Chapter Twenty-Three

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Though the Sith were warriors, they did not lack in finery or society.

They were just as civilized as any other monarchy, perhaps even more.  Valda had been surprised to learn this at first after her brutal training in the desert.  But now she had become accustomed to the throne room manners and then the vicious killing behind closed doors.

They were seated at an ornately set table for three, Valda, Din to her right and the Sith King at the head.  The room was empty save for the Kings Guard who were stationed in each corner.  They seemed to meld with the shadows until she nearly forgot they were there. 

"Mandalorian, your payment for delivering Darth Kchoas has been delivered to your suite."  Her master waved his fork in the air.  "I hope you find it acceptable."

"Thank you," Din dipped his head.  No plate or utensils had been set before him.  Valda knew Darth Krayt had hoped to unnerve him by inviting him to a feast he could not participate in and making him sit and watch them eat.  But if she had grown to know Din, she knew it would take more than this to put him on uneven ground. 

Darth Krayt swallowed and continued.  "My apprentice tells me you are a Child of the Watch.  Originally from the Death Watch clan."  

"Yes." Din said,  "I was a foundling, rescued from my planet when the Empire attacked." 

Valda stiffed almost imperceptibly at the mention of the Empire but her master just smiled, a cold and cruel twist of his mouth.  "Ah, the dreadful Empire.  For once I wished the Jedi would have succeeded at something and won the war, so if only we would not have to fight it ourselves."  He shook his head, slicing a piece of food in a terrifyingly precise way.  "But the Jedi are extinct and now the New Order lives on until we crush them." 

Valda held her breath, staying silent as the King spoke, staring at the same spot on the table.   Though he wore a helmet she could sense Din's gaze on her, on the angry red marks around her neck clearly visible in the bright light of the room.  Hot anger slashed down the bond between the two of them.   

"Apprentice, there are a few trials I would like you to oversee tomorrow."  The King placed another bite in his mouth, chewing in a methodical way.

Valda cleared her throat.  "Final trials?"  

"Yes."  He dipped his head at Din.  "I wish for the Mandalorian to see them as well.  Perhaps he can even participate.  I hear your people are among the fiercest of warriors.  Our people fought side by side a long, long time ago."

Din cocked his head to the side.  "So I have heard."

Darth Krayt set his fork down, reaching for his napkin.  "The Great Siege of the Jedi Temple in fact was one of the most prolific battles were Sith and Mandalorian fought side by side."  He interlaced his fingers together.  "How unfortunate it is that both our people have seemed to fall from their great empires since then."

"Yes.  Very unfortunate."  Din's voice was hard.

"You wield the Dark Saber but are without a kingdom to lead, it seems."  

Valda pressed her lips together.  Was he truly that desperate to make an offer to Din so soon?  

Din leaned back in his chair, Beskar shining.  "The Mandalorians have been in hiding for a long time.  I suspect it will take much to coax them into the light again.  But it is a task I am willing to take on."

"All alone?"  Darth Krayt raised his eyebrows.  

"For now."  Din set a hand on the table.  

Darth Krayt let out a chuckle and Valda could sense his power weaving through the room.  The air seemed to thicken with it.  The lights swayed and the banners rustled in an imaginary breeze.  Din must have felt it too.  His fingers curled so slightly on the table.  

Valda only had a split second to reach out and try an sense the intentions of her master.  Trying to read him was beyond impossible, he always kept a granite wall at the front of his mind.  She reeled her senses back in and barely had time to understand what his true intentions were before the spears of Darkside power dove for Din. 

Without a thought, Valda threw up a shield, cocooning Din with Darkside energy.  He stiffened as if sensing the change but the attack wasn't visible to him.  Valda's shield hummed as the power slammed into it and bounced harmlessly off.  She clenched her jaw, and turned her glare to Darth Krayt who sat impossibly still at the head of the table.  The Darkside attack dispersed into the air.  The napkins on the table rustled but otherwise, the entire ordeal was invisible to the naked eye.   

Her master's gaze settled on her and Valda's breath caught in her throat.


It had been a test.  One she had failed.  Never before would she have protected a bounty hunter who was tasked with bringing her in.  In fact, Valda could sense her master questioning why she hadn't dispatched of him already.  And now to protect him without thinking twice about it... he would not dismiss this display simply for that fact that Din was the present ruler of Mandalore.  It would be unethical to kill him but barely anyone knew he held the Dark Saber.  He could easily be killed and the Saber given to someone the Sith trusted more.  Knew better. 

Darth Krayt reached for his water, something self-satisfied settling in his expression as if he knew Valda's thoughts.  She took in a breath, refusing to be rattled.  Instead she gathered her anger like an ember and buried it inside for later use.  This dinner was an event entirely to manipulate both Din and her, to test them.  For now she was just as untrustworthy as he was. 

Darth Krayt spoke, breaking the silence.  "I believe a visit to the Sanctuary would be in order for the Mandalorian to learn more about the history of our people together.  Apprentice, I trust I can rely on you to guide him."

"Yes, master."  Her voice came out hoarse.

The King peered at Din.  "The information may be difficult to find but we will share what we have."  He rose from his chair and Valda followed suit.  "I apologize for cutting our time short.  Mandalorian, tomorrow you shall see how Sith live as a society.  Then I believe it will be time for a proper discussion of alliance from king to king.  Good night."  

Valda waited until her master was out of the room to let out the breath she had been holding in. 

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