Chapter Fifteen

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Every thought eddied out of Din's head.

Valda stared at him with an unwavering gaze, amber eyes glowing.  Finally he managed to say something.  "How do you know that?"

"Like I said.  You need to control what you throw down the bond between us.  Or else I'll know your entire past." 

Din swallowed, thankful she couldn't see his facial expression.  His stomach had knotted.  He knew the Sith were the ancient enemy of the Jedi.  Had this somehow endangered Grogu?  If she learned of his location- of Ahsoka or the other one who had taken Grogu... She could kill them all.

Valda sat still watching him for a moment and then she shook her head.  "The Jedi are our enemy yes, but they are not our priority at the moment.  Destroying the New Order is.  Your... friends are safe for the time being."

Despite himself, the breath rushed from Din in relief.  A small weight lifted from shoulders.  "For a bloodthirsty and merciless monster, you have quite a bit of compassion."

She offered him the briefest of smiles that seemed pain.  "I have been away from my people and the influence of the Darkside for quite a while.  Once you return me... do not be surprised by the changes you see occur." 

Din wasn't sure what she meant by that or the Darkside but he refrained from asking questions.  Instead he told her, "I am not the King of Mandalore."

Her eyes burned.  "Do you not wield the Dark Saber?"

Din let out a sigh.  "It's a long story.  But I am not their leader.  There is another who wishes to lead them.  She can gladly have the role."

Valda studied him.  "You do not want the power."

"I do not want to be involved with those on that planet.  They are not true Mandalorians.  They do not uphold the creed."

At this he sensed an interest spark in Valda.  She leaned forward as much as the wound on her side allowed.  "You are not apart of the New Mandalorians."  Her eyes flicked over his amour.  "You're a part of Death Watch."

Din shook his head.  "I've never... I've never heard that name.  I don't know what you're talking about."  Even as he said the words though, he recalled his conversation with Bo- Katan and the way she and her companions removed their helmets. 

Valda leaned back.  "How interesting it is that you do not even know your own history."

Din bristled at this.  "I was not born on Mandalore.  I was taken as a foundling after my planet was ravaged by the Empire and my parents were killed.  I was raised in the creed.  The Mandalorians gave me a home.  A family."  There was pain in his voice and he hated it, instantly clamping down on it, knowing she would feel it through the bond.

But Valda didn't look at him with pity, what she had just admonished him for a few moments ago.  "Long ago, the Mandalorians were a race of violent warriors.  Not unlike yourself.  Weapons were their religion but their constant war torn the surface of Mandalore apart.  The people were forced to split.  The warriors were exiled to the moon Concordia and they formed Death Watch.  The peaceful people remained on Mandalore, calling themselves the New Mandalorians." 

Din shook his head at her.  "I have never heard of this- how do you know these things.  How do you know it to be true?"

Valda rested her gaze on him.  "Because Death Watch was a valuable and close ally to the Ancient Sith Order.  They were eventually broken apart but a few remnants managed to survive, calling themselves Children of the Watch.  How interesting it is that our people may have found each other again."   

Din rose to his feet.  "There is no our people.  My Tribe was murdered.  I am the sole survivor." 

Valda shook her head.  "Your history.  Your roots.  Death Watch and the Children of the Watch live on- through you.  And now you have the Dark Saber.  You are the sole survivor of an kingdom."

Din slashed a hand through the air at her.  "I don't want an empire or to be king.  I do not want to lead."

Valda shrugged off the blankets and swung her legs over the side of the bed.  "What are you afraid of?"

Din clenched his hands into fists.  "I fear nothing.  I do not want to rule."

Valda eased herself onto the ground, testing her legs and then her wound.  "What are you afraid of?"  She repeated.

"Nothing!"  His voice was louder than he expected but she didn't even flinch.

Instead she crossed the floor until only a foot of space separated them.  Somehow beneath all his armor, Din felt helpless and powerless.  Valda stood before him, weaponless but radiating an air of pure electricity.  When she spoke again her voice was soft.  "You're not afraid of the power.  You're afraid because you want the power.  A piece of you longs to rule.  And that scares you." 

Din stared at Valda, mind blank as the Sith Lord before him had voiced his greatest fears into existence.  Realization clicked within him and he understood all at once she was right.  He did want to rule.  But he was terrified of what that meant.

"Everyone wants power.  You shouldn't fear it, but learn to control it.  Emotions are powerful."  

Din searched her gaze and halfheartedly tried to feel her own emotions through the bond.  "You want power."

"I am a Sith.  To not want power would be unthinkable.  It would go against our very code."  

"But what keeps it in check?  How do you stop from becoming... a monster?"  He felt a flicker of sadness and realized it was not his own.  But it disappeared as soon as it came.  

"By remaining true to who you are.  Be remaining good and honoring your role as leader of a people."  As she spoke the words, as small window opened in his mind.  He glimpsed a man ruling on a throne, a room of people kneeling before him.  To the right of the grand chair was a woman, clad in black robes.  A silver band rested on her brow and she raised her head, amber eyes staring right into Din.

He let out a gasp and stumbled back.  

Valda clasped her hands behind her back.  "The Sith kingdom used to be the most powerful in the galaxy.  But the divide between us, the civil wars- it has weakened us.  My master plans to bring the Ancient Sith Order back to the glory it first was.  That is why you must take me back to Moraband.  So I may help finish what was started long ago." 

Din replayed the scene in his mind, the man lounging on the throne.  The cruel glint in his eyes, the sneer on his face.  Valda began to walk to the door.

"What will your master do to return the Sith to their glory?"

Valda paused, her back still turned to him.  "Whatever it takes."

Din sucked in a breath.  "I've seen many worlds and innocent people die in powerful people's chase to glory and success."  

Valda slowly faced him.  "So have I.  But my master will offer refuge and the choice to join us, just like he did for me.  He offers the promise of power and safety.  People would be foolish to refuse."

"And what happens if you refuse, Valda?"

Flames seemed to rise in her eyes.  "You die."  

Then she left Din alone in his quarters.  

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