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It was the 24th the snow was still sticking
I walked Through the corridor as I saw boys asking their girlfriends to the ball, spinning them around after they said yes, I love Draco I truly do but I do wish he was a bit more romantic
I was walking to hogsmeade by myself, it was early in the morning so there was barley anyone out, I made my way out the castle and headed to look around at the shops, I saw this one shop, a dress shop I guess this is where pansy was talking about getting her dress
I saw this one dress emerald green, a ball gown almost, it was beautiful

A glossy green rime-stones and neck line that definitely showed cleavage " what are you doing out here so early" I heard a voice behind me
I quickly turn around and my eyes met his "hi Blaise" I say " what's wrong" he says " nothing I was just ..."
" looking at the dresses" he interrupts me
I looked down " yea just admiring them, do you want to get back to the castle, breakfast should be starting soon" I say walking in front of him " you sure your ok?"
"Yes Blaise everything fine" I say

I was at breakfast with Blaise and we were waiting for the girls well I was waiting for Serena " mate, you have to take Serena to the ball" Blaise admits
My head turned to him " what, no she doesn't want to go" I say
"Yes she does" he says " no she doesn't don't you think I would know if she did" I say " if you're so sure then, you know how to read minds right? Then read her mind"
" fine I will" I say

I see the girls walk in the great hall more importantly I see my girl
She sees me and her face lit up
She comes over to the table and sit down next to me
My hand makes it's way to her thigh
I watch her as she put eggs on her plate
I looked to Blaise and he gestured to her
She was thinking about me, a smile appeared on my face but then the thought soon left her mind and
She was thinking about a dress, a beautiful dress
It was definitely look beautiful on her
She was thinking about herself in the dress and she was at the ball
Fuck I'm a horrible person
Ofcourse she wants to go how could I be so stupid
I walked her to class and i saw granger in the halls " hey m- granger" I said " what Malfoy"
" I- uh do you think Serena would want to go to the ball?"she pushed my chest " of-course you idiot and your stupid enough to say it Stupid without asking her about it first"
" why didn't she tell me" I asked  " Malfoy, how thick are you..."
" don't push it granger"
" she worships you Malfoy, your her boyfriend you should know how she feels, she grew up in the muggle world, she wants that cheesy romantic stuff just like any other girl" 
" but-.."
" shut up I'm not done, you're going to Ask her to the dance and you're going to do it in a romantic way"
" how am I supposed to do that"
" here's what you going to do..."


After class I saw Hermione and Draco talking
It was weird very weird
" hey guys" I approached them 
" uh hello darling" he said kissing my forehead
" what's going on" I say, looking at both of them " uh darling, do you want to go to the ball" Draco asked me

Yes yes yes a million times yes
" do you?" I asked
" uh I'll catch up with you go on to class" he said
" uh...ok" I said looking at both of them

I watched as she walked into her next class " see!" Hermione snapped at me " huh?"
" she wants your opinion, she listens to you, say if I were to tell her that she should go to the dance she wouldn't listen to me, as much as I hate to say it she cares about your opinion the most, now run along the dance starts in 5 hours" she says " uh thanks granger"
" no problem, and hurt her I will kill you" 
" I have no doubt in that granger" I say walking away

Just a Mud-blood -D.MWhere stories live. Discover now