurse said " heads out! Keep pushing"
"Come on Rena, mom and dad would be proud" Lizzie said in my ear, with I pushed as hard as I could and the nurse said she was out

I let go of both Draco's and hermiones hand and threw my head back onto the pillow as I heard Aurora crying " thank merlin" I said breathing heavily

I looked at Draco and he hadn't took his eyes of her since she came out, his eyes were lit up, I saw a tear come down his face as they handed her to him after cleaning her off, everyone stood around him as he looked her in her eyes

" look" Draco said, I saw glossy white hair on top of her head and smiled, he slowly handed her to me
I saw her big grey beautiful eyes, her tiny mouth partly open, her tiny hands and feet were the most adorable thing I've ever seen
I had become an mother on May 25th 1998 and I already loved her
" What's the babies name" another nurse asked holding some paperwork in her hand

I couldn't take my eyes off her, she was beautiful, she was mine, mines and Dracos " uh Aurora Eden Malfoy" Draco said playing with her tiny fingers
" you need to rest ok, Draco? The father right?"
Draco nodded " you take these bottles and feed it to her" the nurse said handing him the bottles
He nodded " first I need both of your signatures under the parents line" she said handing Draco the quill first " right here, and here put your initials" she pointed to where he needed to sign " on to you mama" the nurse said making me smile

I handed her to Draco and he was mesmerized his face lit up every time he looked into her eyes
" right here and your initials right here" i sign the paper work " grandparents?" The nurse said "that's just me the others are deceased" cissy said
I thought of my parents, they would be proud of me, I was proud of myself. " sign here and here" cissy signed

Draco handed Aurora to narcissa and she kissed her forehead, then Lizzie she talked to her about being her aunt, Blaise, he talked to her about all the trouble they were going to get into, and pansy said the same, Astoria said she'll spoil her and then hermione, she cried hard and told her that she loves her

Just a Mud-blood -D.MWhere stories live. Discover now