The Piano

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June 4th
I woke up sleeping on Draco's chest and I felt safe
I never wanted to move from this spot the I looked up and Draco was awake " how long have you've been awake" I asked Shifting in my spot to see his face "half a hour I didn't want to wake you"
" I'm awake now" I said

I got up and went to the bathroom
" my mom wants to go shopping with you today" he said from outside the door
" why" I asked

" she wants to go to a muggle mall and she wanted to spend time with you too"
"Ok" I say
" I don't want to leave you by yourself though"
He said
I washed my hands and dried them then open the door

" I'll be with your mum" I say
He was leaning against the door Frame
" so" he says " I'm fine dray" I say walking to the bed

" you sure,I could come with and it will make me less nervous" he says
" I'll be fine" I say
We heard a knock on the door
" yea?" Draco said " we leave in an hour in a half" she said

" mum why don't you guys just let me go with?" Draco whined
" no no Draco Serena will be fine with me I'm not going to hurt her"
" i Know that, but I..."
" dray I'm fine don't worry"

The truth is his didnt want me out of his sight since the thing with goyle
I knew and he knew I knew
" I'm getting in the shower" I say getting up
" I'll see you down here"narcissa said
I nodded with a smile
She closed the door " if you wan..."
" no Draco I will be fine" I said

" what happened to dray?" He said
" omg" I said walking out the room
" I love you" he said from his Room
I walk back to his room " I love you to Dray"
A smile grew on his face
Such a big baby


I got ready and headed downstairs to narcissa
" ready love?" She asked me
" yep"
" I just have to say bye to Draco"
She nodded

I headed upstairs to Draco's room
I went to open the door as he opened it before I did " thought you were leaving without saying goodbye?" He said smirking " I was coming to say bye" I rolled my eyes

"What are you going to do without me" I say running my fingers through my hair
" i dont know, it's no fun without you" he whined
I smiled " I'll see you later" I say

I went to walk back downstairs but he grabbed my arm and smashed his lip into mine " I love you" he whisper to me " I love you too" I say kissing him again


As narcissa and I got to a mall in the muggle world
" so you've Been to places likes theses before right?" She asked me
"Yea all the time" I say looking around
" good so you know your way around here,Draco's birthday is tomorrow and I want to get him something" she said
" yea I remember, I don't think he knows I know" I said
" even better" she said


I found the perfect gift for Draco I helped narcissa find one for him
" shall we get back, he's probably worried sick about you" she says
" I love how protective he is over you, I've never seen him like this"

Everything that she was saying made me smile
" he writes me a letter every week,always at least three rows of parchment and they are mainly all you, I keep every single one of them" she says
" really?" I raise my eyebrow
She nodded


As we got back narcissa hid the gifts we got Draco before he came downstairs
I heard footsteps and I look up and see Draco at the top of the stairs
I smiled as he did the same " you couldn't have took any longer huh" he says
" you really do have separation anxiety dont you"
I say walking up to him
He smiled
"This came for you it's from lizzie" he said handing me a letter

I opened the letter and read it
" it's just her being excited about her birthday"
" when is it" he asked "july 27th" I say
"She should get her letter soon"

"Anyway what have you been doing" I say getting closer to him  " mostly been on the piano" he said
" piano? There's a piano here" he nods
" come on" he grabs my hand and we go downstairs and go Into a kinda ballroom

I see a huge grand black Piano
He sits down on the Piano bench and pats the seat next to me
I sit down next to him " you know how to play" he asked me

I shook my head no
" can you play something?"  I ask
"Like what"
" anything" I tell him
He places his hands on the piano and starts playing whatever song
He looked calm, peaceful and I loved seeing him like this
I put my head on his shoulder as he played
Merlin I love him


Later that night I was in my room by myself looking up at the ceiling until I heard the door open
I look down and saw Draco
"Can't sleep" he asks
" no the question is can you sleep?" I say
" move over"
He gets in the bed next to me
He wraps his arm around me
I look up at the clock and I see it's 1 am
" happy birthday"

Just a Mud-blood -D.MWhere stories live. Discover now