Valda watched Din reach the edge of the group before her vision splintered and blurred.
She sank to her knees, her eyes blurring. Then everything exploded into a blinding white light. Valda was flung backwards, her body striking the hard rock cliff behind her. She slammed into the ground and tasted blood in her mouth. She wiped a hand across her face and it came back bloody.
DinShe tried to rise but her vision fractured again, forcing her to stay down. She vomited into the sand, on her hands and knees, sucking in deep breaths of the dry air. Then she forced herself to her feet.
The dust and smoke cleared away and Valda squinted. She saw the two Sith masters and acolytes to the left, lightsabers drawn. The crimson blades burned into her vision. Din was already on his feet, both blasters in his hands. Something eased slightly in her chest at the sight of him standing. Valda tried to rise again but an invisible force held her down. She groaned, fingers digging into the sand and pushed upwards. She sensed the power snap away and she rose to her feet, panting. Blood leaked from her temple and she swiped it away and stalked forward, trying to sense through the Force what had occurred.
A figure rose from the giant fissure in the center of the arena. Her red skin gleamed, her mouth set in a hard twisted sneer.
Darth Talon's younger sister. Darth Fayal.
Valda pressed a hand against her side, feeling the twinge of pain in response. Her anger rose as she reached the edge of the gaping hole. She spit on the ground, blood mixing her saliva. "What the fuck are you doing?"
Darth Fayal emerged from the dust and growled at Valda. "You killed my sister." She hissed. "I'm here to repay the debt away from your master. Where he can't protect his precious Chaosbringer."
"Fool," Valda snarled. "I don't need his protection."
Darth Fayal arched an eyebrow and looked pointedly around her. "I could have so easily killed you, but I want to draw this out. You've grown weak, Chaosbringer."
Valda's vision blurred and she gritted her teeth. Pain radiated in hot waves from her ribcage. "These are acolyte trials," She hissed. "You could have killed them in your petty revenge scheme." She swept a hand to the cloistered acolytes.
Darth Fayal smirked at Valda and shrugged her shoulders. "Oops."
Valda's vision filtered red and she stoked that ember of rage in her stomach, hot and burning. "Stand down," she ordered the Sith masters who had hesitantly been edging forward. She saw Din move out of the corner of her eye and she shook her head at him. "This is not your fight."
Darth Fayal's eyes flitted over Valda's shoulder and rested on Din. Her smirk grew. "The rumors don't lie."
Valda didn't take the bait. She pulled off her hood and removed her outer robes, dropping them to the dusty ground. The harsh sun kissed the bare skin of her arms, tattoos gleaming in their full glory against her bronzed skin. The symbols warmed, seeming to devour the light. She reached for her lightsabers secured to her waist and ignited first the right, then the left.
Darth Fayal's sneer grew as she took in Valda's ready stance. Her gaze dropped to the newly tattoo black band across her throat. It was nothing more than a thin line but the Sith Lord's gaze darkened.
Valda tiled her chin up. "Like it? Courtesy of your sister of course. We wouldn't want her death to be forgotten."
Darth Fayal let out a scream of rage and launched herself at Valda, igniting her lightsaber mid leap. She brought her blade down with the force of a hundred soldiers and Valda met it equally across her two lightsabers. Their faces were close enough to touch, cast in the glowing crimson light.
"After I kill you and take your place, I'll execute the Mandalorian." Darth Fayal pressed harder against Valda's blades. "But maybe I'll remove his helmet first. See what his face looks like."
Valda shoved forward, sending Darth Fayal stumbling back. She spun, landing a neat kick across the Twi'lek's face. "Your sister begged by the end," Valda smirked. "I wonder if you will do the same."
Darth Fayal wiped her nose, blood coming away on her fingers. Her eyes flared with anger and she charged, sweeping at Valda again and again with her blade. Valda parried each blow, the impact sending pain shooting down her side. She held the defensive as the other Sith Lord backed her into a corner.
Darth Fayal was panting and Valda dodged to the side, the blades cutting a section of the rock wall behind her. She spun around letting Darth Fayal use her rage, expend her energy and tire herself out.
"Your sister was weak," Valda sneered as their blades crossed again. Her arms trembled but she held strong. "She died without honor."
"Bitch!" Darth Fayal swung her saber overhead, leaving her midsection open. Valda ducked low, sliding across the sandy floor, her left lightsaber cutting into the other Sith Lord's flesh. Darth Fayal screamed, falling back. She pressed her hand to the deep wound across her stomach.
Valda's legs trembled beneath her but she stood tall. Darth Fayal roared in anger and threw out her arms. Force lightening arced across the canyon in an explosion of power. Valda brought up her lightsabers as the power slammed into her. Her feet slid back in the sand and she groaned. Darth Fayal pressed harder the power increasing. The wind howled in Valda's ears, her blades humming as the sparks flew. She closed her eyes, sucking in breath after breath.
The world slowed around her and she sensed the Darkside flowing through them both. She felt Darth Fayal tiring, her power growing weaker. At last the lightening stopped.
Valda's eyes flew open and she swept through the air with her hands and threw her power at Darth Fayal. Black Force energy exploded across the canyon, a wave of deadly force that sent the Sith Lord flying. She slammed into the cliff face behind her with a thud. The rock split and Darth Fayal struck the ground with bone jarring force.
Valda slowly rose, panting. She felt the Darkside now, a living extension flowing through her. Power surged through her, her anger rising in a chaotic tide. Across the clearing, Darth Fayal painfully climbed to her feet. Valda spun her lightsabers, beginning to advance.
The Twi'lek saw her approach and her fear was tangible across the clearing. Valda inhaled it like an intoxicating drug. Darth summoned the last of her power and used the Force to push Valda away. The wave barely made her slide back a few feet but she seized the the short opportunity and spun around, breaking into a sprint.
Valda gritted her teeth and flung her left lightsaber through the air, arcing for the retreating Twi'lek's form. Darth Fayal sensed the attack and spun around, blocking the blow, sending Valda's lightsaber flinging back at her.
But Valda had been ready. A dark wave of Force energy slammed into Darth Fayal, sending her sprawling. Valda leapt, summoning both her lightsabers as she went and landed beside the Twi'lek who didn't even have time to scream before her head was separated from her body.
The same as her sister's.
Valda stared down at Darth Fayal's unseeing eyes, panting. She felt the Darkside stirring within her, overjoyed at the power and rage that fed it. She closed her eyes and sucked in a shaky breath. The Sith Lords reached her a moment later, promising to dispose of the body and inform the Sith King. Valda merrily nodded.
Through the stirring sand she glimpsed the glint of Din's amour in the sunlight. They stood staring at each other for a long moment, Sith Lord and Mandalorian, separated by the great chasm in the sand.
Then Valda turned on her heel and left the arena, not once looking back.

The Art of Chaos and Darkness
FanfictionHe's the best bounty hunter in the parsec and she's his most valuable mission yet... After returning Grogu to the Jedi, Din is alone once again. He takes one last job with the promise of enough credits for him to never have to accept another bounty...