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It was Draco's and I's first night in the house and I got lost trying to find our Bedroom again
" where have you been" he asked me "I got lost" I admit
He smiles " I showed you the house" he said laughing " shut up I still got lost" I playfully hit him

"Hey Serena?" He said putting his arm over me as we laid down
" yes Draco"
" can we name her Aurora" he hesitates " why that name" I asked " I don't know, saw it in a dream" he said messing with his fingers " yea" I say Taking off my rings " wait really?" He finally looked up at me " yea I love it actually" I say " now middle name" he said " Eden" I say " Aurora Eden Malfoy"  he says smiling, " i love it" he says kissing me " and I love you" he adds " I love you to" I say kissing him back

It's been a couple weeks now and Draco and I have been rushing like hell to get stuff for the baby I said I want to get stuff from muggle shops and Draco had to be a big baby about it
" can we at least make the crib magical" he begged
" Draco I want her things to be nonmagical" I say "why"
" because it's how I grew up" I say " she's a halfblood, can't it be half and half she's most likely going to have magic"
" fine, magical crib and ceiling that's it"
A smile appeared on his face " I love you" he smothered my face in kisses then he ran out the room and upstairs " where are you going" I say going to the bottom of the stairs " I'm going to enchant the ceiling now and get a crib" he says
Disappearing into the hall
" I am not climbing all these stairs" I head to the kitchen
Later I hear Draco call me upstairs
" Merlin" I barely made my way up the stairs "what took so long" he asked " I'm 8 months pregnant climbing at least 20 steps" I say
" right" he says " come on" he grabs my hand taking me to aurora's room " ok the ceiling Can change into whatever" he said " like the ceiling in the great hall?"
"Yea actually"
He waves his hand and It Goes to a field full of flowers swaying in the wind
I hear the doorbell and I go down the stairs and open the door to see Blaise Astoria and pansy
" what the hell is this" I say " ever since you've been pregnant you've been extra mean" Blaise said walking in " fuck you to Blaise"
" I love you to" he says hugging me, " where's Draco" he says " upstairs" I gesture to the stairs
" so I heard you had a pool" pansy said " and a hot tub" I smirked as we walked to it
As Me Astoria and pansy were sitting in the hot tub they were drinking champagne " I can't wait till I'm able to drink again" I say sipping my water
" don't worry, as soon as you pop we are partying" pansy says holding up her champagne glass " I don't think she'll have enough time to party when she's going to be a mother" Astoria says
" I'm getting some more water while you to debate over this" I step out the hot tub and grab towel "Draco can watch the baby..."
" he doesn't know how to take care of a baby by himself"
I laughed to my self as I heard them
" there's my beautiful very pregnant fiancé" I see Draco and Blaise coming down the stairs " woah bikini and a 8 month belly, you look perfect" he kisses my forehead making me smile " ohh hot tub" Blaise goes outside leaving just me and Draco " how do I look perfect in a bikini while pregnant" I say opening my water bottle "you look perfect in anything" he says kissing me on the lips " hot tub?" I ask " yea" he kisses me again
We went outside and see Blaise already in the hot tub kissing pansy,
Now Astoria was sitting next to Draco and i and pansy was sitting next to Blaise and I was sitting in between Draco's legs while he rubbed my belly
Till we heard the doorbell Draco helped me out the hot tub and we walked to the door " so I don't see you for like a month as you live in a mansion" Lizzie said
She ran up to me and hugged me " don't forget my hug" hermione said " I missed you guys" I said hugged both of them " hello Draco"
" hermione" Draco said, hermione hugged him Draco hesitated but hugged her back " so where our rooms" Lizzie says " pick any upstairs" Draco says
Lizzie runs up stairs with the bags " Ron and I are dating now" hermione said
" finally" I say smiling " ew" Draco rolled his eyes and went back outside " it's that...an engagement ring" she takes my hand in hers " yea" I say " Draco has good taste" she said looking at the ring making me snicker a little
" how do you look so good at 8 months pregnant" she said putting a hand in my belly " what are you talking about I've gained at least 10 pounds now" I say " don't worry you'll still have your perfect figure, you made it looked or effortless" she said
" I wish" I roll my eyes

Soon Lizzie and Hermione had to go back. Molly was doing independent study with Lizzie since her first year was ruined so she's still learning so I'm not going to mess it up for her and I need to focus on my family, I was going to be a mother in less than a month, the reality of it was coming to life, I was going to be a mother, Draco a father, I was having draco malfoys daughter.

Soon I'll have a little Malfoy running around and soon I'll be a Malfoy, I smiled to myself thinking about these thoughts, but I was interrupted by a sharp pain coming from my stomach, I thought it was just aurora kicking until a few minutes later it was back, I was home alone because Draco was visiting narcissa and he didn't want me on my feet to much.

I soon realized it wasn't her kicking they were coming constantly every few minutes getting stronger by each one, I was laying down until one was so hard I couldn't sit down anymore
" fuck" I muttered trying to get to my wand,
I grabbed my wand and apparated to the manor
Apparation didn't make it better " Draco" I called out his name " Serena?" he said coming out the study " what's wrong" he said with a face of worry
Narcissa came out the study behind him " I uh it hurts" I could barley say in between the pain " oh, is it like very painful back to back sharp pains?" Narcissa said, I quickly nodded " Draco I think she's going into labor"
" huh" Draco said scared
I winced from another pain coming " just breathe Serena, just breathe through it"
" oh fuck me" I said as a reaction to another coming
" Draco we have to get her to St Mungo's" narcissa said holding my hand
" what's going on" I hear pansy said from upstairs "Serena are you ok" then came down Blaise, and Astoria

" St mungo's Now Draco!" Draco was still in shock, but he snapped out of it and grabbed his wand and grabbed onto my hand " we're coming to the hospital"
Blaise pansy and Astoria rushed downstairs and grabbed onto Draco and we apparated to st mungo's but it was to much my head felt Like it was swirling
I found the nearest trash can and threw up, I felt Draco come Behind me and hold my hair back "mums going to get a nurse" he says in my ear
I nod before throwing up again
I lifted my head " here" pansy handed me two mints " I'm going to need three" she put another into my hand and I quickly put them in my mouth

They quickly got me into a room, they gave me some type of drug and the pain became very faint
Then I saw Hermione and Lizzie " we came as soon as possible"  hermione said with Lizzie next to her
" you ok" she came over to me " never better" i faintly smile, she giggled a little " they gave her some drugs and she's a little out of it" Blaise says
" I am not" I say " oh yea whats 2+2"
" 22 duh" I say, everyone in the room laughed, including Draco
I look over to him " hey Malfoy"
" hey Gideon" he says back " you look hot" I say " so do you" he says moving the hair out of my face

I started crying for some reason " why are you crying" he says " because I love you" I say in between tears " how much of that stuff did they give you" he says smiling. A nurse walked in and checked how much I was dilated " she's 6 cm dilated" she says " what the hell does that mean" Draco says " how much she's stretched down there she can't push till she gets to ten" narcissa said
" ten?!" Blaise and Draco said in unison
" yes ten, all your mothers had to do the same" she added

" I'm hungry" I say " can she even eat during this"
Draco asked " if you want her grumpy during this labor that can take hours, i suggest you go get her something" narcissa said " I'm not leaving her"
" I'll get her something, come on Lizzie Let's go see what kind of horrible food this hospital has" Hermione said

Hours later I was still only 6cm and Everyone sat down Blaise pansy and Astoria fell asleep on Each other
Lizzie and Hermione fell asleep on the other side of the couch
Narcissa asleep in a chair by the door and Draco was in a chair seated right next to the bed but we were the only ones awake " i hope she looks like you, your beautiful" he whispers to me while holding my hand
I smiled " do you think I will turn out like my father?"
I shook my head no " never, your nothing like him, the only think you have in common with him is your hair color"
He smiled and kissed my hand " ohh do you think she will have all white hair?" I beamed making Draco smile " Serena..." he started tearing up
" your the best thing to ever happen to me" He says
" dray..."
" you changed me when I thought no one else couldn't, I love you"he finished " I love you to dray forever"
" forever" he kissed me

Just a Mud-blood -D.MWhere stories live. Discover now