Author's Note

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Valda and Din's story has been a work in progress for quite a while and I am so excited to finally share this with you!

There is violence, sex and swearing in this book along with some much darker elements and themes. The rating for this book is mature and there may be triggering events and material as well.

The timeline of this story takes place after the finale of Season Two of the Mandalorian. However you will notice some other elements of history such as Mandalore, Moraband and the Sith that don't fit in this time period. I know this but I wanted to include these aspects and characters because I rarely seem them written into stories. Much of the history and aspect of Sith culture is derived from Star Wars the Old Republic. I also have taken the liberty of creating a few of my own pieces of Sith society.

Overall this story contains a myriad of characters and important historic events that may not all fit into the timeline of the Mandalorian. I understand this and wanted to write this story the way I envisioned it.

The New Order Sith is not supposed to be the First Order. It comes before the creation of the First Order and rise of Kylo Ren.

Pronunciation Guide:

Valda (Val-duh) Aslyran (As-leer-an)

Din (Di-in) Djarin (Di-jar-in)

Darth (Dar-th) Kchaos (Cha-os)

Darth (Dar-th) Krayt (Kray-at)

Darth (Dar-th) Fayal (Fee-all)

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